i was raised as a witness, so i don't feel bad for my past but i wish that i could have left a bit earlier..
a friend of mine sent me the email with the link below.
it's fun and i hope you enjoy: .
the automobile driving manual says the average driver's reaction time is: .
yay rocketing rabbit whoop whoop
keep it secret has been wts child abuse policy for years.
he said the policy that jehovah's witnesses have on how to handle cases of child abuse is without equal in the religious community.
why keep these forms secret?.
Can I ask you two straight questions Andersons info.
What is your goal concerning witnesses? Do you want them destroyed as a religion for past sins and mistakes or refined on the pedophile issue so they treat the victims of these evil men better?
this is what I wonder honestly and sincerely.
i was a false prophet.
i would spend many a waking hour proclaiming to others that i had special knowledge that i was willing to share so that they could survive the impeding doom that was shortly coming upon mankind.
i proclaimed to the world, or at least anyone i came in contact with, that the world would end within a generations time from 1914. i spoke this vile falsehood for years without any remorse.. i falsely spoke telling them that i was participating in a special separating work being done all over the world.
Your right Dacheech
he wasn't a false prophet but deut condemns us for putting our own words onto God not misunderstanding already inspired prophecy thats were refinement comes in and the need for re-examining the bible for clearer understanding.
The appostles themselves misunderstood Jesus's words and started thinking one of them would stay alive and spreading it among themselves. Were they condemned? NO! Jesus just counciled them.
a friend of mine sent me the email with the link below.
it's fun and i hope you enjoy: .
the automobile driving manual says the average driver's reaction time is: .
yay bobbin bobcat :)
i was a false prophet.
i would spend many a waking hour proclaiming to others that i had special knowledge that i was willing to share so that they could survive the impeding doom that was shortly coming upon mankind.
i proclaimed to the world, or at least anyone i came in contact with, that the world would end within a generations time from 1914. i spoke this vile falsehood for years without any remorse.. i falsely spoke telling them that i was participating in a special separating work being done all over the world.
hi satanas
that was a mistaken understanding from JESUS'S OWN WORDS.
Matthew 24:34
I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
God allows for misunderstandings it's why we have the bible in the first place
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
i was a false prophet.
i would spend many a waking hour proclaiming to others that i had special knowledge that i was willing to share so that they could survive the impeding doom that was shortly coming upon mankind.
i proclaimed to the world, or at least anyone i came in contact with, that the world would end within a generations time from 1914. i spoke this vile falsehood for years without any remorse.. i falsely spoke telling them that i was participating in a special separating work being done all over the world.
hi blacksheep
first they have never claimed divine inspiration so haven't claimed to speak in God's words, any dates they have got have been from scriptural examination "times" etc so allow that these understandings can be refined and not set in stone. Jesus's return is God's own sons prophecy and getting people to be ready for it is what we are directed to do.
Matthew 24:44
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
the thessallonian were counciled but not condemned for thinking Jesus had already arrived, and throughout the ages many Christian religions have eagerly jumped beyond readiness into thinking it's now or on such a date/time but time itself has refined them but did Jesus condemn in those words above when he said people would not know the hour? It is a council not a condemnation.
but now we look at what the bible clearly states are false prophets in the End times! you will will not find this in deut but in Jesus's words and revelation and they both clearly state they come with signs and miracles as well as saying they are Christ himself (why are you ignoring these clear scriptures?). Witnesses do not do this but these days there has been a growth of born again/ TV evangelist/charassmatic faiths that do do this literally I think they have more to worry about.
most j.w.s i grew up around werent superstitious.
friday the 13th, walking under ladders and spilled salt were for the blind and the ignorant.
we had been set free and knew better.. to be sure, some j.w.s had their own special theocratic superstitions.
hi openmind
To a degree I agree with you, (Your parents sound really nice btw) Organised religions are like looking at snowballs after they have rolled down a hill with all this packed snow they have gathered with them throughout history and culture that You have to deal with. You have to slice away all the unbiblical addition including the thought that God is a puppeteer. It's when I read the bible that I saw the true meaning of freewill, God gives us the choice but what we do with it is our choice.
I picked JWs because they constantly go back to the bible relooking at their assumptions and choices knowing that they would have made many from cultural or historical acceptance than biblical guidance that need slicing away or refining. It's the JW ability to be refined that attracts me to great degree as well as the fact they believe in the same God I do :)
but beyond that no one can give you a faith in God, now that is something different and very personal.
I examined myself deeply and the world around me and knew there was a God, you just can't teach that it's born in our hearts.
i have read on here of the frequent flyer points racked up by bethelites etc on wts business and it made me think of this.. .
frequent liar points.
the wts has told so many lies to its members, the public and the media that if there were points accumulated for frequent lies then surely they would have a huge tally of them.. .
how about 'the cross isn't an idol'
or 1 john 5:7 additions really belong in the bible.
Or not having the indefinite article in John 1:1 doesn't make any differences to the word theos in translation.
Or proskuneo only mean religious worship
Or the bible doesn't condemn (insert any immorality here)
Or we will give america a health care system - obama
oops were we just talking witnesses sorry I thought we were going to have a discussion on lying not just a random biased negative witness thread?
i was a false prophet.
i would spend many a waking hour proclaiming to others that i had special knowledge that i was willing to share so that they could survive the impeding doom that was shortly coming upon mankind.
i proclaimed to the world, or at least anyone i came in contact with, that the world would end within a generations time from 1914. i spoke this vile falsehood for years without any remorse.. i falsely spoke telling them that i was participating in a special separating work being done all over the world.
hi dacheech
I was just pointing out the biblical qualifications for being a false prophet in end times since the poster claimed to have been one. Jesus was very clear they would claim to do signs and miracles and ACTUALLY saying they are the Christ in reality. Jesus was very specific on end time false prophets actual claims and revelation also says the same.