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JoinedPosts by Haereticus
Watchtower email sent to me by accident
by Quotes inas you may already know, i own the internet domain "" (note, ".ca" stands for canada).
if you go to (thinking it might be the bethel canada site, which it would be if non-idiots were working at bethel canada) you are redirected to (heh heh heh).. but it gets better: any email sent to <anybody> gets sent to me ([email protected]).. i just thought i would solicit your comments on the email i received via this method.
it appearst that brian andersen was forwarding some information from his private home email address to his work email address.
by Larry inassociate with ex-members .
fully accept the watchtower's authority and rules (no exceptions) .
dress according to their rules at the kingdom halls, service and conventions (no exceptions) .
Becoming a Jehovah's Witness one does not have to give up (unscriptural) gluttony.
Edited by - Haereticus on 6 September 2002 16:19:53
You know what really irks me!!!
by lv4fer inmy husband's sister is shunning us, mind you we have not been df'd...we just stopped attending meetings and my husband told his mom and sister he doesn't believe it is the truth.
that is not what irks me, that is to be expected i guess.
what just irks the heck out of me is that she sent my father in law over (he is not a witness) over our house with her car and asked my husband to change her oil and also put in a new water pump.
After I was being DF'd started to work with a new line of equipment. An elder I used to know had this equipment in his enterprise. Somehow the rumour had gone around and he phoned me and asked me to do a favour for him. I did pay a visit and he saved some.
**it happens.
Serena and body piercing
by Haereticus inlocal paper had today a large picture of serena williams and it clearly shows that she has a piercing in her belly.
i was left wondering if she would be allowed to turn in preaching time by wearing a watchtower logo charm?
understanding, of course, one problem being the missing lenght of her skirt.
If I am not mistaken Michael Jackson was attending the same congo?
Serena and body piercing
by Haereticus inlocal paper had today a large picture of serena williams and it clearly shows that she has a piercing in her belly.
i was left wondering if she would be allowed to turn in preaching time by wearing a watchtower logo charm?
understanding, of course, one problem being the missing lenght of her skirt.
Local paper had today a large picture of Serena Williams and it clearly shows that she has a piercing in her belly. I was left wondering if she would be allowed to turn in preaching time by wearing a watchtower logo charm? Understanding, of course, one problem being the missing lenght of her skirt.
Edited by - Haereticus on 1 September 2002 11:31:48
Disarming the Elders...
by Stephanus in...or any male who has lorded it over you or p***ed you off in any way.. there is a classic scene in the red dwarf episode better than life where the taxman accosts rimmer with the words:.
"mr rimmer?".
"mr arnold judas rimmer?".
I tried it and it works, even after thirty plus years.
Thanks Mark
unexpected writers
by happy man in.
when i first going in on this place, i was sure here will be a lot of young peopel who was dfd fore some bad things, but what a chock i hade, here was, a lot of elders, former pionjers, even former behtelits, never inn my life i waited this.. i dont now how many you are inn us fore exampel who leavs, but when we look in figures, we can not se so many cant we?.
i must ask who many it is leaving the truth , is it perhaps oneor two inn the cong in 5 year period, here inn sweden we have minus , going down from 24 to 22 000 inn a few year.. but in my cong, nowone leave, fore a long time, and then we have this year 2 new coming inn , who been away for 30 year.. so perhaps when we read this site , you will have the picture many is leaving, but is this the truth, ot not?.
Swedes in your ol KH? I have no problem understanding Swedish language.
Are any subjects taboo?
by sleepy indo you feel there are some subjects and questions that shouldn't be asked?.
maybe you feel its disrespectful, or in bad taste to discuss some issues.or are all things open to discussion and consideration?.
are you afraid of asking questions or discussing certain issues as you are afraid of how others will see you, and may think that because you ask the question you are promoting the issue?
I do not feel that there are some subjects and questions that shouldn't be asked, but the other day I felt that there is at least one subject that I have not seen in Jw literature or discussed here.
Smoking is prohibited on the grounds of sanctity of God given life. Smoking is not referred to in the Bible, but gluttony is. Would it be logical to avoid excess eating as too much weight is hazardous to one's health? If from Jw point of view one is eligible for being DF'd for damaging one's healt by continuos smoking would it be more so to follow this course with obesity?
Incest accuse , witchunt?
by happy man inafter i have read a lot of this here, and evrything bill say, i must say this is a very delicat and difficult issu.
almost unbelevebel difficult.. i dont want to defend abusers, fare from that, i hate them,and think the best is to take ther balls away, but i think it is important that this not turns out to be a witchunt on men, like it was inn in sweden in the some time ago, some swedeish famus writer say this is the moderm times witchunt.. in 1600 children was turnig inn ther mothers and say they was witch, and they was burnd , who can go against children.. here some social educated peopel find when they ask children, that if they think wery carefull, they must remeber that some have abuse them when they was littel children, we have also some case where fadher was realesd from prison after the children confesd that they was lying.. so this writer say that men is modern times witch, if you understan what i meen.. intresting thaught on a very difficult issu, but i think it is easy that this thing can turn out to be a hunt .. wher even some innocent is condemd.
this was only my thaughts late inn the swedish summer .
"...the best is to take ther balls away,"
And fingers aswell just to make sure.
What irritates you?
by writerpen inwhat irritates me is when the car in front of me on the interstate leaves his turning signal on for 8 miles.
i was so irritated at this coming back from lunch today that all i could think of was, 'wouldn't it be great if i had a rocket installed in this little car so i could blow his car off the road?
' why do we get pissed at little stuff like this?
if I just consider traffic and lay aside multitude of other things so:
I hate drivers that drive too close in front of my vehicle.
I hate drivers that drive so fast cars that I cannot pass them.
I hate drivers that master inferior cars faster than I do mine.