I don't think that's accurate Burn- the act would have allowed folks to sue on the fair pay issues for (I think) 6 months after their last discriminated paycheck. The thing about this case is that the poor lady didn't know until the very end! She had been getting underpaid all those years, then just before she retired an anonymous source tipped her off. The decision had been that she would be able to sue, thing BAM! Next thing you know the decision is reversed so that in order to sue you must do so within (again, I think) 6 months of receiving your first discriminatory paycheck. Now how the hell is that even possible,if you don't know it's going on?!!! This makes the law completely useless IMO. You'd have to start investigating your employer immediately after being hired. Who does that, unless they have a really strong feeling that something is wrong? That woman trusted her employer to take care of her, never imagining that they were secretly screwing her over. What was it- 78 cents on the dollar compared to the male counterparts? I know Ruth Bader Ginsberg put out a statement on the decision deriding her co-justices for their lame vote. I need to read that! -Potential
JoinedPosts by potentialJWconvertswife
McCain dismisses legislation allowing women to fight for equal pay
by nvrgnbk inmccain dismisses equal pay legislation, says women need more training and education.today, sen. john mccain (r-az) skipped the vote on the ledbetter fair pay act, which restores the longstanding interpretation of title vii of the civil rights act, overturned last year by a 5-4 supreme court ruling.
in new orleans today, mccain explained his opposition to the bill by claiming it opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems.
later in new orleans, he added that instead of legislation allowing women to fight for equal pay, they simply need education and training:.
Pentagon Releases Propaganda Documents
by What-A-Coincidence inhttp://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/84693/pentagon releases propaganda documents -- will the media pay attention?.
by john stauber, pr watch.
posted may 7, 2008.. with 8,000 pages of documents online for the world to see, will the networks continue their media blackout?
I actually did see an article about this in the local paper. It was written by one of the Military "analysts" in defense of himself and his colleagues. -P
Cynical Post By Hillary-Step ...
by snowbird insnowbird,.
what have you against cuddles, hs?.
in real life?
I'm not in the habit of doing the cyber hug/cuddle, but I've never been suspect of those who do. Anything I express on this board is real. If I offer sympathy or empathy, it is nothing but genuine. -Potential
Do You Really Like/Love Who You Are?
by minimus indo you love yourself?
do you think that other people enjoy being around you?
I do like myself for the most part. I realize there are parts of my personality that I don't care for, and I am working hard to change those. -Potential
what movies do you recomend
by heathen ini'm always interested in seeing a good movie , anything out there that really rocked your world , please share.....
Okay, I guess no one here has seen "I am Legend", otherwise it would have been listed already- excellent movie, Will Smith never disappoints. Speaking of, "I, Robot" was also great. LOVE the Batman! The last Dark Knight movie was the best of the bunch, although I did like the Michael Keaton Batman films. The one due out this summer looks awesome- can't wait! Also looking forward to the new Indiana Jones flick. If you like the TMNT last year's Turtle movie was pretty cool. My all time favorites are the Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies. I am a huge Johnny Depp fan- check out "The Libertine" if you haven't seen it, and one of his lesser known films- "Dead Man" is one of his best. That's all I can think of right now... -Potential
Mother Pregnant With 18th Child
by snowbird inthere were 13 of us - one baby girl died in infancy, however.. here's the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24537885>1=43001.
I guess you could be self sustaining with that many
slavesum, I mean kids to help. "Get out the sharpenin' stone, son, it's time to get the ax ready so's we can get us some dinner tonight!" -
Mother Pregnant With 18th Child
by snowbird inthere were 13 of us - one baby girl died in infancy, however.. here's the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24537885>1=43001.
Eighteen?!!!! WTF?! I went through one pregnancy and birth and that was QUITE enough for me! I don't know of this family, but how can anyone afford 18 kids unless they are Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei?! -Potential
President Obama and a Democrat Congress Will....
by owenfieldreams in1) raise taxes, and not just capital gains.
income taxes will be raised as well.
and if you make more than $200k/yr, you are "rich", and defined as such you will get soaked; thus, you will have little incentive to keep earning what you do now,--the opportunity to make a nice profit will simply not be there....and all of us working stiffs fortunate enough to make over $50 k/ yr, you better hold on to your wallets as well... we are going to pay for the social security bailout.
Tired- Screw us more than we've ever been screwed before? REALLY? 'Cause I'm pretty raw right now from the last 8 years of being screwed! Screwed out of my civil rights. screwed over by the rich swinging dick president and his asshole sidekick who've gotten richer while sending the country spiraling into a deep pit of debt we'll be lucky to ever climb out of. Screwed over by the tax breaks given to all their rich jerkoff friends and associates. Screwed out of cleaner air and protected forestland by a man who JUST NOW thinks it would be a good idea to have some sort of plan to deal with climate change- too little too late jackass! I could go on with the screwing- there's been a LOT of it lately.
Obama might not be the be all end all cure all, but he's a damned sight better than the fool on the hill. Other countries respect the Senator and will feel more like we, as a country, are moving toward change. We cannot continue to be the "world police". We can't f'ing afford it! This is a man who is willing to sit down and negotiate with all comers- yes, it seems you have to actually dialog with people to resolve situations- imagine that! If there were more talking and less shooting done we'd be much better off right now.
BTW- yes, I'm pro-gun. I'm a Texas girl through and through. Just a reminder- Dubya is NOT a native Texan, and I've come to doubt that he is even human at all...seems closer to some kind of walking talking non-thinking jellyfish. Horribly ugly, and with a nasty sting if you get too close!
How did you find JWD?
by sweet pea inprompted by the thread about jwd v wts i wondered how many of you found jwd via the internet or friends/partners?
what were your first impressions?
i found this site through besty (husband) once my faith had crumbled after reading www.jwfacts.com.
like so many others, googled Jehovah's Witnesses. Hit a couple of other sites, then found this one- looked like good information, which is exactly what I was seeking. Found that and so much more here. Thank you all! -Potential
To the Christians...
by VoidEater into the christians on the board:.
thank you for living up to the best your beliefs have to offer.
with very few exceptions, my flailings and rantings as i refine my own "truth" have been greeted with patience and kindness, or kindly ignored.. i do not foresee that i will ever return to a belief system that you hold dear, yet i do respect your beliefs - and appreciate your insights.
Void- it's a give and get thing- you give respect, therefore you receive it in kind. Any "true" Christian worth his or her salt will be tolerant to a fault. Sometimes we may push back a bit, but always being considerate of the other person's feelings. Isn't that what it is to love your neighbor as yourself? I think so. Thanks for your thoughtful post. It still blows me away that dubs are taught that Christians as a whole are not to be trusted. I know some dubs who refer to themselves as Christians- how does that jive???! -Potential