Hi narkissos
I agree with a lot of what you say, have you watch the movie planet of the apes they have some ancient mechanical items from the extinct human race and tell him they know exactly what they were for from scientific understanding but were completely wrong, it can be like that. I find it's also like looking through a magnifying glass, were to closely can blur just as too distant is not detailed enough, you have to have your focus right.
I go into religion knowing I am already a One God believer in YHWH/Jehovah and his ACTUAL son Jesus before I start so I am not being effected by doctrine or translation. After that we have to evaluate and judge for ourselves using the bible and pray for holy spirit but there is a danger of taking idea's of men as holy spirit guidance, which I fully appreciate you could say is what the witnesses do but I find this is true of any religion even a personal one because am I not human? If I think something is a certain way then I am taking a decision from a human/me too?
I had a charassmatic friend whose faith is in the gifts of holy spirit and they believe the tongues, prophecies, healings etc and I asked them if they had seen a healing and they said no but they had faith that these healing happened without having to see them they believed from what the people around them had said happenned so believing the words of men is holy spirit. I think this is why I have chosen the JW's because they do not claim signs and miracles they try do it straight from biblical source WHICH I can check. So if they say 'no fornication'! I can check it biblically if they say we need overseers/leaders of men, I can check it biblically, if they say there is an anointed 144,000 class this I can also check. which I do using many translations as I can.