interesting post. I was divorced from my devout J-Dub ex wife, not for mental cruelty, but for emotional violence. ?!?!
Ive never understood that one but it went thru the courts without a hiccup.
Initially. I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to bring the details into the courts about how the Watchtower was cultishly effecting and causing the problems we were having. I realized I could have a bad lengthy divorce or a quick divorce.
Like diamondiiz said "There is no possibility of the wts falling apart anytime soon...", the magnitude of the indoctrination is deeply ingrained and if I had went down that path then, I would probably not be as far ahead as I am now with my own life.
So I decided to make a quick divorce and build a life completely my own that my child could witness as an example of someone, "outside the Truth" that did alright recognizing birthdays and Christmas. In other words, I left it in God's hands while staying fully present in the moment.
In the end, no decision for this guy will be an easy one, but I would suggest counceling for what is to come so he can cope with the big 180 divorce brings into the picture.