Here I was just quoting the NRSV (only reverting the LORD to Yhwh). In Hebrew "sons of" means "belonging to the kind of". So bene 'elohim (literally "sons of god") means "gods" just as bene 'adam (literally "sons of man") means "men" two lines before ("humankind", NRSV). Another obvious case is Genesis 6:3f (sons of god / the daughters of men -> gods / women).
Thanks for the reply. One problem I have with NRSV is its gender neutral stance. But having said that when translating Deut.32:8 am I understanding correctly that they gave preference to the Qumran manuscripts over the LXX? The Oxford Bible Commentary (NRSV) says concerning 32:8, "Whereas the LXX reads 'according to the number of the angels of God'...." So apparently the NRSV discarded both the LXX and M's readings for the Qumran's? I sound blind don't I? lol
Also, if in the Hebrew "son of" means "belonging to the kind of" and that litereally "sons of God means "gods" then Job 1:6 could also be translated as "gods" instead of "sons of God" and the same for Job 2:1 and Job 38:7? (just a side note here the NRSV in each of those scriptures uses the phrase "heavenly beings" but then footnotes it as "sons of God" in Hebrew. Their gender probem is annoying sometimes)
I find this all very interesting because it adds to something I've been considering for some time now. But I'm not scriptually ready to speak about it here. Thanks for the link to the divine council material unfortunately, though I tried several times, it would not load properly nor print out. If you or Leolaia should know of another link I would be most appreciative, it sounds very interesting and I'm anxious to be able to read the entire article.
Anything you can add would be something very much appreciated. Also, can you recommend a few books in this area? One or two that might be suitable for a beginner like me? I want to understand, Leolaia, because greater understanding of Biblical linguistic history will lead to greater understanding of God and the use of the name YHWH and in turn to understanding Jesus. I would like to learn so that I can understand, any help from you is a literal god send.
Thank you both,