You got that shit right Min..
JoinedPosts by Quirky1
Why Is Toasting Wrong? Why Can't You Stand For The National Anthem?...
by minimus inwhy can you stand for the pledge of allegiance?.
why is "whole" blood bad but "blood fractions" permissable?.
why is eating a bird on thanksgiving day a sin?.
1947 Awake Says Excommunication is Unbiblical and Pagan!
by Ding injanuary 8, 1947 awake!:.
excommunication is "altogether foreign to biblical teachings.".
it's an unbiblical roman catholic teaching by which "you are looked upon with the blackest contempt... being cursed and damned with the devil and his angels.".
I like this..very interesting.
Why Is Toasting Wrong? Why Can't You Stand For The National Anthem?...
by minimus inwhy can you stand for the pledge of allegiance?.
why is "whole" blood bad but "blood fractions" permissable?.
why is eating a bird on thanksgiving day a sin?.
Now hold on, I like toast....especially whole wheat..a little butter an jelly too..
Advice for Recovering JWs
by leavingwt inthis is a very positive piece.
i enjoyed and agreed with many of her suggestions.
i hope you find it to be of interest.
Booze helps..
I find it very hard to believe in a god
by Newborn inbut i find it equally hard to believe in the evolution theory .
so for now, i chose not to believe in anything but myself and love.
that was all.
It's the Matrix...
With the latest Australian Special Talk, we now have a complete picture of the Organizational Plan
by WingCommander inper this australian talk, found here: id say we have now seen the future........ ah yes........the governing body is now starting to show their hand, to begin to show their future plans for this false-religion-cult of fear and oppression.
it has been said on here for the last few years now, that with the elimination/combination of the book study at the kingdom halls instead of at homes, the introduction of new rule books (keep yourself in god's love) and the new elder manual that a "tightening of the reigns" was beginning.
and so, just as the members of jwd and the internet have written, so it shall be done by the governing body overlords.
You tell'em Billy..
Is the WTBTS having cash flow problems?
by JW GoneBad ini was at a 2 day circuit assembly this weekend and i was surprised at how many times mention was made directly or indirectly reminding those in attendance (1,600) of the need to give $$$.
even in the soliloquies or skits they seemed to work in the need to give $$$.. it made me wonder if the society is having 'cash flow' problems and hence is desparate for cash.
over the years that i've attended conventions and assemblies the need to give $$$ has been subtle (imo), til now.
Lettem stand at the corner with a kettle and a bell..
Worldwide Service Report for 2010 / Yearbook 2011
by Designer Stubble inwonder if anyone had a scan available of the 2010 annual report, which can normally be found in the 2011 yearbook.. .
thanks in advance!.
The total hours cannot be accurate for field service. Head of house is allowed to claim 4 hrs/month with children living in the house. Throws off the whole thing. Also, this number is greatly fudged from many members of the jw's.
New Facebook Rule for JWs?
by wifeofjw injust about everyone in the hall my husband attends is deleting their facebook account.
he just cam back from a ms meeting.
what's the deal?.
And just wait until you get bit by the Farmville's another cult all by itself..
Jehovahs Witness Spouses
by Spade in.
i seriously doubt there's anyone with a spouse that's a jehovah's witness here.
but if so, how do you absorb all the hateful rhetoric disseminated here without spitting it back in your spouses face?.
Nope...None of us here have JW spouses...