Well, it does say 'unoficial.' Hmmm..time perhaps to start handing out 'Gsark' awards.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
jw's certainly believe in the net when it suits them!!!.
is this a joke or real????.
Well, it does say 'unoficial.' Hmmm..time perhaps to start handing out 'Gsark' awards.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
jw's certainly believe in the net when it suits them!!!.
is this a joke or real????.
Well, it does say 'unoficial.' Hmmm..time perhaps to start handing out 'Gsark' awards.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
"if god is for us,who will be against us?
(b) when identifying the true religion, what is the pivotal question?.
isaiah 65:13, 14.. .
as always, thanks a million hippi.
point #1: It amazes me the the GB assumes in fact and in its publications that a 'faithful and discreet slave' would be provided in the last days, and that appointment would be irrevocable and indefinite no matter what that 'slave' did from that day forward. I wonder what scriptures they base this on. Adam had God's approval untill he boo-bood, then approval was removed. How many times did the Israelites have God's approval until they screwed up enough to have it removed? How about uncountable (by me anyway) Israelite Kings, and priests. I don't see why God couldn't take approval away from the Bible students, say when Rutherford took over, and given his approval to someone else. Don't ask me who, I honestly wouldn't know. And if that wasn't enough, some faithful and discreet slave it is who decides with 'new light' to forbid lifesaving medical blood transfusions to innocent children, in direct conflict with Jeremiah 7:31: "to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart."
point #2 Jesus specifically said that his followers would be persecuted for his name. The GB says that as evidence of divine backing, they were persecuted for refusing ALTERNATIVE military service, for refusing lifesaving medical treatment for their children, for refusing to pay a 25 cent tax in Malawi, for shunning, for going to people's doors and asking for money, and the list goes on and on. And ,I ask, what does this have to do with JESUS! Nothing, I say. But you be the judge.
point #3: Jesus said we would know his followers by their love for one another. I fail to see how building an empire on the backs of mostly their women, then denying them equal share in the decision-making process; denying their children life saving medical treatment, shunning family members, protecting child abusers in their midst and then punishing the abused children for telling about it; disfellowshipping their women for being raped and not screaming up untill 1993, and on and on can be described as 'love for one another.'
I'll have to ask the next JW that comes to my door what hatred is if they call that 'love.'
point #4 "Be patient and wait on Jehovah and don't run ahead of the organization." If the GB didn't open its collective mouth with all this 'new light' there'd be nothing to 'run ahead of.' Aaaargh!
Thanks for listening,
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
moving ahead to final victory!
a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.revelation 6:2. .
by divine inspiration the apostle john was able to look some 1,800 years into the future and describe the enthronement of christ as king.
thanks, Hippi
during the sunday morning discourse, "jehovah hates the course of treachery" the following statement was made at the 2001 teacher's of god's word district convention of jehovah's witnesses: .
"are we personally alert that no unrighteousness be found on our lips?
for example, can our family members, including our mate really trust what we say?
couching our words so that they are technically accurate...
Like the GB 'WE didn't say the end was coming in (pick one, 1874, 1914, pick any old one)' because technically THEY the ones who said that are all dead! Aaaaargh!
excerpt from the watchtower, october 15, 2006: "disfellowshipping--the christian view".
12. likewise in modern times, the christian congregation is compelled to disfellowship unrepentant wrongdoers.
but what of those who sincerely regret the reproach they have brought upon jehovah's name, organization and people?
Jehovah's Witnesses are not known as champions of religious freedom anywhere. Not anymore.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
sometimes change takes place over many years, in such a subtle.
and quiet way that those involved may not even discern that a. trend is forming.
as with social security and retirement issues,.
I don't know why the WT has to do anything. If I had a million dollars, do you think I would be working at McDonald's? The WT has so much money, they can do what they want and when they want for the next 500 years (barring economic and political collapse) I used to believe that the shunning issue arose as a direct result of the Olin Moyle lawsuit, and that still may be the case, but I really have come to believe that also the WT got big enough and rich enough that they could START expulsions. They made money off of me at least for 27 years, not to mention others. It seems to me if they didn't make another cent, and had to sell off a Kingdom Hall or Assembly hall here or there to survive, they will be around for a long long time, they just have to keep an eye on their investments. Isn't Capitalism wonderful?
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
this jw's conscience is getting to him.
it's a no-no to create midis of "kingdom melodies" he says, so he will teach you how to sing instead.
Go Jw's with a mind of your own, go go go...
I know, I'm bad...
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
if you remember, i've been inquiring about how to discuss jw issues with my boyfriend's sister.
it appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up.
if you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "what is the doctrine or belief that the jw's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?
a few things helped my light get brighter...
1. 7 failed prophecies. Count them...seven. If not more. And not some Witnesses, as they claim. the GB.
2. Blood doctrine. Not in the Bible. Not in there. Period.
3. Shunning. Not in the Bible. Not in there. Period.
4. The Malawi fiasco. Over a lousy .25 cent tax. God Almighty...
5. The GB says they were persecuted in the US for refusing military service. Liars. They wouldn't do alternative service. That's the truth.
I could go on forever. Almost everybody on this board could. I hope that's a beginning. There are tricks to getting someone out, I know a few, and others know a few. I had four kids 'inside' and all but one are out, and that last one is over halfway out. It can be done.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
this jw's conscience is getting to him.
it's a no-no to create midis of "kingdom melodies" he says, so he will teach you how to sing instead.
and a grand total of bad JW's (go go go ) so far is:
There used to be many more, but they seem to be all squashed. My tribute to those JW's with heart and soul like these.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.