1) Raise taxes, and not just capital gains. Income taxes will be raised as well. And if you make more than $200k/yr, you are "rich", and defined as such you will get SOAKED; thus, you will have little incentive to keep earning what you do now,--the opportunity to make a nice profit will simply not be there....And all of us working stiffs fortunate enough to make over $50 k/ yr, you better hold on to your wallets as well... we are going to pay for the social security bailout
2) Nationalize health insurance. We're going to cover EVERYONE, including illegals/immigrants--guess who's going to pay for it? Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Someone has to pay...It ain't gonna be the super rich, and the poor certainly cannot pay for it. Yup, you're right--those of us in the middle, working class will be footing the bill
3) Draw down troops and eventually withdraw from all military involvement in the Middle East. The mullahs in Iran are counting the days....They love Obama!
4) pass the "card check" unionization bill--no more secret ballot, as has always been the case up till now in votes, union thugs will be able to intimidate and coerce people into voting for union representation because now they will know which workers are not on the 'list', and thus they can apply pressure and coercion tactics.
5) Want to 'engage' and talk with countries and leaders that openly hate us and show us no respect, like Hugo Chavez, Amejinad(sp?) in Iran, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Bashar Assad in Syria, etc..etc...Bottom line, if he's a dictator, Obama wants to talk, make nice, and negotiate with you.
6) grow government and the welfare state to a size that cannot be even imagined right now. Bush as a republican did a bad enough job enlarging the size of our federal government, under Obama it will exponentially get even bigger.
7)pass more regulation and red tape to hamstring business in the name of 'helping the workers'--which in turn will only drive away investment and jobs...
Get ready, America, for the first(I'm sorry, the SECOND) black president of the United States.....