Troubled former witness calls legal department at The Watchtower Organization.............
Dale Beckman says, can the "Society" be guilty of "alienation of affection?" In my case, my family has been told it is proper to hate me and to do nothing to help me in any way - Otherwise, they could be considered a sharer in my works of "unforgivable sin." They are told not to even greet me. So how is a wife or daughter to show love to their father or husband? My wife is divorcing me on "mental cruelty" and so far the court has sided with her. Basically, if one spouse changes their view on any subject and it causes the other distress, it can be considered "mental cruelty" in Illinois. And my wife wants alimony. If she does not drop the divorce, I will sue all parties involved that helped instill fear in her of me.
It should be interesting to see if this goes through. Because I will be paid by the "Society" and then with that money, I will pay my wife. They will actually be paying for their teachings. But they should smile! At least they are "protecting" their members! And they may end up paying my wife (thru me) for her believing their teachings about me and in turn to fear and leave me and divorcing me!
I would rather just not have the divorce because I believe she will wake up eventually and I care for her. But she is taught not to listen to me. So what am I to do? I am trying to allow her the most time to "wake up." But things are not looking too good.
If this does happen, it may help set precedent to allow ones harmed by the teachings of the "Watchtower" to sue - Especially if their family endured hardship or broke up. It may also cause a change of some doctrines of the "Watchtower." They do not listen to Jehovah - Perhaps they will listen to money.
(I mention that I am currently looking for work - that is true - but I will find something and I am not looking for handouts