Damn it's hard to get a direct answer out of people.
Since no one has directly answered DW's question....
yes they are a false prophet by their own definition.
'Someone who speaks in Jehovah's name and it dosen't come true'
At least 7 times the society has predicted when the end would come.
Several other times they predicted when Christ parousia would be.
100% failure in all predictions......yes I would say they are a false prophet/profit.
Posts by gumby
Question For Jehovahs Witnesses!!!!!
by D wiltshire inis the watchtower a false prophet?.
by your truly you know who?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Best Post Of 2001. Vote now.
by Englishman inthe post of 2001 that gave me the most pleasure, was this one by duncan: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=3405&site=3.
englishman.. bring on the dancing girls!
That was an awesome thread.
It hits home as to what we once believed!
So where is duncan anyway? -
To those who need no purpose in life
by gumby inafter reading the comments from many on the thread "is there a purpose in life" by itsjustme , posted a couple of days ago i am confussed.. i cannot understand how anyone can be content and not believe life has a purpose.. to not be compelled to wonder how all the design around us is just here because who knows why ......totally baffles me.. at this point in my life believe in a creator but have so many unanswered questions.
things do not make sense in the bible.. if i were to come to believe that the bible were a fairytale of myths...i would feel as stupid as i did when finding out the borg was a crock.. i also would be emotionally devastated.. here are some samples of your comments about lifes purpose.
we may have been put here by someone, or we may not have.
Seeker: That's why I gave a link for those who wish to learn more.
Thank you seeker for the link. I do intend to learn more and at least look into the many claims made here.
Thanks again for the help of all -
What the New Testament was Really Saying
by forgetmenot ini have heard many people say how confused the bible (specifically the new testament) makes them.
it seems as if the writers jump to different subject that make no sense.
for me it has been very helpful to read the scriptures with love being the purpose of everything they say.
If the bible ISN'T true......then we haven't a clue about God or why we are here....only guesses
Congradulations on you first thread FMN! -
To those who need no purpose in life
by gumby inafter reading the comments from many on the thread "is there a purpose in life" by itsjustme , posted a couple of days ago i am confussed.. i cannot understand how anyone can be content and not believe life has a purpose.. to not be compelled to wonder how all the design around us is just here because who knows why ......totally baffles me.. at this point in my life believe in a creator but have so many unanswered questions.
things do not make sense in the bible.. if i were to come to believe that the bible were a fairytale of myths...i would feel as stupid as i did when finding out the borg was a crock.. i also would be emotionally devastated.. here are some samples of your comments about lifes purpose.
we may have been put here by someone, or we may not have.
Frenchy said: 'I look at that phrase as signifying an intent FOR life, an aim, goal, a reason for it’s being, an end in mind as opposed to it being the result of some cosmic accident. A purpose would necessarily involve an intelligent creator'
This is exactly the way I see it.
My whole point is I can not relate to those it dosen't matter to.
I don't mean to condemn in any way in saying this to those it applies to.
Seeker:Evolution is not an accident, and most definitely does have and act with purpose
So who's purpose was it and why did he do it?
I want to know if I'm going to live and my family is going to live ....'somewhere'...after death. Preferably in a hell of a lot better setting than this arrangment!
Just to think of non existance after this seems awful bad to me.
I find ,,I guess...some do not care how we got here....just live life the best you can then your gone......no real reason for being here in the first place....just chance you were here.
I can't buy it and hope I never do!
Someone put us here and there IS a reason.
A great big thanks to ALL who supported this question. -
To those who need no purpose in life
by gumby inafter reading the comments from many on the thread "is there a purpose in life" by itsjustme , posted a couple of days ago i am confussed.. i cannot understand how anyone can be content and not believe life has a purpose.. to not be compelled to wonder how all the design around us is just here because who knows why ......totally baffles me.. at this point in my life believe in a creator but have so many unanswered questions.
things do not make sense in the bible.. if i were to come to believe that the bible were a fairytale of myths...i would feel as stupid as i did when finding out the borg was a crock.. i also would be emotionally devastated.. here are some samples of your comments about lifes purpose.
we may have been put here by someone, or we may not have.
Whoops folks...I screwed up on pasting 3 times. Sorry
To those who need no purpose in life
by gumby inafter reading the comments from many on the thread "is there a purpose in life" by itsjustme , posted a couple of days ago i am confussed.. i cannot understand how anyone can be content and not believe life has a purpose.. to not be compelled to wonder how all the design around us is just here because who knows why ......totally baffles me.. at this point in my life believe in a creator but have so many unanswered questions.
things do not make sense in the bible.. if i were to come to believe that the bible were a fairytale of myths...i would feel as stupid as i did when finding out the borg was a crock.. i also would be emotionally devastated.. here are some samples of your comments about lifes purpose.
we may have been put here by someone, or we may not have.
After reading the comments from many on the thread "Is there a purpose in life" by ItsJustMe , posted a couple of days ago I am confussed.
I cannot understand how anyone can be content and not believe life has a purpose.
To not be compelled to wonder how all the design around us is just here because who knows why ......totally baffles me.
At this point in my life believe in a creator but have so many unanswered questions. Things do not make sense in the bible.
If I were to come to believe that the bible WERE a fairytale of myths...I would feel as stupid as I did when finding out the Borg was a crock.
I also would be emotionally devastated.
Here are some samples of your comments about lifes purposeWe may have been put here by someone, or we may not have. If we have, then perhaps there is a purpose to life and he or she ain't talking. If we have not, then there really is no purpose to life.Either way could be valid.
Long after the next extinction event, an as-yet unseen appendage will hold a fossil human skull and gazing upon it, something will ask, "What was this? What did it do?"
So, why not accept the universe as being like the body,
automatic in function, no conscious thinking necessary
to make it work continuously? It's just a vast, spooky
non-local mechanism that needs no conscious direction,
just like the body.
I ask myself - *What is my purpose in being here?* My answer is this. Who cares? I am the product of two people's experiments with reproduction. Now my job is to help other people and enjoy life as much as I can.
Other Fundy Voices
by Francois inthere's a great article by a fundy in the current salon.
here's an excerpt from the top of the story, followed by the link.
Quote:Can the zealot be a city councilman, a lover of literature, an expert at chess or backgammon? Unlikely. These pursuits have the potential to hinder the believer from becoming a sold-out follower of God.
I don't feel this is true in many believers lives although some are so extreme in their misguided views they act this way. -
Purpose of life
by ItsJustMe inthe ageold question that i'm sure we have all given some degree of thought to...what is the purpose of life?
anyone have a theory/opinion they would like to share?.
my personal opinion on this is not solid enough yet to be considered a belief.
Creation and design had no purpose behind it?
Out of thin air all we see just happened?
There is no purpose...we just ended up this way
Get real!
Common sense tells any thinking person someone put us here.
Some big powerfull guy in the sky getting a kick out of what he made and how they would handle themselves?
If he put the wonderment of design in all he made......why would he bail on us and go do something else and forget about us? -
Purpose of life
by ItsJustMe inthe ageold question that i'm sure we have all given some degree of thought to...what is the purpose of life?
anyone have a theory/opinion they would like to share?.
my personal opinion on this is not solid enough yet to be considered a belief.
How did we get here?
Why are we here?
If someone put us here, he had a reason
What is the reason?
I personally need to know to be happy/content
There are too many questions unanswered for me to just live for today and love one another......the questions remain...........