I use to prefer the ones that were a bit more graphic. The ones where the worldies look all derranged and get their ass whopped by God. I especially liked that Photo in the 'You can live forever..' book. The one where the little kid is hugging its mother while God causes it to rain down and kill everyone. How nice...
JoinedPosts by GWEEDO
More Watchtower Pornography
by Tallyman inhere is some more watchtower pornography for your husband to look at, ez.
since he was not aware that this stuff existed.
i've got gobs more.. what i posted last night was wt pornography from recent years,.
Heres a dub who knows how to milk the disaster
by GWEEDO infrom the gc.
desert rose knows what to do:.
at our meeting last night, we had quite a few more in attendance than usual.
From the GC. Desert Rose knows what to do:
At our meeting last night, we had quite a few more in attendance than usual. In fact, the parking lot was overflowing.
Our brothers and sisters in the affected areas were mentioned in the opening and closing prayers. Also, a couple of brothers spoke of the day's events in their parts, and their words were very comforting and encouraging.Although we know through spiritual eyes of understanding WHY these horrible things are taking place, it is still SO heart-wrenching to see. And especially so knowing that many of our brothers and sisters have been so deeply affected personally by these events.
Just watching all the events on television has been traumatic...I can't imagine how it must be for those directly involved. We are so blessed to have the hope and the faith that we do...it truly is sustaining during times of trial and pain.
My daughter and her car group had some excellent results in service today, which has been very encouraging.
One approach they were using was to ask the householder how they personally felt about what had happened yesterday, without getting into a "policial" or "patriotic" conversation.
Then, they would ask the HH how they thought GOD felt about what happened, which led into some very good Bible discussions.
Our hearts, our love, and our prayers go to all of our dear brothers and sisters, especially those who have been affected by these recent tragedies.[forget the worldlies]
As we wait to see how world events play out, may we all be ever more determined to remain faithful to the end...ever faithful and ever sure...all to Jehovah's glory and honor.
Much Love,[Of course only to 'our brothers and sisters']
Desert Rose -
Americans and Terrorism
by BugEye inthis terrorist attack has been a long time in coming!.
the us has for a long time prided itself on being virtually terrorist proof and it has made concerted efforts to bring various islamic groups onside in the past 10 years.. however, it is also obvious that because the us has the supremacy in military hardware that terrorism is the only recourse that many countries feel able to follow if they feel repressed or attacked by the us.. us hegemony is global and is objected to by many countries and in many instances it keeps smaller nations and their people in poverty.. also, religion plays no small part in these events because the us is by and large seen as an immoral country from a strict religious position.. what has happened in the us today and may even happen in my own country (we are a us ally) is in actuality not a lot compared to many hundreds of thousands who have died in less media covered events.
this of course does not lessen its impact, but at the same time in ladonnas post on love, it shows that many times from our point of view we feel that we are hard done by only to discover that many others are far worse off than us.. my thoughts and bew's too go out to all those injured and the families of those killed, it is indeed a very sad day in the usa.. on an even sadder note, i noticed that although our prime minister, john howard was over there, they failed to get him.
I agree with a lot that you say Bug.
If and when reprisals happen, I just hope innocent people dont have to be part of it. It has to be carefully considered like you say. It doesn't help to just go around and blame all Muslims or anything.
I'm sure those Palestinians are a minority too. They're doing their cause no good...especially if CNN keeps airing it like it does.
Americans and Terrorism
by BugEye inthis terrorist attack has been a long time in coming!.
the us has for a long time prided itself on being virtually terrorist proof and it has made concerted efforts to bring various islamic groups onside in the past 10 years.. however, it is also obvious that because the us has the supremacy in military hardware that terrorism is the only recourse that many countries feel able to follow if they feel repressed or attacked by the us.. us hegemony is global and is objected to by many countries and in many instances it keeps smaller nations and their people in poverty.. also, religion plays no small part in these events because the us is by and large seen as an immoral country from a strict religious position.. what has happened in the us today and may even happen in my own country (we are a us ally) is in actuality not a lot compared to many hundreds of thousands who have died in less media covered events.
this of course does not lessen its impact, but at the same time in ladonnas post on love, it shows that many times from our point of view we feel that we are hard done by only to discover that many others are far worse off than us.. my thoughts and bew's too go out to all those injured and the families of those killed, it is indeed a very sad day in the usa.. on an even sadder note, i noticed that although our prime minister, john howard was over there, they failed to get him.
'What has happened in the US today and may even happen in my own country (We are a US ally) is in actuality not a lot compared to many hundreds of thousands who have died in less media covered events. This of course does not lessen its impact, but at the same time in Ladonnas post on love, it shows that many times from our point of view we feel that we are hard done by only to discover that many others are far worse off than us.'
True...Who cares if a couple 100 thousand die in Africa...never makes the news. I can understand why people might be angry with the way the US has conducted itself in the mid-east too. Still doesn't justify this sick stuff though.I certainly dont feel like dancing in the streets like some Palestinians are. I sure hope they are a minority.
leaves an empty pit in the stomach.
dont know what to say....
Do dubs ever pray for Worldies?
by GWEEDO incheckin' the 'world trade center' thread out over at gc.
a fair few(majority) only seem to want to pray for "our brothers and sisters".
i suppose the rest of the people can just roast.
Checkin' the 'World Trade Center' thread out over at GC. A fair few(majority) only seem to want to pray for "our brothers and sisters". I suppose the rest of the people can just roast. Typical...
Jesus once said something like: "if you love only those loving you, what credit is that to you"
I bet a few whackos have their revelation book out and hoping for the beginning of the end too (some idiot over at the GC was talking about WWiii)...probably enjoying this shit they are.
Jehovah's Witnesses and arguing...
by Abaddon inone thing i have noticed, both in my own reportoire of personal habits and in those of others posting on xjw boards, is the tendency to argue.. i contrast this to a few other boards i've frequented on a variety of topics.
obviously there are disagreements, but xdub boards can get really crazy at times.. there is this tendancy for xjw's to argue like rabid dogs; hell, it's not just the x's who do it, current jw's are just as bad.. this is over and above the normal 'spit on the mat and call the cat a bastard' atmosphere that often prevails on discussion boards (although if you ever want to see a really polite board i suggest you go to a lifestyle bdsmer's board!!)..
are we all psychos?.
'The greater the ignorance, the greater the dogmatism'
Just Check out the GC forum and you'll get the picture.
by bboyneko inanyone pick up the latest copy of newsweek?
on the cover is a bunch of mormomns and they stare at me as if to say bwahahahaha.. anyone read the article?
it looks in favor of mormons and ignores the many signs of it being a cult.
Theres some JW stories at the bottom of the page too...just out of interest!
by bboyneko inanyone pick up the latest copy of newsweek?
on the cover is a bunch of mormomns and they stare at me as if to say bwahahahaha.. anyone read the article?
it looks in favor of mormons and ignores the many signs of it being a cult.
by bboyneko inanyone pick up the latest copy of newsweek?
on the cover is a bunch of mormomns and they stare at me as if to say bwahahahaha.. anyone read the article?
it looks in favor of mormons and ignores the many signs of it being a cult.
Found this here: [url] http://www.exmormon.org/tract2.htm[/url]
If you should decide to become a member of the LDS church, you should be aware of what your life in the church will be like. Although you will find yourself warmly accepted by a lively community of healthy, active and generally supportive people, many of whom are very happy in Mormonism and could not imagine their lives without it, there is another side:You will be continually reminded that to enter the highest degree of heaven (the "Celestial Kingdom"), you will have to go through the endowment ceremony in the temple and have your marriage to your Mormon spouse "sealed." (If your spouse is not Mormon, you cannot enter the highest degree of heaven.) To get permission to have these ceremonies performed in the temple, you must prove yourself to be a faithful and obedient member of the church and do everything commanded by the church authorities, from the Prophet down to the local level. You will have to undergo a personal "worthiness" interview with the local church authorities inquiring into your private life and your religious and social activities. NOTES
You will be expected to donate at least ten percent of your income to the church as tithing. Other donations will be expected as the need arises. You will never see an accounting of how this money is spent, or how much the church receives, or anything at all about its financial condition; the church keeps its finances secret, even from its members. NOTES
You will be expected to give up the use of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea. NOTES
You will be expected to fulfill any work assignment given to you. These assignments may be teaching positions, clerk positions, helping with various support tasks - any job that needs to be done. Each task you perform successfully will make you eligible for others, with more responsibility and more demands upon your time. The members who perform these jobs, even those involving sensitive pastoral counseling, receive no formal training whatsoever (there is no paid, trained clergy). You will be told that God has called you to your assignments. Many Mormons find most of their spare time taken up with church work, trying to fulfill the numerous assignments that have been given them.
You will be expected to be unquestioningly obedient to church authorities in whatever they might tell you to do. "Follow the Brethren" is the slogan, and it means to follow without doubt or question. Discussion of whether a decree from above is correct is discouraged. You will be expected to have faith that the leaders cannot possibly lead you astray. Even if they should tell you something which contradicts what a previous prophet may have said, you will be told "A living prophet takes precedence over a dead prophet." NOTES
You will be able to "vote" on those who have been called to positions of authority over you, but the voting will be by the show of hands in a public meeting. Only one candidate for each office will be voted on (the one "called by God"). The voting is therefore always unanimous in favor of the candidate.
You will be told not to read any material which is "not faith-promoting," that is, which may be critical or questioning of the church or its leaders, or which might place the church or its leaders in an unfavorable light.
You will be told not to associate with "apostates," that is, former Mormons. (You will be asked in your "worthiness" interview about this.) NOTES
If you are unmarried, you will be encouraged to marry a good Mormon as soon as possible. When you do marry, in a wedding ceremony in the temple, your non-Mormon family members and friends will not be allowed to attend the ceremony, because only "worthy" Mormons are allowed to enter the temple.
If you are homosexual, you will be pressured to abandon this "evil" aspect of your nature. If you do not, you will probably not be fully accepted by other church members. If you do not remain celibate, you may be excommunicated. NOTES
If you are a male over 12 years of age and "worthy" (that is, if you are obedient, attend meetings, do not masturbate NOTES, etc.), you will be ordained to one of the levels of priesthood, and, if you continue to be faithful and obedient, you will gradually advance through the priesthood ranks. If you are female, you will receive the benefits of priesthood authority only indirectly, through your Mormon father or your Mormon husband. The role of the Mormon woman is to be a wife and mother and to obey and honor her priest husband (or father). NOTES
If you prove yourself to be faithful, hard working and obedient, you will eventually be considered worthy to "receive your endowment" in a Mormon temple. You will not be told in advance exactly what to expect in this lengthy ceremony, except that the details of the ritual are secret (Mormons prefer to say they are just "sacred," but they treat them as though they are secret). As part of that ceremony you will be required to swear a number of oaths, the penalty for violation of which is no longer stated but until 1990 was death by various bloody methods, such as having your throat slit from ear to ear. You will be given the secret signs and passwords which are required to enter heaven. (Although most Mormons who have not received the endowment know very little about the ceremony, the entire liturgy is now available on the Internet to Mormon and non-Mormon alike.) After receiving the endowment you will be required to wear a special undergarment at all times. NOTES
If you should ever decide that you made a mistake in joining the church and then leave it, you will probably find (judging from the experiences of others who have done so) that many of your Mormon friends will abandon and shun you. If you are unable to convince your family members to leave the church with you, you will find that the church has broken up your family and your relationship with them may never recover. NOTES
Consider very carefully before you commit yourself, and remember that any doubts you may have now will likely only increase.
Examine carefully both sides of the Mormon story. Listen to the stories of those who have been through an unhappy Mormon experience, not just those Mormons who may speak glowingly of life in the church. NOTES
The Mormon missionaries are often charming and enthusiastic. They have an attractive story to tell. At first it sounds wonderful. But remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!" Be careful not to fall into the trap of believing something simply because you want it to be true. Mormons may tell you that those who criticize the church are lying, misquoting and distorting. If you examine the sources used by the critics, however, you will discover that most of their source material is from official or semi-official Mormon writings. You, too, should examine those sources.
Is Mormonism a "cult"? Many experts on religious cults see in Mormonism the same fundamental characteristics as cults which have entrapped the unsuspecting, even though most people think of "cults" only as small, unknown groups. Use a "cult checklist" to evaluate Mormonism, or any group, before you commit yourself. NOTES
To get more information about the other side of Mormonism, or to see the evidence supporting any of our statements about the church, feel free to contact us. Our only aim is to make sure that you hear both sides. We promise not to preach at you, but only to provide you with facts to balance the Mormon story. Click here for the names and e-mail addresses of people to contact. Click here to read personal stories of people who have left Mormonism.
by bboyneko inanyone pick up the latest copy of newsweek?
on the cover is a bunch of mormomns and they stare at me as if to say bwahahahaha.. anyone read the article?
it looks in favor of mormons and ignores the many signs of it being a cult.
Lets take a look at the false prohecies of Joseph Smith
Take it away ED...
[url] http://www.saintsalive.com/mormonism/falseprophetjs.htm[/url]