The "No" I love is the one I see the kids saying by not getting baptized and by moving away or remaining just marginal Witnesses, enough to keep contact with family members. My nepehw told my son, who is NOT a Witness, "I want a wife who is as weak as me." A dangerous goal but one he managed to pull off. He wasn't quite willing to make the break but didn't want to hook up with a fanatic. I like the girl he picked too. They (he and his wife and some other of my nephews, neices and mates) came by my motel room at a family wedding in ST. Augustine, FL at about 2:00 in the morning drunk as skunks and having a ball. A whole group of them had gone out and gotten plastered and he said he just had to stop in and tell me "Hello!" I was honored that he cared enough. I guess he was reacting to my daughter's not speaking or something, but anyway, there isn't much funnier than watching young drunks trying to outdo one another. Pilots, firefighters and engineers, not a Pioneer or Ministerial Servant among them. All of them well educated, driving nice cars, buying homes, traveling and living life to the hilt. They wound up having contests as to who could walk on their hands the best. For a bunch of drunks they did real well! It was great and like I said I was glad he cared enough to want to talk to me as soon as he could. I hope he caught the Dateline show.
Posts by Grunt
When Jehovah God Said "No!"
by metatron inthe governing body and others pray for the unity and.
wellbeing of the organization regularily.
jehovah god keep answering "no!
Why WT Elders can't handle child abuse cases
by JT inif we walk away with nothing from this whole issue on dateline .
i think the following is so important .
let us compare the appointed elders who are asked to look into the matter of child molestation,.
Those "cheese craker elders" better be thinking about their cheesy little butts too, as they will be hung out to dry on their own "volunteer" credentials and an enormous distance will quickly develop between them and Brooklyn. I doubt many of their phone calls will be returned once they start getting sued. The "Yes" man will soon learn a different answer, "NO" brother, uh, we never intended that and I don't think you will find that in any of our WRITTEN correspondance! The Mormans let an elder of theirs HANG for following orders once, and I suspect the WT would love to give up a few OTHER sheep to get this off their backs. Barbara Anderson probably has room for complaint over defamation of character, and I would love to see everybody that can think of a possible reason contact a lawyer see if they would be interested in doing it on a contingency basis. As many hungry ambulance chasers as we have out there, I imagine a lot would be eager for a shot a piece of the Tower. I would love to see a feeding frenzy myself. Oh the gnashing of teeth there would be in Brooklyn when their True Love, the almighty Dollar was being molested for a change. Then we would see some real changes. We know where their treasure really is and it sure isn't heaven.
My Favorite Part was
by Grunt inthere was a lot to like about the dateline but i think my favorite part was after they had shown the taped interview with ole junior brown, and asked for erica's response.
jr's had been long windy, legalistic and insincere.
in a gut reaction she shook her head and said one word with real emotion, "liars.
There was a lot to like about the Dateline but I think my favorite part was after they had shown the TAPED interview with ole Junior Brown, and asked for Erica's response. JR's had been long windy, legalistic and insincere. In a gut reaction she shook her head and said one word with real emotion, "liars." I think that summed up how anyone would feel after hearing the tape from the legal department telling Bill not to put himself in a jam over a kid being molested, to walk away from it, and seeing the video of the perverts with their bookbags going door to door.
Will It Make Any Difference?
by Dutchie inthe fact is that all of us became jehovahs witnesses despite the fact that the wtbts has always had a pretty shady past that included false prophesies, questionable behavior by its leaders, twisted scriptures and the like.
i could, of course, be wrong but it seems to me that in spite of everything that is happening at this time, there are still needy people who will accept the crap they expound and join the organization.
it will continue to grow and prosper.
I wasn't saying you were a kid but was addressing your having been raised in the "truth" and walking away from it. I thought you already had and I am sorry you still have that ahead of you. It is a pretty painful experience, though not without its high points. One of the first and most refreshing thoughts I had after I moved away and stopped attending was "Now I will pick my friends for their qualities not their religion." I wish you all the best and hope you are able to do the fade without any breaks with your parents and significant others. When I see what Erica and some of the others have gone through I realize my complaints are almost insignigicant. -
What does the average Witness know?
by Grunt ini have to wonder what the average witness today knows?
i guess they are under orders not to talk to anyone that might actually be able to inform them of any facts that are negative or unflattering to the society, but what have they found out anyway, through whatever means, even the publications?.
1. do they know that russell got a lot of dates from the measurements of pyramids, including 1914?
Thanks Old Hippie,
I didn't know that and appreciate the information. -
Tri-City Herald reports on Dateline
by comment inmy apologies if this has already been posted.
it's an advance article from the tri-city herald of may 28 about the dateline program:.
This is a pretty good summary. I do wish they would dwell a little on the fact that the acknowledged, convicted child molesters were KNOWINGLY allowed to go door to door with no warning to the innocents they approached. A lot of places require child molesters to notify their neighbors when they move to an area to live, these people seemed to be able to go anywhere without any warnings to anyone. This is the part that would bother me and I believe will bother any who saw the show. Any male witness going door to door will be under a cloud of suspicion I believe.
John Larson, a WT "Art" Displayer
by Tallyman inwell, blow me down, the "dateline" journalist, john larson,.
at the very beginning of the show, expressed the bottomline:.
"that most everyone watching this show tonight,.
They couldn't have picked better ones to show either to bring the point home. After this show, the non-Witness watchers are left thinking the next Witness at thier door could very well be a child molester, and the WatchTower Society KNOWS it, and left knowing that the Witnesses think of them as dead meat and Devil's spawn. Add that to the very obvious injustice done to the children especially the young ladies shown, and the tape of the Society legal eagle saying "Just walk away, don't get yourself in a jam over it" or words to that effect and I think you have a near perfect expose. I thought Erica and Bill did a great job of telling a true story in a belivable way. The young lady with the tatoos broke my heart saying she had tried to become UNattractive. What these people have done to kids is beyond any equitable punishment. They aren't good enough to have anything as bad happen to them. Thanks to all of you involved in the film.
by COMF insock it to 'em, bill!
praise the lord, the truth's coming out!
Magnificent! So much was powerful, so much that needed to be said was said. We couldn't have had better spokespeople than we had, all did a wonderful job. My heart breaks to think of all the children who have been harmed and had that harm hidden by this Organization. I think that is the part that will impact the most on the average viewer who knows nothing much about Jehovah's Witnesses. Seeing the child molesters, not one but several, still going door to door, it just seems impossible that it could be so. I imagine the reception at the doors will be a little frosty. I think this has helped a lot of kids. A lot of Witness parents who may have noticed symptoms may now deal with it, a lot of parents who haven't been as careful as they should be may start being more careful, a lot of children may be protected and/or helped because of this show. Those of you who had a part in this, I thank you, you have done a wonderful, wonderful thing. I hope Dateline does a follow-up and shows the good people who were hurt because of the courage they showed in speaking up. I hope they can convey just what a lie their judicial meetings really are.
Dateline, way to go! I am now a fan.
Will It Make Any Difference?
by Dutchie inthe fact is that all of us became jehovahs witnesses despite the fact that the wtbts has always had a pretty shady past that included false prophesies, questionable behavior by its leaders, twisted scriptures and the like.
i could, of course, be wrong but it seems to me that in spite of everything that is happening at this time, there are still needy people who will accept the crap they expound and join the organization.
it will continue to grow and prosper.
They are on their way out. Look at Matty, the kids are the key. They were raised in it. Most pretend they aren't Witnesses at school or around peers and will try to fade away as soon as possible. I love it. Go kids, GO! and keep on going. Most of the growth comes from witness kids so I think they will become like the Shakers only without the good furniture as a legacy.
Steven Hassan was cut from Dateline
by DevonMcBride ini received the following e-mail from steven hassan.
it seems that he landed on the cutting floor at dateline.
devon .
Thanks Eddie. Always help me out when you can! Too many appropriate adjective choices, you have to leave some out everytime. I hope I got the idea across at least?