hey!!!I know how!
Posts by gumby
by Sirona ini just had to post a new topic after discovering even more pagan practices that the watchtower has allowed.
please read the jws can celebrate christmas thread, where i have posted my evidence that the watchtower allows pagan decorations and now more information about them allowing pagan customs in other ways.. here is an excerpt from my most recent find (bold added.
can you see how this could apply to xmas and other holidays they ban?):.
by Sirona ini just had to post a new topic after discovering even more pagan practices that the watchtower has allowed.
please read the jws can celebrate christmas thread, where i have posted my evidence that the watchtower allows pagan decorations and now more information about them allowing pagan customs in other ways.. here is an excerpt from my most recent find (bold added.
can you see how this could apply to xmas and other holidays they ban?):.
Nice post there frankie baby! Here is some more. http://www.gagirl.com/wedding/index.html. I would put a clickable hyperlink link if I frickin knew how!!!!!
Another question about the Governing Body
by ballistic inwhat is the actual mechanism by which god reveals his truth to the governing body.
the governing body have admitted to having made mistakes so it can be logically stated that this mechanism is by nature flawed.. while true that god only has very imperfect people to act as "the faithfull and discreet slave", there is no reason why he would use a flawed or imperfect method of transferring this "life saving" information to them.. the governing body has been very quiet about what this method actually consists of.. surely they must also be aware that delusions of a religious nature are common in various mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
is there any way of judging whether truths are the product of ones own mind, if not the product of the devil.
I have always favored Ray Franz reasoning concerning the GB;
If the GB have been in existance since Pentecost,and they have always existed since then....then why didn't CT Russell simply hook up with them? Why was it said of Russell by the current GB that it was God's due time to turn the light on in the 20th century?
Why is there no link from Russell to his contemporary's? -
Matthew Makes Another Error
by JosephAlward inthe 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
I'm hoping JosephAlward will write a book soon and we can all follow him as our new spiritual guru.
If it turned out that JW's were right ...
by sleepy inyes imagine if after all the struggle and effort to break fee of jehovahs witnesses it turnred out that they were right all along.. the governing body were getting messages from god and were being used by him , proof came out that evolution was false.they found noahs ark and ancient manuscrips were found that proved the bible true.. also lasurus was still alive and well living in siberia.. the next thing we know religon has been banned.. there are signs in the sky and strange phenomenon.. we look up and see the moon turned to blood and the sign of the son of man appears in the heavens.. next to him is a flying pig.. we realise pigs don't fly .. we wake up sweating.. it was all a dream.. releaved its all over we get up for a new day.. we open the curtains, allwe can see is fire and brimstone.. we hear screams of tourture.. satan laughs.
The chances of the witnesses being right is like the chances of discovering that water isn't wet!!!!!!!
LA TIMES: Losing Faith and Lots More
by AMNESIAN inanyone have any credible notion as to why jws are never one of the religions mentioned in articles like these that discuss what life becomes for those who leave the fold?.
mormons who quit the church find themselves ostracized by friends, co-workers and even families.
annual gathering offers support, shared experiences.. by william lobdell.
Mormons unlike the witnesess, believe that you can be saved without being a mormon. They however believe that in the next life you will be taught the true way...which is their way.
This being the case.....why should they shun those who leave their church? Go figure! -
The Bible teaches Jesus is Jehovah?
by Rev BII injohn 8:58 is a bit lame to use as trinitarian argument.
jesus was before adam and he tells the pharisees that he's god's son.. that's what makes them mad *lol* .
you must face that they exist together too;.
Quote:For there is one God, and one mediator betwen God and men, a man, Christ Jesus.
To use this reasoning and be fair...you would have to use the same reasoning in eph. it says 'ONE lord, ONE baptism etc.
The bible calls Jehovah and jesus Lord
Can Jesus not be as the Holy spirit is? Jehovah's spirit was moving over the waters in creation yet he was still where he resides.
Yet he and the spirit are one, just as jesus can be in one place and Jehovah in another yet still be one.
Only God can forgive sins yet jesus forgave sins -
The Bible teaches Jesus is Jehovah?
by Rev BII injohn 8:58 is a bit lame to use as trinitarian argument.
jesus was before adam and he tells the pharisees that he's god's son.. that's what makes them mad *lol* .
you must face that they exist together too;.
Well a god he surely is but not THE GOD :-).
Jehovah says there is NO God before me or none after me. How can Jesus be A GOD then?
John 1:3 says he is before ALL things. A thing is something created yet Jesus is before all things.I't also say's 'not one THING was made without him.' That would include himself.There is no scriptural reference to show Jesus had a begginning. If your going to use the scriptures the WT uses to say otherwise.....be sure and check the original greek. The dubs try to change the MEANING of the word 'BEGGINING' You'll see it also carries the meaning of 'origin' in it's meaning.....I'm refering to Rev 3:14.
It takes a great deal of study to figure out who Jesus is after coming out of the botchtower. At least it did for me. -
Harmony is going to get Hammered
by Julie inhard core storms coming your way harmony, better batton down the hatches!
hope you get through it ok. proceed with caution, eh?.
take care,.
PLH: So your a minnesota girl ehh? I Love the way you guys talk. I always get the accent mixed up with people from wisconsin. Do you ski or snowboard?
by Rex B13 inhi gang,.
man, what a brouhaha we have going on now, eh?
i wonder if all could please reply to this post with your list of log-on names.
Well here goes...Gumby is actually FRED HALL. ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!!!