Should Welfare Recipients Contribute to the Society?
Should NON-Welfare Recipients Contribute to the Society?
the wts depends on money coming in from it's members and they aren't picky on where the money comes from.. the wts does not pay taxes because it is a religion - therefore, one assumes that no taxes are paid on the kingdom halls.
the wts does not provide any food banks or soup kitchens to assist the poor in the community - the money it collects is forwarded directly to the top.
many cities and counties are struggling to balance the books as more people require government assistance to live, wether it be from food stamps, transportation or general welfare.
Should Welfare Recipients Contribute to the Society?
Should NON-Welfare Recipients Contribute to the Society?
8-11; ch.
as in ch.
like the "great crowd", they are "of every race, language, people, and nation (cf.
Wow, this is great research!
I stumbled onto this thread from a link in another.
Great stuff.
it was two years and two months ago when i told my mother that i no longer recognize the wts religion as being "the truth.
" as you may know, to a jw mother, this is like telling her you've decided to jump off a skyscraper.
i have spoken to her only two times since then, and have not seen her or my dad since then.
Confession - nice avatar. I am a huge DMB fan as well.
I hope all goes well when you meet with your folks.
in paragraph 16 of the first study artice.
they are being very vague, but it is obvious that they are trying to stir up speculation/excitement.. the entire magazine appears to be about the house to house ministry.
Same Shit, Different Day.
i was pondering this question today.
i thought it might be an interesting tactic to use with my family.
if i simply asked that they prove all beliefs by the bible alone.. growing up - every time discipline or counsel was given - it was based on getting out the bound volumes.
Try to nail down a hardcore JW on anything, and once they are sufficiently in the corner, with no way out, they get defensive.
They can use the literature to a point, but even that leaves them out on a limb if you keep drilling down to facts.
I cannot tell you how many times I have heard "You are just toiling over words" at the end of a bible discussion.
just wondering if anyone was going to one of the conventions that start this weekend in the us?
if so it'd be interesting if it was recorded and could be posted to hear if there are any other new changes and to confirm previous announcements regarding it.
I actually skipped last year's DC without anyone noticing. My wife and kids went without me. I played the "work" card.
Hopefully I can pull it off again, but maybe not.
I have always especially hated DC's.
so, i keep hearing reference to this.
was this just taking place in really small congregations?
i mean, i know the philosophy behind it; my mom would put a hat on to pray in front on my "unbelieving" dad.
I can remember a hall I went to in Virginia where they kept a plastic hat in the second school for the sisters who had to pray for field service during the week. It was the kind of hat you would get with a kids meal at burger king, or maybe at a party store. It looked ridiculous.
It must have been terribly humiliating for whoever had to wear it.
Kind of funny too.
see "gun pulled on church solicitor.
ortonville man charged after threatening jehovah's witness outside store.".
Did I miss something in that article?
Where exactly did this guy break the law?
He has no prior convictions, he has a license to carry a concealed weapon, anyone can diplay a weapon, and anyone can use profanity.
Maybe he was sleeping, and felt threatened when 2 strangers approached his car. It doesn't say he attacked them. In fact, it says he tried to get away, and they chased him.
has there been another book released dealing w/the subject or is this the only book?.
thank you for your help.. juni .
I can remember studying the Creator book a few years ago, and the Bookstudy conductor was covering the chapter where it talks about Jehovah "stretching out the stars" and admits that the Big Bang really happened.
The conductor said something like: "Who would have thought that the universe started out small and then exploded into what we have today?" like it was big news.
It shows how JW's ignore every bit of evidence provided by the scientific community, until the WTBS decides it's ok.
i am new here, i thought i would give a short overview of why i am here.
i was baptized at 14. even at that age i had a lot of questions that were shuffled aside by the elders or just avoided all together.
i really felt like i was doing the right thing, i was born into a large family with a suprising track record of no immediate defectors.
It's good that you were able to "fade" together.