Topics Started by gsark
Who was Taz' father?
by sf ini was doing a search on archibald d. russell and this is what i came upon:.
any merit here?
Organized religion, no religion, agnostic
by cnn77 ini am new here trying to figure my way around...... i would appreciate it if you could say which of these fits you..... 1. still a jw.
2. if you dont agree with the jw doctrines any longer do you belong to another religious organization now?
3. are still religious and have no religious affiliation.
I am new here!!!
by Sarah ini have been reading post after post since january, (when my husband and i quit going to the meetings), just now getting up the nerve to say anything.
you people scare me!!!
there are some intense messages on here.
femal prisoners
by Kent inwrobel, johannes [email protected].
> -----original message-----.
> from: wrobel, johannes < [email protected]>.
Watchtower Study - July 15
by hippikon in"if god is for us,who will be against us?
(b) when identifying the true religion, what is the pivotal question?.
isaiah 65:13, 14.. .
Watchtower Study - July 22
by hippikon inmoving ahead to final victory!
a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.revelation 6:2. .
by divine inspiration the apostle john was able to look some 1,800 years into the future and describe the enthronement of christ as king.
Need your help with a little research!!!
by cecil ini have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Please Respond To Survey! 25 more needed please.
by Big Jim init seems like to me the majority of people who are in the truth, are were in the truth was a result of either a family member are a friend witnessing to them and not many seem to have been found in the door to door work.. from my years of associating with the borg i cannot recall many coming in the truth from the door to door work.. how were you sucked in?
for me it was my aunt who has now even though i am not disfellowshipped decided to write me out of her will to the tune of about $150,000.00 (maybe i should hang around a couple more years)dont think i will.. please respond .
Running On AutoPilot is the Borg's Achilles Heel
by metatron inplease forgive the mixed metaphor.
nevertheless, it summarizes.
a convention talk on "the organization isn't fading away!"..