Firstly i will say i agree with you on the JW's use of the term "worldly" they shouldn't it's to easy to use labels to denote superiority and belittle a group of people, But i personally find the borg word more distastful because it certainly denotes by it's origins worse than "worldly" does.
To the poster that compared JWs to hitler i'd like to see you say that face to face with witnesses that have been in hitler conscentration camps for their faith,
Does witnesses suffering because they make a stand for their faith make the organisation bloodguilty?...this is a surprisingly hard one for me, in previous centuries to die for ones faith 'martyrdom' would be considered an honor now it is held as a black mark, possibly because it has been so abused by the David Koresh's of this world etc although there is still honor in dying for ones country although governments are being held more accountable for these losses of their army lads but this hasn't yet translated to the innocents who die from blind bombing of areas to secure peace, there is still widespread acceptance of civilians casualties as long as it involves other countries.
I also struggle with people defining Wts as mind controlling cult... because I can clearly see were the scriptorial origins of the doctrines of Wts were drawn from either directly or as logical constructs. some of the eviliest things you assign to Wts have very well defined scriptorial roots...i'e Disfellowship/shunning and whether you like it or not the blood issue, the blood scriptures exist even if they shouldn't have been applied to transfusions (i'll be honest i still struggle with this and may always do, if i were a governing body member i would change this to allow blood under life-threatening circumstances on the principle that jesus allowed that it was lawful to save a life on the sabbath), fornication, homosexuality, adultery, Evangelising, Even assigning their faith as the only true one (this one done by NT writers with christianity and OT writers with being jews) and more importantly these are all things that until recently most christian faiths had in common in observing them in their own conceptualised ways, That I or anyone can see all this makes me dismiss the whole cult label as one too easily applied, cults have histories of secrecy involving doctrines/teachings etc which is in direct contrast to Wts having everything in full view, as anyone who has read the endless wts back copies ahem cough Blondie Cough lol
but I'm allowing myself to be sidetract, this whole thread was my distaste of reading B0rg one to many times, and just to say personally "theres no need for it!"