Wow, not a word about any christian works then ?
Something charitable?
if we weren't invited, this is the "bragging" information we missed last saturday, oct. 22, 2011, at the zone meeting with tie-in from patterson, ny .
59 locations tied-in plus spanish.
anticipating 258,000 attendance from tickets given out.
Wow, not a word about any christian works then ?
Something charitable?
.. case number: b12083527.
.. case number: b12083108.
.. case number: b12083367.
True Violia, but when I was in, I found it difficult to cope with "the Truth" having to use lies, perhaps it may help some within to wake up.
i am currently studying for my ''crystal therapy'' diploma and in the last module which is next month it looks at ''past life'' regression... well i for one do not believe in living before so will probably doze off during this last module... anyway i have been told by some people i know that i have been here before... apparently i ''date'' back to ''atlantis''... i found it very difficult to hold back my giggles so i said ''really, i always thought i was brand new''... to which started a discussion on past lives.. i just wondered if any of you lovely folk believed in past lives and had ever had any of this type of regression done??
i may not believe in it, but if it helps someone heal from emotional trauma then good for them and i'm really happy for that one.. just wanted some thought's on the subject.. peace.
Reincarnation? that 's where you come back as a tin of evaporated milk isn't it ?
i remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
I suffered both of those 8 day buggers , Blues, I was born and bred in Kent, still live in mid-Kent.
It was a different religion then really,in so many ways, yes it was a wacky cult with weird doctrines then, as ever, but the spirit , the esprit de corps we had, was different to today, and the rigid control from above was not there, although I reckon Mad freddie Franz and Coldfish Knorr tried hard to control as much as they could.
We did have good times at those,not during sessions, always outside of session times, or out of view of others at least.
Makes my spectacles steam up to think about it !
i remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
I am sure you are right Blondie, but the strange thing is, I don't remember the 3 CA's a year, when did they drop to two ? I was born in in Feb. 1950, so it could be I have just erased the horror of three CA's or did they drop them before I was born ?
I remember always feeling very down after any Assembly, and they were supposed to give you a lift !
is it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon, weird hateful andcultish, are all accurate estimates of what the O.P was referring to, O.K Washtowel is not so accurate, the slanderous rag is not good enough to use that way.
Mentally Diseased is not an epithet you throw at people who simply disagree with your strange religion.
i remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
I did the 8 day ones, torture.
I remember in 1963, when I was thirteen , snogging with Janet "Hot LIps" S........... up in the stands in the late evening, she was about the same age, the rest of the Convention was crap.
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but someone must have pointed out that they always were too long, and that even today, a one day one is one day too long.
i recently crossed the line into hard-core......... a - p - o - s - t - a - s - y !
i approached a guy who was sitting alone at a table in a restaurant and discreetly, briefly gave him one example of why jws are a heartless, high-control religion.
ok, rewind the tape.
Just Googled and it was on top ! .com is the direct route you are right, .org will get there in the end.
I always google it to give it a boost when I want to go there, the extra click or so is worth it to keep it at the top.
Can't wait for my next chance to A-W !
i would like to share the information below with newer members and lurkers.
we're not insensitive to what you're now going through.
many of us have been in your position.
Judicial Committee, is "dropped a loaf" a euphemism for what I think it is ?
I wonder if something similar has prompted the new security measures at my old K.H , up until recently you could just walk or drive in, only the door was locked, now they have railings and HUGE gates, locked.
If I am right, thanks whoever did the mega-dump!
according to my calendar, today is united nations day.. .
let's all take a moment and celebrate!
But ,but, isn't the U.N some kind of beast mentioned in Revelation that true Christians should have nothing to do with ??
I know the WT/JW's are "in bed " with the U.N, but surely not true Chrisitians ?
Oh , of course, true christians do not have to go by the wacky explanations of scripture that the WT comes out with either, so
YES !!! let us all celebrate, Christians , other religions, those with no religion, those with no God, all of us !
Even JW's can join in, on an NGO basis, that stands for Not Gettiing Out (of my cult mind-set)