JoinedTopics Started by Quester55
Analogy of the Cave
by Quester55 inanyone remember aristotle's parable of the cave?
about the people who lived at the bottom of a vast cavern and the only contact they had with the 'outside world' was their own reflected shadows onto a wall, and the only voices they heard were their own?
one of them breaks free and finds his way to the surface, he beholds the sun, moon and stars, he see trees, flowers, other plants and animals - he sees the world!
Got My Nose Pierced
by Quester55 ini've always wanted my nose pierced cause i think its so cute and sexy.
my boyfriend thinks so too.
so anyway, i got the piercing and went to the hall.
How do I get past the fear?
by Quester55 ini';ve been indoctrinated for a long time.
i have a residual fear that maybe, maybe, just maybe they (jw's) might be right.
but my logical mind says they are so far off into left.
Oh Boy!!
by Quester55 inmy sister met me at the laundry mat today to tell me how she doesn't think its wise for me to ":go out with worldly friends" i should go out with the "sisters" n the congregaion.
the 'love you and have your best interests at heart' well, everytime i've tried to call somebody to see if they wanted to go somewhere, it was always an interference with meetings, or field service, or personal study.
how can i tell her these witness sisters are hurting me everytime they open their mouths.
I feel really angry
by Quester55 ini feel angry, bitter, resentful and stupid.
when i was in my 30's and young and strong, and had a long stretch of life ahead of me, i went along with the jw's and didn't get my education.
now that i am 50, divorced and barely making a living as a teacher aide, i am scrounging around trying to get the loans and grants to enable me to go to school to earn a b.a.
JW Women
by Quester55 inwhy are there so many old women in jw world who are so down on men?
my divorce will be finalized next month, it hurt me, but it was and is an unfortunate circumstance of life.
but among the jw women it was assumed that i was happy my marriage had ended so now i would have more time for meetings and field service.
Re- registered to vote
by Quester55 ini can no longer be among the ranks of the whining, complaining and naysayers who do not vote in our national elections.
what individuals choose to do according to free will is their own business.
i heard soeting somewhere that has continued to prick my consciense for a long time.