I certainly relate to your feelings. I have been out of the WT for over 25 years, but looking back, see that I went through a progression of phases in regard to religion.
The first two years, I kidded myself that I might go back to the KH someday and felt like a bad little girl for even discussing religion. Eventually, when I had to admit that I lost faith in WT teachings, I attended a few churches while my children were little for a short time, but they all felt “too organizational” which made me uncomfortable – the bottom line was they all believed, as dubs do, that only THEY had the key to salvation, which turned me off immensely.
My husband (now my ex and also an ex-dub) began studying Buddhism and Hinduism and shared some of their beliefs with me, especially those of Yogananda. For some reason, those discussions began to trigger a lot of questions about the Bible and Christianity – I realized that I had been disturbed for a long time about some beliefs intrinsic to both.
I suppose I am agnostic at this point. I can’t say I disbelieve in God, but for whatever reasons he has chosen, I believe he has estranged himself from humans. There are times when I envy people who can believe! During times of stress and unhappiness, we all prefer to have the easy answers to life that religion provides. But I guess I’m too damn logical to buy into it.
My advice is take a break from religion – don’t force it. Just live your life, help others, and be the best person you can. Somewhere along the way, the answers will come to you. You may not agree with my views in 25 years, but you will arrive at answers that work for you. Good luck on your journey.