Read Dune's post 788/789. If you can find WT article about the possibility of no gentials in "Paradise", please post here. Thanks!
No Gentials in New System? Does the WT say that?
by asilentone 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You're not going to find such an article.
The WT says some wacky things, but nothing quite that bad!
That was just the off-the-wall personal idea from one goofy elder.
There's all kinds of strange $#!7 going thru the minds of some JWs, and a lot of the time they're not afraid to tell you.
Please tell me WT did not publish that. This almost sounds like the heaven's gate cult. Do you guys remember this cult? They are the cult that practiced castration and commited mass suicide when the Hale Bopp comet became visible.
Whether the WTS said there would be no genitals in the New System or not I couldn't say. But they have said that procreation would eventually stop because of the elimination of death. Then the genitals become excretion organs only. The reproductive system would be useless. testosterone? estrogen? ovaries? testicles? etc. all become as outdated as rabbit ear antennas.
The entire New World/System everlasting life, lions and tigers eating grass, etc. fairy tale is just one of the ludacris doctrines that the cult never questions. Hale Bopp comet indeed. JWs have Heavens Gate beat by a mile for sheer horseshit..
Mickey mouse
I remember a recent thread where Blondie eloquently stated "if you don't have a penis, you don't have a point" in the Watchtower Society.
They state that all who are resurrected will be "as angels are". I don't have a quote to back it up, but they have strongly stated that this. Hopefully someone else can provide a quote.
They state that all who are resurrected will be "as angels are". I don't have a quote to back it up, but they have strongly stated that this. Hopefully someone else can provide a quote.
Yes, this is what they say. So the resurrected one is really just a Frankenstein's monster. "Hey, theres old Fred! Good to see you Fred. Where's your junk?"
Right, Civics... as I understood it, the resurrected ones would have no marriage and no sex... and they would be without the means to do so.
Homerovah the Almighty
What no genitals , I thought this was suppose to be Paradise ?
Nathan Natas
"And they will have to beat their meat into plowshares and grind their rubies into pruning hooks. They will not lift up an erection, neither will they experience moistness anymore." - LOOK! I am Making All 'Nads New (1971)