I believe they would possibly have retained many of the old timers like me who have left, had they stuck to their guns more, the constant changes, and the obvious fact that the "new light" was weaker and more nebulous than the replaced doctrine alerted even thickos like me that something was woefully wrong.
The problem for the WT is that their main concern is money, keeping the bottom line the same, they know that other religions that have not evolved have withered and died.
They wish to keep their multi-national corporation going, it is their basis for pride,from which springs their arrogance.
If they were humble, and if they really believed their own B.S, they would stick to their old rubbish, but then they would fade into insignificance like the old Bible Students who stuck with Chazzer Russell's stuff, still going, but dying like the Shakers did.
As their teachings have constantly changed, and gone back and forth, they would have to ask themselves the question "Is it the Truth now?" so that they could be sure and stick with it, once they started that kind of self-examination they woiuld implode !
The problem is it was a religion founded on errors and lies, and maintained by more errors and lies, and today contains only errors and lies.
What to stick with ?