When looking for his site, I see in google there are two other orgs with similar names, and for the SAME PURPOSE (a good one) re: the homeless. Step by Step.org in the UK, and Step by Step Foundation.com in Miami. So David is in good company!
JoinedPosts by abbagail
He made the front cover of the Orlando Sentinel
by coffee_black ini've written before about my grandson and his efforts to help homeless children.
he is on the front cover of the orlando sentinel today.
He made the front cover of the Orlando Sentinel
by coffee_black ini've written before about my grandson and his efforts to help homeless children.
he is on the front cover of the orlando sentinel today.
Wow! What a neat story in the Sentinel, and a neat kid! (No kid really. Very mature for his age!)
He should get one of those inexpensive micro-cassette recorders at Walmart or Home Depot to use to capture whatever thoughts he's having while walking (someone can transcribe later!) and/or use it when he interviews all the homeless kids along the journey. Or maybe a cell-phone w/camera he could use. Or maybe he can remember all his own thoughts and jot them at night on that computer that was offered. Or, if a film crew is going the entire route with him, I suppose they would get EVERYTHING on film/audio for him! ;-D And what a very wise Mom to support rather than suppress or "blow off" his dream, as most non-thinking parents would do. ;-/
Never heard much of this scripture at the meetings
by startingover inwonder why?.
I remember it well from my WT days, and also felt they used it certainly often enough. I always liked that verse, too, though admittedly it never dawned on me THEN to apply it to the massive loads of WT lit. lol.
And wow to Blondie! Anybody need a reference? Blondie's got it COVERED big time.
Dumbest new Watchtower study "Don't worry about health just preach!"
by Witness 007 inyes three weeks ago my mum wanted to go through the watchtower with me she had just had at the hall, so i read through it.
basic points....don't worry tooo much about your health...don't be pre-occupied with it...don't promote health products to brothers....the "new system" will cure you so go preaching instead.
i told my mum that this was the most pointless study ever.
Let 2 or 3 independent authorities agree about it thenwe in the congregation can accept it.
That is the meanest sounding thing I ever heard. And snobby/snotty, to boot! It's written just like a lawyer, "2 or 3 Independent Authorities"... Independent Authorities? Since when are doctors described that way?
The compassion just oozes off the page. Can't you FEEL it?
Who does he think "we/they" are?
And "THEN" we... can accept it?
I hope he told them to take a long walk on a short pier.
For someone still "in" the borg and sick, that would be a really CRUEL note to send! Wow. The tons of GUILT that would lay on a suckered JW would be tremendous. Truly, they bind up heavy loads and dump them on the JWs shoulders...
Wilmington, VT Congregation Being Dissolved!
by Seeker4 ini just heard this week that the wilmington, vt congregation is being dissolved.
it is here in southern vermont, and i can remember when it was formed, probably about 30 years ago.. the congregation was always troubled, it seems, and there were so many personality conflicts in it that people who lived next to the kingdom hall would travel to the brattleboro, vt congregation to attend meetings!
a good percentage of witnesses that lived in that territory refused to go there and attended other congregations.. it seems that attendance has dwindled down to 20 or so, and so it is being disbanded.
Good news either way.
But I wonder what KH those elders will go to that nobody liked... 'cuz when they arrive, then THAT KH will start to have problems... but then again, that would be a good thing... maybe TWO down and how many to go?
No Gentials in New System? Does the WT say that?
by asilentone inread dune's post 788/789.
if you can find wt article about the possibility of no gentials in "paradise", please post here.
Here's an audio clip of Charlie Russell himself (from the Photo-Drama of Creation) explaining that Adam was androgynous before Eve was taken from him, and that humanity will reattain that state once the earth has sufficient population:
Great find. Not sure if a friend on the web knows 'ol Charlie used to teach that (I will zap her your link), but she has a whole section about this at her site. It's an outline, with references, of how the idea has progressed to the here and now, and how it will evolve into the future. Fascinating stuff. The androgynous Adam idea is tied with Jewish Mysticism, the Cabala, Adam Qadmon. I wonder if Charlie was involved in the Cabala?
A few short snips from the further-below info:
"Even Adam, in Jewish legend, was at first androgynous, until Eve was separated from him and made autonomous." - 100:11
" The midrash on Genesis 1:27 explicitly states that when God created the first man he created him androgynous; thus Adam gave birth to Eve. If man be made in the image of God, the creator himself would be an androgyne, although there is nothing explicit about this in the text of Genesis itself.
"The task of the qabbalist was to...reconstitute the divine configuration, the primordial man (adam qadmon), a goal with eschatological overtones... the Qabbalistic...aim is the restructuring of God." - 146:118,121 ("Qabbalah")
To access all the blue references links, you'll have to go to the original webpage for this...
16-C. CONFORMED TO IMAGE OF CHRIST (Androgyny/Adam Kadmon)
- At the rapture of the Church, Christians will be conformed to Jesus Christ.
- At the beginning of the Golden Age, the Antichrist will decree that man must be conformed to an androgynous concept of Christ.
God's Plan
Pre-Flood Era Old Testament Church Age (Last Days)>
Great Tribulation
New Heavens/New Earth
Satan's Counterfeit
Pre-Flood Era Old Testament Church Age
Tribulation Great Tribulation
<Golden Age
New Heavens & New Earth PROGRAM OF GOD
Church Age (end): Christians will be fully conformed to Christ at the Resurrection.
Pre-Flood Era : The occult societies believe that Adam was androgynous.
Old Testament Period : Pagans view homosexual rites as symbolic androgyny.
Church Age : The occult societies teach that Christ was androgynous. True androgyny is being engineered by occultists through genetic research.
Tribulation : Androgyny will be achieved through progressive genetic manipulation.
Great Tribulation : The Antichrist will require all people to become androgynous like himself.
- Christians will be completely conformed to the image of Christ at the Rapture of the Church.
For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son... - Ro.8:29
Till we all come...unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. - Eph.4:13
[the Lord Jesus Christ]...shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body - Phil. 3:21
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. - Matt. 22:30
Androgyny is the occult's goal for mankind, their rationale being that men must be conformed to image of Christ who is regarded as the androgynous Adam. This transformation will be achieved through genetic engineering. (See: 666/Name/Number of the Beast (Third Adam) 11.D ; Genetics (Human Genome Project) 16.D )
- The occult perceives the Heavenly Adam as androgynous, with his symbols being Gemini and Janus.
"Even Adam , in Jewish legend, was at first androgynous, until Eve was separated from him and made autonomous." - 100:11
" The midrash on Genesis 1:27 explicitly states that when God created the first man he created him androgynous; thus Adam gave birth to Eve. If man be made in the image of God, the creator himself would be an androgyne, although there is nothing explicit about this in the text of Genesis itself.
"The Judeo-Christian myth and theology of the androgyny of the primal man were successfully reinterpreted and revalorized by Jakob Boehme (1575-1624). For this great mystic and theosophist, Adam's sleep represents the first fall: Adam separated himself from the divine world and 'imagined himself' immersed in nature, by which act he lowered himself and became earthly. The appearance of the sexes is a direct consequence of this first fall...Another fundamental idea of Boehme...and other theosophists was that Sophia, the divine virgin, was originally part of the primal man. When he attempted to dominate her, the virgin separated herself from him." ( 146:277-79 )
"At times, two different conceptions of the Gemini can be distinguished (as in the parallel myths of the primordial and androgynous being): the 'Heavenly Twin', expressive of opposites, fused together and integrated into Oneness (represented by the spherical or perfect being); and the 'Earthly Twin' displaying the break, the split (as in two-headed Janus, or tri-form Hecate, etc.), that is, opposites in conflict or at least in dissidence." - 48:116
“Bob Wadsworth’s newsletter of January 2001 says that the two figures in Gemini, according to the Zodiac of Dendra, are not identical twins but those of a man and woman walking hand in hand. He goes on to say, when quoting from Joseph Seiss’ book The Gospel of the Stars, that the word Gemini in the original Hebrew, Arabic and Syriac does not carry so much the idea of two brought forth at the same birth as it does the idea of a long betrothal brought to its consummation in perfect marriage. The old Coptic name of this sign signifies 'the completely joined'.”- 917
The ancient gods and goddesses were hermaphroditic or homosexual archetypes of the androgynous Lucifer.
"...to Luciferians, God has a dual nature; he is the good god, Lucifer, and the bad god, Adonay, both supposedly equal in power, yet opposite in intent... Lucifer is further divided into Isis, the female principal, and Osiris, the male principal." - 86:31
"...Baphomet [was] an androgynous (meaning both male and female figure. Satan, like Baphomet, 'is often pictured as a hermaphrotidic deity, having a male phallus an the breasts of a woman." - 625:104
"Since [Virgo] is governed by Mercury and corresponds to the number six it is symbolic of hermaphroditism, or that state which is characterized by dual - positive and negative - forces. Hence Virgo is sometimes depicted with the symbol of the soul or the Seal of Solomon (two triangles, representing fire and water, superimposed and intersecting to form a six-pointed star)... In mythology and in religions generally, this symbol is always associated with the birth of a god or a demi-god, as the supreme expression of the dynamic consciousness..." - 48:360-361
"In fact,' says Charles G. Berger [in Our Phallic Heritage], 'we are told that practically all of the gods had homosexual love affairs.' He continues: 'Not only were women offered for the use of men, but male prostitutes, sodomites, or kadhish (consecrated males), were provided for those who wished to satisfy their perverted inclinations in that manner. That the sodomites might be made more effeminate and pleasing, they were sometimes depilitated. In Yucatan the god Chin instituted and sanctified homosexuality. Tahiti had special divinities for homosexual worship." - 625:58
Pagans conducted homosexual and incestuous rites to exalt androgyny.
"...in ancient Egypt, Set was worshipped with obscene, homosexual rituals. We are told that the rituals performed for Set and Sirius were so horrible and debased 'that later rulers of Egypt defaced their temples and obelisks and tried to drive them from the land.' In mythology, we find that Set himself was involved in incest for he married his sister, Nephthys." - 625:80
"Sodomy has its own secret chamber on the cabalistic tree of life." - 147:265
"In the book entitled The Guilt of the Templars, we are told that 'the Knights Templar 's confessions show them to have been basically homosexual warrior order...' Other chargers were that the Knights Templar participated in black magic and pederasty (anal intercourse, usually with a boy). They practiced ' phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and venerated 'The Baphomet,' the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation ." - 625:104
- The occult perceives God, Christ, and the angels as androgynous beings.
"...H.P. Blavatsky's 'Isis Unveiled', Vol. II. She wrote extensively about the trinity, showing the many forms of the concept in various cultures. As with other theological doctrines, she traces the origins to India. ...she tells of various trinities. The 'AUM' triangle is shown as part of the diagrams... Every triad, Blavatsky says, has a male, female and androgen ... Eve is within Adam... They are the first androgen. I... found the same idea in ' The Gnostic Gospels '. [In] 'Isis Unveiled' Mme Blavatsky compares the Indian, Chaldean , and Ophite systems. The One becomes dual, or Father and Mother, when manifesting. From the union of the two emanates a third, which is the Son, or manifested Logos...
"Blavatsky had an idea about the creation process... [T]he male aspect of the Deity has the ideal thought for a creation. This implants a seed into the womb of the feminine aspect of Deity (Sakti), who then 'gives birth' to the Son, the Logos, The Word made flesh. She and others say that the 'Son' is actually an androgen 'Child .'" - 502
- False teachers preach that becoming androgynous is becoming like God.
"The task of the qabbalist was to...reconstitute the divine configuration, the primordial man ( adam qadmon ), a goal with eschatological overtones... the Qabbalistic...aim is the restructuring of God." - 146:118,121 ("Qabbalah")
"Tony Campolo...says that Christ dwells in everyone whether they know it or not. In a recent book, in a chapter titled 'Embracing the Feminine Side of God', Campolo declares: There is that feminine side of me that must be recovered and strengthened if I am to be like Christ.." - 149:249
"...the biggest change which Christianity needs to make is towards the teaching that all men must be like Christ, must become Christs in due season" (Richard Kirby) - 10:116
- Androgyny is presently being realized through progressive genetic and surgical manipulation.
"The Plan is concerned with rebuilding mankind...(Alice Bailey) " - 148:145
"The goal toward which the human species should aim is the progressive reintegration of the sexes until androgyny is obtained. The evolved being tends toward bisexuality." - 102:113
"[Josef] Mengele [Hitler's Angel of Death]...also attempted to change the sex of some twins. Female twins were sterilized; males were castrated. What was the point of these ghoulish experiments? No one, either the child-victims, nor the adult witnesses, ever really knew." - 381:70
- The androgynous state has already been achieved in the person of the Antichrist, who will be viewed as the New Man.
Neither shall he regard the...the desire of women... - Dan.11:37
- The occult believes that mankind is destined to become androgynous, and therefore immortal.
"To the German Romantics the androgyne was the perfect, 'total' human being of the future. J. W. Ritter (1776-1810), a well known doctor and friend of Novalis, sketched in his Nachlass eines jungen Physikers a whole philosophy of the androgyne. For Ritter the man of the future would be, like Christ, an androgyne. 'Eve,' he wrote 'was engendered by man without the aid of woman; Christ was engendered by woman without the aid of man; the androgyne will be born of the two. But the husband and wife will be fused together in a single flesh.' The body that is to be born will then be immortal." ( 146:279 )
"According to Ergina...The division of substances had begun in God and continued progressively as far as the nature of man, which was thus divided into male and female. That is why the reunion of substances must begin in man and be attained once more on all planes of being up to that of God. In God there is no more division, for God is All and One . According to Scott Ergina, division into sexes was the result of sin, but it will come to an end in the reunification of man, which will be followed by the eschatological reunion of the circle of earth with Paradise . Christ has anticipated this final integration period. Scott Ergina quotes Maximus the Confessor, according to whom Christ unified the sexes in his own nature, for in the Resurrection, he was 'neither man nor woman, though he was born and died a man.'" - 380:104
"According to Baader, the androgyne had existed at the beginning and will be again at the end of time. Thanks to Christ, man will again become an androgyne, like the angels ." - 146:279 ("Androgyne")
"[Eugene] Vintras preached the advent of the Age of the Spirit , long prophesied by Joachim of Flora, which would coincide with the redemption wrought by the Virgin Mediatrix and her predestined priestesses . In this new dispensation, the greatest sacrament was the sexual act, through which the original androgyny would be restored." - 272:12
- To defend their case for the unification of the sexes, occultists wrest Scriptures such as Gal. 3:28 and Rev. 14:4 to their own destruction.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3:28
"With regard to Rev. 14:4 ('Those are they that are not defiled with women; for they are virgins') [Georg] Koepgen asserts, 'Here the new androgynous form of existence becomes visible. Christianity is neither male nor female, it is male-female in the sense that the male paired with the female in Jesus' soul. In Jesus the tension and polaristic strife of sex are resolved in an androgynous unity. And the Church, as his heir, has taken this over from him; She too is androgynous.'" - 146:281
Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all hisepistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. - II Pet. 3:16,17
See: A Sacred Assembly * Kabbalistic Initiation *
END of TEXT from the Watch Unto Prayer website for this Section 16-C: http://watch-unto-prayer.org/new-man.html#16.C Can read more at the above link. /ag -
The name Jehovah and the April Study edition of the Watchtower
by seek2find inin the 1st study article of the april watchtower, a statement is made about some apostates opposing the use of the name jehovah.
i would like to seriously ask this question to lurkers and active witnesses.
why is it that in the new world translation the name jehovah apears in the greek scriptures (aka new testament) only 237 times and yet in the watchtower magazine between the years of 2000 to 2006 the name jehovah appears an average of about 3000 times per year?
In the 1st study article of the April watchtower, a statement is made about some apostates opposing the use of the name Jehovah.
I'd like to know how they even think they KNOW what "apostates" are thinking, lol.
I think it's just another way to alienate the current JWs from ever "listening" to "apostates."
But Oompa hit the nail on the head, ie, YHWH not in NT, period. Kyrios (Lord) and Theos (God i think) is what was used in the NT. If Paul wanted the YHWH name in there, surely he knew it and could have used it, ditto for all the others NT writers. So if it wasn't in there, why put it in there? Well, we all know their reasons, as perfectly described already in this thread.
And thanks for the number count on how often the WT is using Jehovah vs. Jesus. Very telling, as usual.
When they finally figure out that JESUS IS the ONE AND THE SAME as Jehovah in the OT, the JWs will be FREE.
God the Father lives INVISIBLY in the Heavenly Realm. He has NEVER TOLD HIS NAME to mankind.
Ditto for the Holy Spirit, who also remains INVISIBLE, and who has NEVER been named in scripture either.
The ONLY Person of The Godhead who has REVEALED HIS NAME and HIMSELF to Mankind, and who STEPPED OUT from the INVISIBLE realm to the VISIBLE to show Himself to mankind, was the COMMUNICATOR with Mankind, "THE WORD," who was IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD, and WHO IS GOD. HE is an EXACT IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD. HE is the ONE who has ALWAYS GIVEN HIS NAME, as he slowly keeps REVEALING Himself to mankind through the ages, and He will keep doing so all the way to his official "REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST" at the end of the Tribulation.
So JESUS IS JEHOVAH of the OT, hence, no need to put Jehovah in the NT, because JESUS IS ALREADY THERE! Got it, WT? ;-D
Hope the WT reads this and learns something. ;-)
I agree w/Hamilcarr on that explanation. As I remember the wording from the old WT bible: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his steps," ie, we can't see the "big picture," the future, etc. We can map out a plan (which is good) and strive ahead to accomplish it, but no way to tell what tomorrow may bring (that's the "man cannot direct his steps" part). Hence, reliance on God for guidance is the key and the whole point.
However, as I recall, WT did have us using that verse in a NEGATIVE sense w/house to house visits, to show that no way that world leaders can solve the problems of the world, etc.
S imilar verse as the one in Jeremiah:
A man's heart plan s his way, But the LORD directs his steps. - Prov. 16:9 And beautiful sentiment, CoCo. "Cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7A man's steps [are] of the LORD; How then can a man understand his own way? - Prov. 20:24
Economics: Back to the Future?
by cameo-d inhow can you not realize this is a well planned scenerio?.
how can you believe that the economic woes are 'sudden happenstance'?.
of course, it was, and is still being orchestrated.. the question you must ask is.....for what purpose?.
Is that Kris Kristofferson in that movie? lol.
The name of the movie is: ROLLOVER.
It was made in: 1981.
If it was "prophetic," are they shooting for 2011, 30 years?
One youtuber commentor described the movie like this:
The movie seems very prophetic but also had a duel purpose, which was to encourage the Arabs to buy gold at the high of $800 and then sell it back cheap when they became strapped for chase from the price of oil. They made a killing off the Arabs in the 80's and they are doing it again to the rest of us(and the Arabs again). Although this time I would buy gold and silver because the price is being manipulated down to discourage buying and make money by short selling before the price explosion.
A related youtube video: A Frightening Worldwide Currency Crisis - Rollover
Its description says:
Economist and Author, David Morgan reenatcs a dramatic scene from the Movie "Rollover" (1981), a frightening worldwide currency crisis he says we should be prepared for in our lifetimes.
He gives a rundown of the movie's pertinent scenes and dialogue, adding his own emphasis, acting skills (lol), and commentary:
Economics: Back to the Future?
by cameo-d inhow can you not realize this is a well planned scenerio?.
how can you believe that the economic woes are 'sudden happenstance'?.
of course, it was, and is still being orchestrated.. the question you must ask is.....for what purpose?.
While I'm at PBS, their NOVA Program just a few short weeks ago aired a program entitled: THE SPY FACTORY. The entire first part of it was, imnsho, a bunch of the same ol' AlQaeda boogie man lies. But about 40-45 minutes into the program was the BEST part. They showed how telcom data comes from Asia and where it enters the USA, under the surfers off San Louis Obispo, CA.
Then it travels up the coast to a particular AT&T Building in SAN FRANCISCO, located at 611 Folsom Street (611 = a nice mirror inversion of 911, I noticed). Then it goes up to their 7th floor. And this is where the "funny" stuff begins, per the ATT Whistleblower who said he could tell something was not right about how they had done the wires and stuff, and eventually he figured it out that they were "MIRRORING" not only the Asian telcom data (emails, faxes, phone calls, etc.), but they were also mirroring ALL INTERNAL USA telcom data from ALL OF US, doing this on the 7th floor, and then rerouting the MIRRORED copy down to the 6th floor (ehhh, as in 666?) And it is on this floor where the spying of our data is taking place.
They interviewed a lady who works there and has to listen in on American citizens phone calls and she said they feel very very uncomfortable having to do that, etc.
PBS does great graphics. It was a fascinating little part of the program. I was glad I caught it on TV and taped it.
...which is one hour, but divided into five "chapters" so it's really only chapters 4 and 5 that were any good; chapter 4 starts with Bush signing away privacy rights via the Patriot Act and it then goes on to the ATT building info: