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JoinedPosts by hannibal
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by JanH inscientific american runs an article rebutting some of the most common creationist arguments.
short and to the point.. this is the first page.
click for the following ones.. see
Skin color or other differances in body structure is common in all species, this
is not and does not mean it is evolution.Look at the differant kind of dogs, big/small
short hair/long hair so on and so forth.Much of the same in every species.What does that
If I give
birth to a handycaped child this doesnt mean its offspring will nesseccarly be
handycaped.Many times they are not. And on down the line this doesnt even
come close to new species being created. Adaptation is not evolution.
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by JanH inscientific american runs an article rebutting some of the most common creationist arguments.
short and to the point.. this is the first page.
click for the following ones.. see
I guess those chimps you see at the zoo are just unlucky or there
ancestors were to lazy to evolve into humans.
what is your scent????
by sunshineToo ini know there has been a anti-perfume thread.
but does anyone use light or moderate amount of perfume or aftershave?
if you do, what is your scent?
Beer breath.. by mich. Golden lite.
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by JanH inscientific american runs an article rebutting some of the most common creationist arguments.
short and to the point.. this is the first page.
click for the following ones.. see
"I don't think the transition from non-living to live molecules is that sagnificant"
-That maybe the most bazarre comment i've read from you? Evulutions whole
purpose is to prove through science how creation came about, isnt it? To
dismiss how it came into existiance at the beginning is bypassing the main
question that cant be answered through evulution.If that isnt sagnificant to you why are you
athiest and not egnostic?
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by JanH inscientific american runs an article rebutting some of the most common creationist arguments.
short and to the point.. this is the first page.
click for the following ones.. see
Excepting evulution is one thing, believing it in it full form is a nother.
Having faith in evulution in it full form flys in the face of any existance of
a creator.This dos not mean that creatures dont 'evolve' or adapt to its
invirement. This does happen, I've seen it in my small life span, How humans have
'evolved' or adapted to improve there existance.What does that prove, nothing.
Debates can continue on about sceintific research, and how it proves something
in your mind, But scientific research has'nt answered the biggest question and
that is how the FIRST living organism came about and evolved. There are
just as many questions about that in the theory of evulution as you have
with the belief of a higher power.
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by JanH inscientific american runs an article rebutting some of the most common creationist arguments.
short and to the point.. this is the first page.
click for the following ones.. see
I do and will continue to read both sides of the issue. My point was
and is not the debate of evelution or creation, but that, I feel evelution/athiest
are given much more rope when it comes to throwing out insults or questioning
religionist/creations intellect. Creationist always get blamed for trying to 'push' there
views on others.Some times Jan these 'stupid arguements' you refer to are
just an easy way to dismiss questions that cant be answered. Evulution/athiest is a relitively
new concept in human history, and if it did have 'smoking gun' evedience it wouldnt
be such a minority.
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by JanH inscientific american runs an article rebutting some of the most common creationist arguments.
short and to the point.. this is the first page.
click for the following ones.. see
" Repeating constantly the most stupid 'arguements' about something they do not at all
understand, in face of overwelming evidence.... " A feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing
manner or presumptuous claims.
Your arrogance is puffed up beond compare. If a creationist made such
comments they would be flamed on the spot. Ive heard or read just as many
'stupid arguement' on both sides of the issue.The FACT of the matter is
Jan, weither you like it or not, Is there isnt 'smoking gun' evidence on either
sides of the issue.
About Those Heavenly and Earthly Classes...
by NeonMadman inmaybe this is just something that i never thought of before, and everybody else here will find it old hat.
but i was thinking today about the jw teaching about the heavenly class (the 144,000, according to them), and the earthly class (the great crowd).
specifically, i think that it is ironic how the watchtower actually reverses what the bible says about the location of these two classes.
What I dont understand about the hole thing is,
the annointed get acount after acount in the
bible telling them about the heavenly hope, hundreds
of them. While the Great crowd get some parable
and vary vague scriptures, a hand full at best. Yet the
anointed susposedly know they are anointed through some
'sign' or maraculous vision. why do THEY need this reinforced in
the scriptures, they souldnt, the great crowd are the ones that
need that reinforcement. This seams backwards.
Favorite Football team?
by WildTurkey inok guys and dolls, american football will start in a couple months, so who is the team you pull for?.
ok i know i will get shit for this but go cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the dallas cowboys
What team do you root for?