Did it - - Married her -- still regretting it>>>>
Posts by kzjw
Would You Ever Date A "Hot" JW???
by minimus insuppose you met a hot jw.
would you ever consider dating the obvious "weak" witness and enjoy a possible fling or serious relationship?
Russell's Deathbed Recant?
by StAnn intoday i was talking to someone who is a history professor.
he said that he heard that, on his deathbed, russell admitted that the whole religion was just something that he made up for profit.
i've never heard anything like this and kind of dismissed it.
Russell died on a train on Hallowe'en 1916 while in bed with one of his male disciples and dressed in a toga.?
I didn't kow he "rolled" like that...Got more proof?
by still_in74 inyes v mentioned this article in wt comments but here are 2 articles that are dimatrically opposes to one another back to back.
how can anyone defend this???.
*** g00 6/22 p. 9 do not be a victim of propaganda!
Do the wruters at Filthy & Dishonest Slackers union ever read any of thier old BS before writing new BS?
by V inin the works, watchtower comments will soon sport a webpage under an prominent counter-jw website.
toying with the design, let me know what you think.
site will have embedded videos, links to high-quality downloads and pdf supplimentals.
That is awesome! To bad you cuoldn't get pix of the Bates, MO hall right after bombings & superimpose your picture there!
2009 Circuit Assembly Program - Devil's crafty acts in "education"
by truthseeker infor your viewing pleasure:.
2008 2009 keep conquering the evil with the good circuit assembly of jehovahs witnesses.
saturday .
Someone took notes of this assembly and posted it on another site...can anyone help me find this information?
The notes a poster made from the summer assembly
by kzjw indoes anyone remember the thread about the guy who used his i-phone to transcribe the talks and schedule from the summer assembly?
i really need a little help finding it....
Does anyone remember the thread about the guy who used his I-Phone to transcribe the talks and schedule from the Summer assembly? I really need a little help finding it...
Please Lend Me Your Eyes & Ears & Heart ...
by snowbird ini arose at 4:47 this a.m. as a vigilant rooster heralded the dawn, i thought about you good folks at jwd.. i said a prayer for all of us, especially balsam.
her story on yesterday haunted me throughout the night.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/16/165849/1.ashx.
around 5:30, i looked outside and saw the neighbor across the way sitting on her front porch awaitng her ride to work.
If you didn't cry reading that post from Baslaam...You are spiritually dead!
Did anyone ever get the inside details on the edler?
In search of Study Edition PDF's
by kzjw inthe jw wife recently decided to start aux-pio and i need the available pdf's of wt-se's so that i can keep up with her thirst for kool-aid.
when she told me of her decision i told her i knew she'd head that way, because the se's guided her to it.
i need those pdf's!!
The jw wife recently decided to start Aux-pio and I need the available PDF's of WT-SE's so that I can keep up with her thirst for Kool-aid. When she told me of her decision I told her I knew she'd head that way, because the SE's guided her to it. I need those PDF's!! Can anyone help me out?
Mary's comments You won't...and my birthday
by kzjw intalked with the jw wife about the rough time i always have near my b-day(9/9) and to my suprise before midnight on the 8th, whe bore to me a gift.
i know, that was a huge thing for her to do.
she has also moved since having a 4 week lay-off, to aux pio!
Talked with the jw wife about the rough time I always have near my B-day(9/9) and to my suprise before midnight on the 8th, whe bore to me a gift. I know, that was a huge thing for her to do. She has also moved since having a 4 week lay-off, to Aux Pio! She did ask/warn me in advance, but I told her that I already knew 2 months before that she'd choose that path, being a hearty drinker of the Kool-Aid wt-se. I also printed Mary's Comments and told her Monday that I wanted to cover this the next time we discussed jw'ism. Well, I came in Tuesday nite from bowling and found that she didn't go to her meeting. Not only that, she actually read 2 and a half pages of Mary's stuff, and wasn't freaking out when I got there! I know she was tired so I didn't delve into Comments to get her opinion yet. I don't want to force the issue, since she made the 1st move.
I think she's making progress...