Oh Blondie, Blondie, Blondie! You have truly outdone yourself yet again. WEASEL WORDS ? I love it. That will be my special mantra for today. Am sending you a big hug for all your Watchtower critiques. Cathy
JoinedPosts by HadEnuf
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-10-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 8-10-03 wt study
reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes are in red or quotes ""
Jehovahs Witness Logical Fallacies.pt1
by Brummie injehovahs witness logical fallacies.pt1.
in fact, many of the bad experiences people have with jws are caused by actions that the society does not encourage.. .
logan i have started a new thread simply because if a jw read your old one they may be happy enough not go back to reread this if it was posted there.. one of the things that kept me holding on to the jw faith was the thought that many of the bad experiences people have with jws are caused by actions the soceity does not encourage.
I have always felt that the crap filters down from the top and not from the bottom up. Our experience with the local elders over a period of many years was that we just had a bunch of brainless, interrelated, jerks running the show. Most of our friends from other congregations would point out that it was a local problem and suggested all kinds of great solutions like packing up and moving, or attending a congregation in the next town etc. With young children and ailing parents on both sides, this was not an option. So we plugged along for years really believing that the corruption and power mongering was a local phenomenon. It was only when the elders finally kicked us once too many times that we decided to take matters to the CO (no help; best friends with all local elders); DO (did help somewhat but advised us to take it to society); and thus finally to the Boy's Club in New York. We talked and wrote to those guys for over a year and found out that, contrary to our former naive beliefs; they were just as ignorant, coldhearted and merciless as the local elders. Go figure. So my husband and I said we're outta here.
Until you deal directly with the big boys in New York...and I mean the service dept. AND the governing body itself...the rank and file haven't a clue to how these guys really are. They just go along thinking that problems are of a local nature and just because one group of elders is corrupt it doesn't mean the whole organization should take a bad rap. But as I said in my opening statement...the crap filters down in the organization and pollutes everything it touches. Until the internet came along, a witness who was having doubts or questions about the organization was pretty much doomed to not having any access to what was going on all around the earth with the witnesses and lack of love, corruption, hypocrisy, etc. They were taught to believe that most problems with elders were localized and uncommon. Arghhhhhhhhh!! When I finally worked up the courage to investigate some of these x-witness sites and read Crisis of Conscience/In Search of Christian Freedom (thanks Ray)...my rose colored glasses fell off and shattered in a thousand pieces. And I ain't gonna get them fixed either .
What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?
by minimus inas a youngster raised in the "truth", i had my questions.
but anytime you ask a question that is unanswerable, you are told to just wait on jehovah.
as time passes, i believe that we store up a number of unanswerable questions that forces one to eventually think about everything.
When I found out that the witnesses think that you have to be baptized to be considered a believer. For crying out loud.....you mean all those years growing up and standing out like a sore thumb at school for not saluting flag, not participating in anything...and the years raising my kids the same way...and to think that we did all that and we weren't even considered true BELIEVERS until we were dunked? How can you preach something (if you're an unbaptized publisher) and not BELIEVE in what you're preaching? And NO elder could really explain from the Bible where they came up with that theory. What a crock. (Plus...every scripture I read on this while doing research showed that a person had to believe and THEN he was baptized.) Yuk...I'm glad I'm OUT!!!!!!!!
Keep Free From Murmuring....Are YOU A Murmurer?
by minimus inwt.
11-15 02 states:"persistent murmurers attach too much importance to their feelings or position, drawing attention to themselves rather than to god.
if not checked, this causes dissension among spiritual brothers and hinders their efforts to serve jehovah shoulder to shoulder.this is so because murmurers invariably voice their complaints, doubtless hoping that others will sympathize with them.
I murmur...therefore I am .
I keep hearing these voices in my head...OH NO...that's just all those witnesses murmuring...forever murmuring. Mur, mur, mur, mur, mur, mur, murmerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
parental advice needed.......
by scootergirl ini have a son who is in th 4th grade.
he is a "bigger boy"......his father is 6'2" and i am 5'10".
james is very tall for his age and is also slightly overweight.
Well scootergirl...here is my advice...for whatever it's worth.
Both of my son's were overweight (and I'm not talking a little overweight...I'm talking nose tackle type overweight!) My youngest son had the worse time because he also has ADD...and had little tolerance for teasing/bullying. And believe it or not (well...being an x-JW I'm sure you CAN)...the teasing started right in the KH. That was easy to overcome. I just walked up to the little tyrant and told him that if he ever called my kid fat again I would drag him into the back room with every single elder and he might never be heard of again. Worked like a charm. He avoided my son like the plague.
But school was a different matter. We resorted to talking to teachers (little help). We did have some success with intimidating the kids (eye for an eye, etc.) at their bus stops and putting the fear of God in them. But the best results for us came from just building up our son's self-esteem; letting them know that they were perfect as they were and that those other kids were just stupid and ignorant and not worth their time. It truly is about what we are inside, not outside. As he grows older and develops more self-esteem; perhaps he will decide to lose some of the extra weight...but until that time, and even if it never happens...you've just gotta let him know how loved he is and how special he is and that someday he might be making zillions of bucks playing pro-football as a nose tackle!
I also agree with everyone's comments about enrolling him in a martial arts class...nothing like a good kick in the chopper's to wake someone up and get them off your case.
why did you leave?
by showme ini am not a jw so i don't have any stories about the organization.
but i would love to hear about your reasons for leaving.
The following story is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Raised a JW...married a life-long JW at age of 18. Had 2 kids. I hated service, meetings, most of the elders and elderettes, but kept on keeping on because all my family and my husband's were JW's. Then in 1989 I came down with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)...which I now know was probably due to the stress of trying to keep up the whole witness thing and a long, slow spiral into chronic depression.
What happened when I became sick and could no longer attend all the meetings or go in service? (Ahhhhh...it was SUCH a relief!!) The elders started questioning whether or not my illness was indeed an illness or whether I was "faking" it to get out of my "spiritual duities". They went so far as to spread rumors and asked many in the congregation (including my mother-in-law, who lives next door) if they had seen me out and about much. One elder saw me driving to the grocery store...so obviously I was NOT sick! (During all the time I was sick, which was over a 10 year period...I had no offers of help or assistance with anything...WOW...such overwhelming LOVE!!!)
Then I had an ambush type shepherding call when my husband was safely at work. (He had attained the status of MS, but due to my health problems had to relinquish his title...though he stepped down due to my health it was announced that he had been "removed".) This visit was about 4 years ago. The CO and an elder cohort dropped in to encourage me. When we got into a discussion about anti-depressants the CO launched into an illustration concerning a sister who had committed fornication and was depressed. Did she need drugs? No...she needed to repent and confess her "secret" sin and then the depression would magically disappear. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? (Yes...I am sure you can.) So he was trying to tell me that I was depressed because of some secret sin in my past that I had not owned up to. Needless to say...I was totally devasted after they left.
Then came the final straw. My baptized son became engaged to a young woman in our congregation; grown up in the organization...whole family JW's...begging to be baptized for over two years but ignored by elders (she wasn't in the right cliques). My husband and I, despite being JW's for over 40 years; did not realize that she was considered an "unbeliever" and that my son was committing a great sin by marrying her. (Only baptized JW's are considered believers; all others are unbelievers no matter what.) Most of the elders had congratulated the couple and wished them well. Then the week before the wedding all hell broke loose. Marking talks against my son were given in both the congregations that share our KH; the congregation was warned about attending a wedding where an "uneven yoking" was to take place. A wedding planned for 350 people became a wedding attended by 130. No elders, no MS's or wives allowed to attend and many of their friends and those that heard the marking talks were no shows. (Shower was also boycotted by all elder's and MS's wives and those in their personal cliques).
After the wedding my son and my husband and myself accused the elder bodies of slander because in the marking talk they said that our son had been warned of the consequences of marrying an "unbeliever" but disregarded the elders and therefore was a trouble-maker and not obedient. All LIES. Even the CO lied. We went through 3 years of hell dealing with our elders, new elders sent in to our congregation (which tells you something about the state of our congregation anyway) and the bozo's in NY. Our son and his wife were shunned after their marriage...we have been shunned as have her family. My mom and sister will no longer speak with me since we went against the elders and spoke out against wrongdoing.
Then you add the UN thing, the child abuse and all the other crap going on in this so-called Christian organization and we really had our "light-bulb" moment. We are not disfellowshipped or disassociated...we are "drifters" and the farther we drift from this organization the better we're feeling.
Now if only we could get on Dr. Phil!!!!
P.S. My husband and I will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary next January...we are now happier than ever and truly have something to celebrate...freedom from enslavement to the Watchtower Organization! And last week I took my youngest son (who is 20) and treated him to an ear-piercing session...and it felt DARN GOOD!!! (Oh...he never was baptized...best decision he and we as parents ever made.)
Edited by - HadEnuf on 25 September 2002 11:50:24
by nakedmvistar infound this article on the net....i thought it to be the weirdest thing i have ever read.. by diana huston.
i was a member of a mind control cult religion for 20 years.
the religion is known as the watchtower bible and tract society, otherwise known as jehovah's witnesses.
Well...I have always known that the guys up at HEADquarters are not fully human...but this account was extremely nutzoid. (But it put some humor in my day.) This woman needs to be locked up in a padded room for her sake and ours...and please pass the prozac.
(They're coming to take me away hahaheeheehaha...THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!)
before my dad went into surgery he asked that i contact the people on this board and let them know how much it ment to him much it ment to him over the past month or so to be able to talk with all of you.. this is one of the few things in his life he could still enjoy.dad wanted to especially thank craig (ona ) for accepting him and apologies for anything he said that might have offended you.. my father was in so much pain over the past seven years ,god must have thought it was time,dad passed a few houres after surgery.. dad asked not to have a service and will be cremated than placed in an urn ( as he said "so he can keep an eye on mom" ) we all loved him deeply and he will be missed.
i will leave the company email should anyone want to,i will print them out for mom and the family to read.. again thanks to all, our love is with each and every one of you.. matthew mc cune [email protected]
Our hearts are with you. Much sympathy to you.
First Elder to Testify in Abuse Case
by Kenneson insheldon longsworth maintains that he doesn't recall telling vicki boer to confront her abusive father.
yet he told her to tell her father to go to the local elders.
wonder how she was to do that without confronting him?.
Ah yes...one of the favorite lines of elders: "I don't recall doing that." They can never recall things that point a finger at them but only the things that point a finger at their victims. For that...I salute them all with my middle finger.
by minimus inelders have the right to talk to disfellowshipped ones.
the average jw can't.
elders can call you for a judicial meeting and charge you with anything.
Being an elder means never having to say your sorry.