Hall gamle vn, hur r det, trevligt att se dig.
i hope you can read my swedish, whindy, nice to see that you find this place, i think it is one of the best placese, where you can discuss religion.
warm greatings from your old swedish freind.
why do we miss?.
why do we miss people when they are gone?.
do we miss them?.
Hall gamle vn, hur r det, trevligt att se dig.
i hope you can read my swedish, whindy, nice to see that you find this place, i think it is one of the best placese, where you can discuss religion.
warm greatings from your old swedish freind.
hey danny and jesse,.
has wtbts hired you, yet?.
daniel glick.
I post unother mans poll, from the link first here give, this was from an JW site, very intresting reading, if you go inn ther you can see how a lot of JW are resoning, always look on the other side of the coin,that what I do when i am here.
hey danny and jesse,.
has wtbts hired you, yet?.
daniel glick.
I am shocked and saddened by the lack of respect for the brave, faithful 16-year-old girl who is fighting to have her medical treatment stopped. She is only trying to worship her God in a way that defines her faith. I am truly angered over the way the hospital and doctors are handling this case. To a Jehovah's Witness, the forcible use of a blood transfusion is akin to rape. Interesting, let's rape our patient to save her! How sad. As a doctor of biochemistry and molecular biology, I also know that calling these transfusions "life-saving" is entirely incorrect. No physician can make such a claim. The long-term harm from such transfusions can be, and usually is, quite substantial. This young girl does not wish to die. She is only trying to live her faith, and that faith is being ripped from her. There are other treatments, if only the hospital staff would earnestly and honestly look for them! I hope you will do this young girl justice by printing this letter in whole.
Dr. Kevin C. Orton
this was from the JW site.
do you think these people, who come in here, on this board and defend jws are for real?
do you think they really are good little jws?
do you think they really want to help us, or just start trouble?
intresting topic, for mee as an ongoing JW, if you read my posts you now.
Myself i think it is very diffrent if you want to read on this sites, perhaps you have som expiriens who do that you want to look at the other side of the coin.
Some here are realy confirming what the Gb say abot apostates, they are very hatefull, and try to find only bad things to tell, as you all now,we have not only bad things ,also good, in evry religion.
they who think JW are something like the evel slave, , are exatly what GB say , hatefull peopel who have only one thing inn there mind , to destroy JW.
I think these peopel miss the point, if they want to help JW to find the truth as they see it.
peopel like Hilary steep is more effective i think, also amaizing, what they write here have give mee very tuff qestions.
But for the time I dont leave Jw, to much to lose, if you understand.
I dont agree what some of you tell abaout the life inn the so calld world,
i live a bigg part of my life in the word beaucause my work, have my one firm, and i can tell that the life is a mess for many peopel ,myself have been very badley treated, no mercy in the life outside, sveral have try to destroy mee and my firm, widh lying and bad talk, trying to get me out of the market, so dont tell me that the life outside is a paradise, greed and power is the messsege in business life, and no problem to walk over dead bodys.
The moral is a bigg problem also, not so many you can trust, in sweden we ave the biggest divorce rate inn the word,and i see a lot of times familys who brokedown, and children who been alone,nowan want them,terribel, so from my point of wiue some of you are glorifing the world, and opposite widh the JW.
if everyone here , or nearly everyone here does not believe the jw's then why waste your time going onto these websites.
when everyone leaves the truth they automaticaly go to jw websites....why?
if you no longer believe it why waste your time?.
You are a shining star.
sad we lost fellow like you.
below are notes of the sunday post drama talk - taken very badly by someone who cannot do shorthand
sorry - best i could do - note the anti media comments at the end.
jim dee notes on the talk - be like jeremiah, fearlessly proclaim the word of jehovah.
I can give you the swedish talks, soon we going to the assambley, but here nowan nows abaout this dateline thing, so it must be a problem.
Last year when i was on assambley they have this drama about kora, and his sons, and whow they was going against Mose, this was very confusing for mee, the messege was, dont try to say we are not jehovas spoksmen, if you do you are dead. this choked mee, where was the opposer,i never seen any. THIS WAS THE REASON WHY I WAS GOING OUT ON INTERNET.
and ther they was.
who i am now stuggel widh.
does anyone still have thier old "aid book"-.
i need a small quote: it is either under divorce or homosexuality-.
it is pre-1988 revision of the grounds for divorce.
happy man have read Ray franz book, why not?
good qestions.
But jehova will punish them as he did widh israel when they was making bad things, notice that even the Kings have punishment if they dont obeyd Jehova, Gb, can sure bee punished by jehova if they,
dont follow his word.
does anyone still have thier old "aid book"-.
i need a small quote: it is either under divorce or homosexuality-.
it is pre-1988 revision of the grounds for divorce.
never think about who wrote this book, wasnt it the famus Ray, Franz?
Seems like he have some odd oppinons in this matter, why you dont ask him why?
this show also a bigg weekness inn the JW system, can wee condemd others,?
isnt it Jesus who must do this,.
how is it widh yourself, are your conscience cleen or have you been a part in this , telling others what to do or not to do?
i gone a give you some exotic thing, today is the midsummer day in sweden, this is one of the most important days in our country, when peopel go out celebrate the day when the sun is upp almost evry our, in some places 24 our sun.. we use to putt upp a long woodstock , and then dance around it , this is ofcourse not anything for us as jw, something widh fallows symbols,as the gb say, but we look in stealthily...... greatings froom the land in north, where the sun always are shining.
On this day, you can pick 7 sorts of flowers, and putt them under your pilloow, and inn the night you have a dream who tel you who you gone to married.
For us in sweden this day is not the beggining of the summer, it is the end of the time when it being lighter and lighter, from this day it will bee darker and darker, untill the darkest day in december.
i gone a give you some exotic thing, today is the midsummer day in sweden, this is one of the most important days in our country, when peopel go out celebrate the day when the sun is upp almost evry our, in some places 24 our sun.. we use to putt upp a long woodstock , and then dance around it , this is ofcourse not anything for us as jw, something widh fallows symbols,as the gb say, but we look in stealthily...... greatings froom the land in north, where the sun always are shining.
I gone a give you some exotic thing, today is the midsummer day in sweden, this is one of the most important days in our country, when peopel go out celebrate the day when the sun is upp almost evry our, in some places 24 our sun.
We use to putt upp a long woodstock , and then dance around it , this is ofcourse not anything for us as JW, something widh fallows symbols,as the Gb say, but we look in stealthily.....
greatings froom the land in north, where the sun always are shining.