I'd bet conventions are on that list of future changes. They must be very costly - they never seem to make budget at my ones, and the local branch foots the bill (edit - temporarily, then they get all the local congs to pass special resolutions to make up the shortfall). Plus, all those apostates that turn up!
I'd wager that within 10 years, conventions are no more - maybe they will substitute with another assembly, or just make the one-dayer a two-dayer and then they will end up with 2x 2 day assemblies per year and no conventions.
AFter all, its only those who are in their 60's and over who know anybody else in the district to 'catch up with old friends' at a convention. Once they're all feeble and struggling to even make it to the convention, there will be no point.
And once again, think of the savings. Plus its just a natural extension of a trend ... they've been shortening conventions constantly ... from like 6 days or something (way before my time) to 5, then 4, then 3. From food supplies to BYO and other minor 'simplifications' ... its only a matter of time.
besides, these days there seems to be more people OUTSIDE the convention during the program than in.