Wow! Must have hit a nerve there huh?
No, you said something that was not true.
Unfortunately I can't be responsible for your reading skills dear.
That comment makes you sound arrogant Norm, your reply drips with it. It's not fair to you yourself I'm sure.
But I recommend that you read what I said one more time, then sit down and make a well thought out post
where you might try to point out to me what isn't true and why it isn't.
Others might have said, "you misunderstood me" or something to that effect but you give Papa-like instructions as if you are the instructor standing before a bunch of children. "I recommend that you read what I said one more time.....then sit down.... and make a well thought out post...." Very silly Norm. Why do you write like that? It makes you look arrogant. Most likely off the board you're a nice fellow not anything like what you sound here. I hope so anyway.
Try to spot and identify the alleged "blanket statement".
You wrote: "By it's claim to be the only true religion, arrogance,
intolerance and discrimination against all non Christians are simply an integrated part of
the religion itself."
This is not true. You paint with a broad brush Norm because you want to not because it's true. Tolerance and acceptance of another's religious beliefs is very alive in Christianity, as you must know. Christianity includes many diverse churches and cultures. Christianity is not homogeneous, it cannot be put in a box and labeled as easily as you have tried. There are many Christian faiths and churches and Christian individuals involved in inter-faith work, respecting the beliefs of their religious partners, their fellow worshippers of God who worship in their own non-Christian tradition.
You also wrote: "Such an extreme attitude came with the ideology of Monotheism and can
actually be called a kind of antireligion."
Monotheistic religions hold no exclusive rights to the ills you claim are such an integrated part of Christianity. Polytheistic religions are just as capable of harboring those ills. It is not the religion so much Norm as the individuals. Individuals within every religion are capable of being the worst they can be and the best they can be. All people are.
Perhaps though there are some who have continued to evolve beyond the general population on the earth and they have the ability to see what the rest of us cannot. Perhaps.....but then again perhaps not.
Have a great New Years, Norm.