Which bible version is best? Obviously not the nwt
Posts by tak
JW's always say you can use you own bible, true?
by Champion ini remember when i was young and still a jw we always said to the prospect"you can use any bible you want".
is that really true?.
could you use an niv or king james at the meetings?
How Did You Deal With Weirdo Witnesses?
by minimus ini know that some believe all jws are "weird".
but i'm not talking about that.. there are some real weird witnesses!
you know, the ones everyone had in their hall that everyone talked about or laughed at.. we had one 25 year old man who was pioneering and he used to go out to literally every neighborhood in the city.
Call display is a wonderful thing.
How do you handle ... being shunned?
by Awakened at Gilead inmy da announcement was last tuesday, so i have been on the official jw shun list for about a week now.... i am curious how you handle shunning.my situation:.
i have spoken with my family (my parents and 1 brother) and discussed whether they will shun me.
i explained that biblically they should not shun me since i am not an antichrist, and i have not rejected the teaching that jesus cam in the flesh.
First off, congratulations on your decision. The shunning will bug you at first, you will probably be very aware of your surroundings too, looking for the JW's before they see you first and shun you, avoiding them, this is how I dealt with it at first. Sometimes we met just by accident and some shunned me, some didn't. But eventually you will get to the point (and everyone probably arrives at this point faster or sooner than others) where you will no care that those brainwashed people are shunning you, because you are a good person and you deserve to be on this planet just like anyone else does. They have the problem not you.
Sad efforts at online preaching
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up ina little elder in the making, he seems to post quite a few impromptu public talks on youtube:.
he seems so sincere too...his sincerity is almost scary..
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, BLAH BLAH BLAH.... They sound like fighting words to me!!
What happened to Love your Neighbour?
New book: Keep Yourselves In God's Love: Chapter and appendix on blood
by truthseeker inhere is a scan of the chapter on do you value life as god does?.
I liked the analygy given here: bowen spam
the leadership's blood policy
can be likened to Adam and Eve being told not to
eat the apple; but apple sauce, cider and pie made
from it are OK to eat. -
Uncomfortably Numb
by Guest with Questions inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkjnyqfapry.
just feeling down today.
some aspects of my life are good but one isn't and i'm allowing it to take over today.
Thats a great song, hope you feel better soon.
What's the BEST thing about being "out" of the "truth"?
by B_Deserter infor me, it's having friends that i don't have to hide my lack of meeting attendance/service from.
it's amazing how they teach you that only jws can be your real friends, but in reality, it's all contingent upon your religious "performance.
" sure, if you're not going to meetings, they'll try to be "friends," by encouraging you to go back.
Saying "bless you" when someone sneezes
"toasting" when others do
no more d2d work, I always hated that
Not having to force myself to go to meetings
Not sitting at meetings thinking of some excuse why I have to leave half way thru, and then explaining why I had to leave!!
Driving my 2 door honda civic
Being with my non-witness boyfriend
Spending my free time doing what ever the freeaaking heck I want!
Congregation Book Study Adjustment - A Marvelous Benefit for Jehovah's Witn
by whereami ina fair assesment on the book study change.. .
congregation book study adjustment - a marvelous benefit for jehovah's witnesses .
In my opinion, if the GB sent a letter to the congregations to tell them to stand on their heads, Jehovah's Witnesses, would welcome this change and are deeply grateful to whatever combination of forces and influences were able to bring this to reality. No offence intended to you, you have your opinion and are entitled to it.
Pioneer stroll video re-edited and redubbed, opinions?
by Wasanelder Once ini took the video posted of two "pioneers" and redid it.
i have a whole series planned for it.
I was only a JW for 4 years before being df'd, but one thing that stuck out in my head when I first started going to meetings was a talk by a brother and him saying that all the anointed would die before the end. There was a sister in the crowd that believed she was one of the anointed and I sat there thinking how scared she would have to be, I genuinely felt sorry for her. Then a couple of years later I see this sister at a get together and I mentioned this talk and kind of inquired a bit about this. Everyone in the room said, no that's not how it is gonna happen, or something to that effect. So I sat there thinking, did I misunderstand this? It turns out that the "new light" had come and I guess I must have missed that announcement!! I never really put two and two together until I come to this message board and then it all makes sense, no one said anything because they didn't want to admit that there was actually a mistake by the GB.
Effects of the changes if the book study is amalgamated with the TMS
by truthseeker inwe're pretty sure what will happen next week but not why.. this thread is just for a list of changes that will affect those who still go.. .
1) no more private book study arrangements.
the book study host will ask themselves "why?".
I remember the PO's stating from the "pulpit" that The Book STudy groups were the lowest in attendance compared to the others.
Sounds to me that all the complaining from the "pulpit" didn't change anything, so they are trying a new avenue to get attendance up.