I just went back and pulled some lines from "The Publications" and inserted the appropriate titles, so the quality is only once removed from the originals. As a member of the Shittee Class I can't be expected to rise above my sources, the Shitturs.
Posts by Grunt
Antitypical Shittum Revealed
by Grunt inthanks, barbara and max for the inside view of bethel and the gb.
i am now almost certain that brooklyn bethel and patterson are the antitypical "shittem" and that is borne out by their work, the titles they give themselves and the ones who serve them.
surely this is but a miniature fulfillment of the prophecy with a major fulfillment on the global scale showing that the shittem of jerusalem's day was small indeed by comparison.
Antitypical Shittum Revealed
by Grunt inthanks, barbara and max for the inside view of bethel and the gb.
i am now almost certain that brooklyn bethel and patterson are the antitypical "shittem" and that is borne out by their work, the titles they give themselves and the ones who serve them.
surely this is but a miniature fulfillment of the prophecy with a major fulfillment on the global scale showing that the shittem of jerusalem's day was small indeed by comparison.
Thanks, Barbara and Max for the inside view of Bethel and the GB. I am now almost certain that Brooklyn Bethel and Patterson are the antitypical "Shittem" and that is borne out by their work, the titles they give themselves and the ones who serve them. Surely this is but a miniature fulfillment of the prophecy with a major fulfillment on the global scale showing that the Shittem of Jerusalem's day was small indeed by comparison. Just as surely as the generation of that Shittem experienced a small fulfillment in the words of that Shittem so this generation of the Shittee Class will experience a major load of the same identifying the last days of the antitypical Shittem and allowing the Shittees of this generation to experience on a large scale the full impact of the wisdom of these Glorious Ones of Shittem and their works will stand in Brooklyn as a Pillar of Shittem through all the tribulation the Shittees will experience though they pray for it to fall on them.
Some examples of the inspired words of the Humble and Modest Anointed of Shittem are the very inspired terms (whispered in the ears of the Anointed of Shittem by Angels of Shittur) to be used in referring to them: These names for the Glorious Ones of Shittum are real terms, given under the true vow of ISHITUKNOT.
Terms for the Anointed
1. Big Trees of Righteousness
2. David’s Israelite warriors
3. light of the nations
4. the host of heaven
5. Jehovah’s people in the new covenant
6. Jeremiah
7. the host of heaven
8. they that are wise
9. Jonah
10. apple of Jehovah’s eye
11. Joshua the high priest
12. sons of the kingdom
13. chosen ones
14. eagles
15. brothers of the king
16. older brother of the prodigal
17. royal palace of David
18. heirs with Christ
19. the remnant
20. holy ones
21. saints (holy ones of saints)
22. temple
23. new creation
24. ambassadors for Christ
25. congregation of God
26. Israel of God
27. body of Christ
28. soldiers of Christ Jesus
29. house built by Christ
30. holy priesthood
31. holy nation
32. association of brothers
33. spiritual Israel
34. trees of life
35. the bride of Christ
36. angels sent to Lot
37. Jehovah’s witnessesNames for the Shittee Class as RENDERED by the Shitturs Class of Antitypical Shittem in its modern application:
1. Other Sheep
2. Famine Stricken Egyptians who sold themselves to Joseph
3. Hobab (brother-in-law of Moses)
4. Strangers within the gates of the organization
5. Rechabites
6. Sons of non-Israelite servants of Solomon
7. Nethinim
8. Foreigners who prayed toward Jehovah's temple
9. Naaman, cleansed of leprorsy
10. Jehonadab
11. Repentant Ninevites
12. Ebed-melech the Ethiopian
13. Queen of Sheba
14. Lot and his daughters
15. Mixed company that left Egypt with Israel
16. Alien residents in Israel
17. Gibeonites who sought peace with Israel (cursed people, and a slave’s position)
18. Foreigners who fought along with David
19. Rahab of Jericho
20. Strangers that shepherd Israel’s flocks,
21. Foreigners that are its farmers and vinedressers
22. "Sheep" who do good to King’s brothers
23. Ten men who take hold of skirt of a Jew
24. Nations that come out of darknessObviously the second group would have to be the Shitees.
Now, is that not a load from Shittum? I rest my case. Modern Shittum is identified. -
How would you respond to this?
by openminded ini got this letter today from a friend of my dad who i have not seen in years.
please respond to any or all of it as you see fit.
it pretty much sums up witness mentality.
I think I see a reasonable explanation for the length of this letter. I think the guy was counting time. The letter was so full of fallacies that it doesn't really deserve a response and besides it served its purpose to him when he finished clocking it. I know they shouldn't count it if it was written to anyone who was ever baptized, but they do sometimes anyway.
IT'S [going to be] A GIRL!
by dedalus inthe ultrasound results are in: foxy and i are going to be having a baby girl, sometime around the end of january!
i'm just realizing, though, that i know nothing about girls, having grown up with three brothers.
Greg Staffords books
by Oldhippie inhas anyone read the book by greg stafford in defence of jehovah's witnesses?
care to give a book review?
Here, in all his Honesty and Integrity is Greg Stafford/TravisJ45 as saved by AF:
Stafford Wins..Now what?
Posted by TravisJ45 [GregStafford] on November 03, 1999 at 07:53:07 {eZOTANvCI6/CPYT8orz2XxZ4XktaQ.}:I spent all day yesterday and most of the night reading through Greg Stafford's responses to AF. I am currently a member of a JW congregation but over the years I have had doubts about some things. I still do. But as far as this debate between Greg and AF goes Greg wins. To me AF's arguments are not that strong and he comes across a bit arrogant. I am not sure if I am more impressed with Greg's patience or his ability to argue. I honestly cannot see the point in continuing this debate. I recommend AF step out of the debate circle and let someone like COJ debate Greg about something like the gentile times chronology. Or maybe we can hear more about the blood issue. I for one do not plan on reading through nearly 100 pages of this debate again!
Now we shall see if what I see as a bunch of excuses from H2O administrators as to why the post was deleted are good reasons, or mere excuses.
Going on the OFFENSIVE with relatives....
by LDH inwell, i just replied to reagan in another thread, and wanted to share my latest thoughts on family.
anyone please tell me if you have used this tactic successfully.. i am no longer content to wait to get bashed with witty little jw-isms.
Lisa, you said:
"Anyhow, my point was, I do believe that their shunning is done so that all of us will 'come back'. Once they see it isn't working, they are faced with a life without their children.
This is more difficult for parents than the Society would have us believe. Can YOU imagine not having any contact with your daughter?"
Lisa, I hope I didn't seem abrubt when I said the difference between us and them is they are cult members and we aren't. It is just that in my daughter's case at least, I don't think it was done so I would "come back." She had been culling non-Witness friends and relatives for a couple of years and had already been putting us at arms length as far as interacting with us. I think she saw cutting us off as a sacrifice she could make to Jehovah. We are the sacrificial lambs that prove her devotion to "Jehovah's Visible Organization" and her love for "Theocracy" as expressed in the rules laid down by the "Faithful and Discreet Slave." In a nutshell, they think they are selling us for paradise. I don't think it is nearly as difficult for them as it should be, or as it is for us normal people to lose them. They see themselves as "Putting Jehovah First." We see it as losing a child or parents whom we love with all our hearts and want to keep in our lives all of our lives. We don't understand how people we love so much, can reject us so completely over nearly nothing, but they are really using us as downpayments on Paradise Earth. It sickens me. I think you are missing just how cold they have been conditioned to become in situations where they are taught it is "either Jehovah, or....(insert your name here.)"
I don't have to imagine not having contact with my daughter, I don't have to because I can remember it and still experience it. She lives an hour from me and I haven't been to her home in two years, since she started shunning us. The night she started shunning me she returned the keys to the car she had been borrowing for a year in the note that stated she was "adjusting our relationship." I still hadn't paid for the $600 dollar dryer I had just given her for a housewarming present. It was the night before we were having a get toghether with her brother who had just flown in from New England. He told me he was glad he was here, as he wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't been here and experienced it. My wife was shattered. I think seeing how it has hurt my wife has given me the balm of anger. Anyway, don't count on any change "Once they see it isn't working." That would indicate they might have been WRONG and they can never, ever admit that. I have to say that while my wife would forgive my daughter in a heartbeat, and I would try to, I don't think I can ever feel the same as I did. There are some relationships in life you should be able to count on, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, brothers and sisters. With Jehovah's Witnesses, it just ain't so. Having called her when her mom was in agony, crying and asking for her daughter to come and having my child say she already had plans, well, it brings it all home to me. The Jehovah's Witnesses define the cult experience in my eyes. Don't put normal love where it has been burned out and replaced with greed for eternal life. If you do you will be sadly disappointed. Best to avoid putting your parents to that choice, best to do as Spider, and the others do here and allow for their being in the Cult. They tell me crack head mothers will sell their children to satisfy their needs, I guess a lot of Witnesses are in the same boat. -
Why Are You Here?
by larc inthe question, "why are you here?
" is simple enough, and your answer may be straightforward.
however, when i asked that of myself, i find that my answer is pretty complicated.
I am here primarily to learn, and I do. I have learned a lot. From how cow blood via bio pure is ok to the ways the legal dept. has changed the baptizmal vows of new Witnesses, to the fact that the Witnesses are being forced to stop protecting child molesters.
I come here for the latest news on the Society.
I keep hoping one day I will come on and find out that Brooklyn Bethel and Patterson have been sold to the Salvation Army to pay legal debts and that the buildings will be used to give beds to the homeless and the elderly.I also come here to try and help any I can and vent a little every once in a while. I type five times as many posts as I make, not because I am too shy to post them but because they get too long! It helps me to write it too. I answered Lisa on another thread and probably wrote five pages before paring it down to a couple of paragraphs.
There is a lot of good company available here. I don't begin to read all the posts and frequently am away from the board for good stretches of time, but the ones I read I really enjoy. I am glad I seem to have dodged a lot of the filth. There is absolutely no reason to call people some of the names mentioned in this thread and I'm really surprised anyone did. To me using that kind of language is kind of like a pervert standing on the edge of a highway exposing himself to everyone that passes. I guess it meets some kind of need within them but only at a cost to others. Maybe that cost raises their value in their own eyes.
I also feel it my obligation to stem the rising tide of Norwegian Nationalism and divert it into the healthier avenue of pictures for potential tourists. Which has worked by the way, I would love to attend a parade like the one Jan sent pictures of or sit "on the dock of the bay" close to Kent's place.
I develop patience by not replying when someone like the Englishman says only one in six Americans have been to a foriegn country when more than one is six Americans are FROM a foriegn country. It makes me feel mature not to jump in and point out flaws in the country of whomevever makes the jab. I have gained a lot of information on everything from the Boot Boys and the King's apology to the Sami, to the racial tension where the poor old British D-Veteran was beaten to a pulp, but just gained the info without arguing, which is good.
I enjoy the names, the topics and care about the people behind them from the old timers to the newbies there are a lot of high quality people on this board. Some of the best of H20 came over and that gives it a good feel too.
Going on the OFFENSIVE with relatives....
by LDH inwell, i just replied to reagan in another thread, and wanted to share my latest thoughts on family.
anyone please tell me if you have used this tactic successfully.. i am no longer content to wait to get bashed with witty little jw-isms.
Lisa, you said:
"But aren't they already lost to us if they won't acknowledge our decision NOT to be JW's???
I mean, I KNOW I am happier now. I'm sure you all are too. Why are we just waiting and treading lightly so as not to offend them? They are the ones violating our freedom of religion!"Well, the difference is that they are cult members we are not. I will not shun family members, even if they shun me. I do speak plainly to my dad when he brings it up, I never bring it up. I love my parents and have always tried and will try to do all I can for them. My wife and I take our turn caring for her mother who is an invalid due to a stroke. Until you have been involved with it you don't realize the strain, in every way, that caregivers bear. Having them try to shun me in the time of their greatest need? Nope. It would also throw all the strain on my brother and I wouldn't do that either. I want to repay in some small part what my parents have done for me, out of love. The greatest shame I can imagine in this life would be if my parents felt towards me the way I feel towards my Jehovah's Witness daughter.
Going on the OFFENSIVE with relatives....
by LDH inwell, i just replied to reagan in another thread, and wanted to share my latest thoughts on family.
anyone please tell me if you have used this tactic successfully.. i am no longer content to wait to get bashed with witty little jw-isms.
Well, good luck, Lisa. I think the Witnesses in my old congregation, very small, mostly special pioneers, almost all are divorced and most have gotten out. That "we are in Paradise already" balloon is easy to pop. Just make sure you don't lose your loved ones in the process. The dream that they somehow have something special that "worldly people" don't is a cherished fantasy that they don't want to surrender. Walk softly. I lost some, kept some and some are kind of on the fence I think. Nice to me if I see them but would never try to get in touch. I moved away just to avoid all the problems but brought the cancer with us in my daughter. God, I hate a cult. So far I have kept my parents, though I say way too much to my dad I think.
Helping a Family Cope with JW Mind Control.
by Winston indear freinds,.
i have been asked by a concerned husband to speak to both his family and his wife family about jws.. his wife has been studying with the jws for some months and he is very concerned.
he read alot on the internet and knows they use mind control, and make false claims to be god's channel, but he cannot convince her of this.
I admire the guy and his family for being willing to get together and talk about this with someone who is an ex-Witness. I think it is a good idea to warn them about possible shunning and conversion attempts. No child should ever be left alone with a Witness as they will do their best to indoctrinate them "to save their lives." A grandmother in my family was telling a grandchild that "Just because your parents have turned on Jehovah, you don't have to. You can't listen to your parents when it comes to religion as they are going to be destroyed and I don't want you to be." Of course the child was upset and asked his mom and dad about their being destroyed. Last time Grandma will be alone with that child, which is sad but smart.
Having a Witness in a non-witness family is about like having a drug dealer, pushing, always pushing their intoxicating view of eternal life on earth vs. destruction and the children are the easiest targets. The rest of the family has a right to know the dangers and to know just how they will be viewed by the Witness member. They should also get to have the basic views of the Witnesses put before them and analyzed so the information the Witness puts before them doesn't fool them. Nothing like a little Watch Tower History to help see them for what they are. Whenever I am discussing the Witnesses to non-Witnesses I never make them special, but always speak of them and the Moonies and other groups. The similarities are easy to see and explain.