It seems there is some blinkered thinking going on.
First of all, I think the fact the America has to come up with a different term for people who in Europe would either been seen as just another white person, or MAYBE, 'mediterranian' is interesting. Hispanic, Latino, whatever, it's just needless differentiation that underlines how heavily some issues in the US revolve around race. Where many Americans see a Hispanic, a European would see a European. Think about that.
Second, without illegal workers the US economy would not work. Just like without Chinese imports the standard of living would be impossible to maintain. But 'Made in America' means 'paid an arguably decent wage' and force the cost of many items to a point where the biggest patriots buy Chinese. Given a lower standard of living and a thriving US based manufacturing industry as choices we all know how people have voted; wallets first, principles second.
Third, American education is ghetoised by its funding system, assuring those from poor areas get poor educations and contributing to multi-generational poverty. If this is not true it means that people who just happen to come from poor areas are gentically lazy because of that, and this genetic laziness is racially mappable, as you're far more likely to be poor if you're not white. I don't belive that for a minute so it must be the funding. But the often religious-based obsession with local educational control means fair Federal funding of schools to eliminate such disparities is an impossibility.
Four, decent minimum-wages would speed up integration. Reduce poverty - of the poor whites too as god knows there's poor white people too. But the rich would have to pay more for maids and agricultural costs etc., would have to go up. So, that's a no-no.
When I visit America I am reminded of Romania. In Romania at the end of every broom, in every shitty job, you'll find a Roma, a gypsy. Well dressed young professional Romanians will go on about how terrible they are and make you want to scream RACIST!, but you don't do that on business trips do you? You don't tell your hosts that if they treated the Roma like ordinary people and made sure their kids were educated and had health care the underclass would integrate and cease being an underclass.
In the US there is the same terrible demarkation of jobs by race. Yes, in the US it is escapable for the very lucky and determined, but the fact that forty years after the Civil Rights movement there is still anything for non-white's to escape from is ignored. To accept that the continued race-based lines running through Amerian society are there through lack of political will is too big a condemnation of the American dream for many Americans to make.
Mexico is NOT a rich country by the way. It is a country where riches are distributed even worse than in the US. That is different from rich.
In the EU we had the end of civilisation as we know it predicted as a result of EU enlargment. Hasn't happened. Only the most ignorent and shiftless British people are done out of a job by Poles (for example). Poles work hard, pay taxes, get decent health care, integrate, send their children to decent schools. They often create jobs; god knows I couldn't have my car washed whilst I shopped 10 years ago, now someone for Gadansk will offer.
Immigrants also tend to have more kids, which is great in a welfare system, as the Western European model requires a good percentage of workers to retired people, and the fall in birth rates was endangering the model.
However, both in the UK and the US and NL immigration is used by principless politians looking to use the 'fear' card to garner easy votes. Oooo! Goreigners! Be very scared!!
It is slightly more subtle than Bob Mugabe's version, but still pretty obvious. But it still works. People only have themselves to blame for who they vote for. Ignorance is an act of will.