Maybe you and your little friends sit around by yourselves and bitch about having to go to meetings and service, but if you're "actively speaking against WT teachings" outside your circle of "apostate" friends, it'll be like daniel-p won't be doing it for long
It sounds like they are speaking out of both sides of their mouths,
The WT is bad and so are we heh, heh, heh !!
Suddenly an elder appears and they are ramrod straight / loyal to the core witnesses .
I'm very well familiar with this mindset because there was a group of people at my hall back in the 70's (including myself)
who thought the same way.
"Mess up once and your heads will roll, unless one of your parents is someone of importance in the hall", I seem to remember that "Elder daddy"
would bend over backwards to protect his position no matter what.
A true story::: In 1978 this so called friend and PO's son was drinking at age 19 quite a bit. he came home one night after work(he was a mechanic at a local gas station) very sloshed. As he walked into the house PO dad and pioneer mom were having a dinner party with several couples from the hall. He walked in went to his room, shut the door, and threw up . The whole group outside just ignored it and later when everyone had left PO dad went into the room and smacked his kid around telling him to quit drinking.
No help, no "kind and gentle words" just a get yourself straightened out before someone says something" attitude. He kept on drinking ALOT after that and daddy just kept on covering up for him!
He is now divoriced and out of the religion, and his other two brothers are equally if not more messed up with their lives.
Thanks Randy, Kevin, and Tim, from Crystal lake Illinois you all planted a seed in my conscience regarding the JW religion that did not start growing until 25 years later !