Jesus must have known that people would come along someday and twist around his words. I believe that is why he DID so many things and that what he DID is recorded for our benefit.
There is not ONE recorded scriptural example of shunning. In fact, Jesus, far from shunning, ATE WITH sinners and risked his LIFE to save an adulterous woman...repentance not asked for.
As far as putting someone out from among your midst and not saying a greeting, in any case that only applies to someone actually doing a wrong thing. Not rape and molestation survivors. Not someone sufferring from severe mental illness, an abusive spouse, and whatever else. "Crimes"
The final proof of the unscripturalness of shunning is evident in its fruitage. The more shunning that goes on in the JW, the dirtier the org has gotten. It smacks of the Devil himself, IMHO.