Seeker: I like your observations, and they are definately food for though.
One thing comes to mind that was different to me on this subject.
God directly told abraham of the promise he would make concerning the promised land and that it would be given to him and his offspring.
This info. was passed down to the decendants of his and it was binding for them.
Did there come a time when the promise was fullfilled and the LAND of Israel was no longer an issue with God?
I don't know the anwer to my own question here, but could this be the case? If one should fight over a piece of property.
According to many christian beliefs....God will turn his attention there (or to it's decendants) wherever they live..and a remnant of them will believe in his son's sacrafice.
That is the only promise to israel (the jews) I am aware of.
I guess my point is...if the promise was fullfilled of israel getting the land...then bin laden nor anyone else has any buisness fighting for it.
Posts by gumby
How was the WTC attack any different than...
by Seeker in...the attack on jericho by the israelites?.
yes, i know, this is controversial, but let's think about it.
we've been saying all week how the jw concept of armageddon is so horrible, for it teaches that god is about to do on a large-scale what we saw in new york and washington last week.
Christians and dubs/treated same here
by gumby inhey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
I am sorry that I started this thread and your the one who is having to deal with the challenges.
I however think you are doing an awsome job!!!!
My mate is still a dub and I do not have a lot of time to spend here though I WISH I DID.
I think all SHOULD HAVE EVIDENCE to back up what they say as far as reality to evidence is possible.
Perhaps we could take some of these issues one at a time.
When I get the time I would like to give my input on why I am still a believer and will do my best to post EVIDENCE that keeps me a believer.
Again....thanks for all the good responses and consideration for each other...Your freind...Gumby -
How was the WTC attack any different than...
by Seeker in...the attack on jericho by the israelites?.
yes, i know, this is controversial, but let's think about it.
we've been saying all week how the jw concept of armageddon is so horrible, for it teaches that god is about to do on a large-scale what we saw in new york and washington last week.
Moxy: Good questions!!!!!I'll reserch what you said. Thanks for your thoughts on this
Christians and dubs/treated same here
by gumby inhey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
Sixofnine: "It has no supporting evidence"
How can you sat that. It has much support from archeology, and historians that weren't even christian. All the good in it isn't mentioned by those who no longer believe. Only.....God is mean. He can demand devotion and act on it if it isn't obeyed if he is God can't he? -
Christians and dubs/treated same here
by gumby inhey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
"What is not appreciated is fundamental wacko Christians who try to preach to us, or 'save' us".
It is not "wacko" to try and relate what you believe is the correct path for someone. Many who post here state their opinion on what they believe is the right way to believe that is not christian and they do not like being coined a "wacko for expressing their opinion... correct?
I agree... some get self rightous in how they post and they do get judgemental of others who don't agree with them. -
Christians and dubs/treated same here
by gumby inhey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
Hi Siegswife.
I'm asking all on this board if you think the negative comments to christians by others on this board is the same negative feelings they have for the dubs. They are mad that people are dumb to believe in the bible/god. -
Christians and dubs/treated same here
by gumby inhey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
Hey guys
I got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs. You feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
What is the opinion from you guys.... as to why christian posts.....piss you off?????????? -
How was the WTC attack any different than...
by Seeker in...the attack on jericho by the israelites?.
yes, i know, this is controversial, but let's think about it.
we've been saying all week how the jw concept of armageddon is so horrible, for it teaches that god is about to do on a large-scale what we saw in new york and washington last week.
Seeker: You said, "Serioulsy, what is the difference? In each case you had religious extremists who used their religious ideas to condemn someone else, attack them in God's name, and rejoice at their destruction. You can imagine neighboring nations back then looking on in horror at this attack on innocent people".
There is a difference here. God had promised the promised land to israel and the other people knew of God being with this nation by the things he had done in the past for them...crossing the red sea and pharoah's armys killed and victory for the jew's.They KNEW GOD WAS WITH THE JEWS.
Also they were warned to let them through peacefully. Bin ladden didn't ask to come through peacefully. God also ordained them to pass thru jerico. God didn't ordain any of what has recently taken place. -
In the big scheme of things, Jesus'....
by SixofNine in...suffering was not so bad.
his "perfection" and understanding of the situation would certainly have mitigated his suffering.. his death was not really death, not in any meaningful sense.
it was a 15 second nap, using bible reasoning.
Spoken like a typical "true believer." Ignore the entire argument and focus on a "bad" word
When would YOU have suggested that I bring up what I did? All I was saying is have some respect and don't drive people off this board by saying f**k jesus.
In answer to the topic.....what is sixofnines point?
Would it have made more sense if jesus death was the most painfull one ever recorded? Then he would have better earned what he recieved for doing that?
Judah's was fu**ed. Ya...I guess he was. Was it possible that as God knew esau and jacob before they were born he also knew judah's?
It does seem unfair to us that he was screwed before he was born...but God knows all things before they happen.
What made christ death so meaningfull is WHO he was.
Suppose the terrorist would have impaled Bush on the statue of liberty. Would people have been more SHOCKED than those that crashed in pennsylvania. Yes...I think they would. To kill someone of noble standing is always more horrendous in peoples eyes than someone not
known, though both people are equall in reality. BUT GODS SON!!
To crucify the highest in the universe took a great deal of sacrafice. O.K your turn!!!!! Fire away -
In the big scheme of things, Jesus'....
by SixofNine in...suffering was not so bad.
his "perfection" and understanding of the situation would certainly have mitigated his suffering.. his death was not really death, not in any meaningful sense.
it was a 15 second nap, using bible reasoning.
Hey cygnus:
Their are atheists on this board,their are agnostics, their are christians. Why not show at least some respect for those that feel abhored by what you said. I don't hear christian's that say"f**k darwin. Why do some of you hear speak like this then wonder why many leave this board? What an insult those who believe....real kind.