Thinking of Ray and his wife.......sending strength and love...........Ray did not view himself as a hero or someone who should be on a pedastal, he merely stood up for what he thought was right. What a wonderful example to everyone, I hope he realizes in some small way how much he has helped so many of us to stand up for what we know is right as well. His books gave me the strength through knowlege to stand up against the organization, that harmed so many of us including Ray, but he used it as a force for good. May we all take that lesson to heart and continue what he started.
JoinedPosts by saklunch
Ray Franz has had a stroke
by coffee_black injust setting the record straight.
there is another thread that notes a claim on wiki that said that ray has died.. he had a stroke yesterday, and is in the hospital.
he is still alive.
Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, Why Did You Leave The Watchtower?
by Tired of the Hypocrisy inmy new question at yahoo answers:
please add your reason..
hmmmm, where do I begin. It is true as others have stated that you are kept so busy you have no time to think about the "truth" of what you are doing, however at about age 40 after shunning my beloved sister for 20+ years, which troubled me daily, my brother was then df'd and so I began having, shall we say "doubts". I began the forbidden task of researching this organization using informaiton other than published by the WTBTS. I wanted to know if othered suffered as I was, if they felt they were emotionally dead and wanted to die rather than live another day as a JW. What I found was both enlightening and terrifying. I hadn't really "bought into it" shall we say, but having the utmost faith in my parents did not question how I had been raised, I knew nothing else. I was a 4th generation JW from a high profile family AND I was the last remaining child of this family to be a JW AND I had indoctrinated my children in this religion not realizing there was life without it. I found the UN connection, I found life stories mirroring mine, I found the Rothchild connection, I researched the history of this organizaiton and the leaders, Charles Taze Russell, etc. I found out about the child abuse that is covered up and I experienced frsthamd the elders looking the other way as my brother suffered 12 years of physical abuse (being thrown down stairs etc) by his wife who to this day is in "good standing" as a JW. The elders were called in by me at one point and they saw the blood running down my brothers face and she said, I know just when to stop. She was never even reproved. Even after all of that, in typical JW fashion I tried to explain it away, wait on Jehovah, all the b/s you are condidtioned to think when these things are brought up. Then the very friends who told me if I did not shun my brother, since he was df'd, they would cut me off - well that elder committed adultery with his best friends wife and they ran off together destroying two families, 4 kids and devastating two others, his wife and her husband. That was it, the hypocrisy was more than I could bear and it all came crashing in and I no longer could attach my name to a group that so blingly followed and most don't even know why, they just do! I searched out my cousin, and my sister and my brother and reconnected and in the process learned that my father, an elder for 50 years in this "pillar of the church" family was himself a child abuser. I was done. Fortunately my husband and my grown sons were as well. We sent a letter of disassociation and have never looked back. We are happier than we have ever been. It was a long lonely road, but it has been SO worth it!
BOE letter: "presiding overseer" becomes "coordinator of the body of elders
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inhere's the text of the letter:.
christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
to all bodies of elders.
saklunch about straining out a gnat while gulping down a camel. Let's worry about symantics and ignore the hypocrisy and the pedophilia, etc etc etc. So typical. Thanks Billy for keeping us up to date.
cheating on you Feild service time
by Iwonder17 ini'm curious how many people do this and what is the most that you ever wrote down that you didn't do?.
my highest was 12 when i only went out 1 hour .
Oh yes, my husband was a Ministerial Servant and they required the servant and his entire family to meet at least the national average published in the KM - so meet it we did!!!! Even if we didn't go out at all - our goal was to keep them off our back until we were ready.
11-yr old wants to get baptized, father objects, elders interfere
by Bonnie_Clyde inthe mother went to the elders when the dad objected to the girl getting baptized.
this prompted a visit from the elders who counselled him for wanting to hold his child back from baptism.
this girl is immature even for an 11-year old.
I was a very mature 11 year old, and unfortunately no one intervened. I was baptized, not because I ever dedicated my life to the borg or their god, but because my friends were doing it - I had no concept of what I was signing on for, I mean seriously would you let an 11 year old contemplate marriage, no matter how "mature" they might be, I think not. Most people are not really concerned with their kids spirituality in JW's its a status symbol to have your kids baptized early or at all, you are looked down on if your kids "hold back" Anyway, going along with the crowd and trying to be a people pleaser led me through the next 33 years of misery in that organization and I subjected my own children and husband who converted for me, to the same insanity. Fortunately we emerged intact all four of us and we all exited the borg last year, sent a letter of disassociation due to not agreeing with their teachings and not wanting our names associated with them in any way, and for that we were all df'd, oh happy days. We are now 4 very happy apostates!
I wish someone had intervened on my behalf,. At 16 I was caught having a worldly boyfriend (my now husband of 27 years) and was taken to the elders and accused of all sorts of things. My mother even made me go to the doctor and get a letter from him that I was still a virgin, to present to the elders, so that my hypocritical child molester father didn't lose his posiiton as an elder. AT that point I told them to df me, but they called my sister in whom I worshiped and she convinced me not to go through with my request, we laugh about that now, because she was already on her way out and 4 years later she left the family, organization et al and I didn't see her or speak to her for the next 23 years, we laugh because I tell her it is her fault I stayed, fortunately we are working to repair the damage that organization did to our relationship.
But then I am surprised the elders are intervening at all because in this information age, you better get them young before they have a chance to research and find out what they REALLY are signing on for! Maybe they better think about going back to infant baptism..........
Captives of a Concept
by Mickey mouse inwhat a fantastic book!
i really enjoyed it.
i loved the way don cameron refused to get bogged down with arguing for an alternative scriptural interpretation to the witnesses.
Bravo!! Agreed. For a small fee I downloaded it on line and printed it. Well worth the money in any form!
Help - Ask Newspapers To Report On Lawrence Hughes's Hearing This Week
by AndersonsInfo inplease write newspapers to request them to cover the lawrence hughes.
lawrence hughes is scheduled to argue in court on may.
Thanks for the headsup, I sent off my email to the newspapers and I found that you can help donate to his defense costs as well through paypal, which I did - I want to help in any way I can.
A Touching Heartfelt Experience at The ATM Machine!
by caliber ina touching heartfelt experience at the atm machine!.
it was a very touching experience that i had this last weekend at the atm machine.
it was about half an hour discussion but what follows is the highlights that i remember most vividly.. it begins with a once a upon a time pioneer partner of my wife (h4o) coming in to the atm.. jw are things going?
Caliber - that was a great experience. I especially love how you pointed out the correct word usage in the scripture, JW's love to misquote "whom go away too?" great job! To bad the JW won't be earning any brownie points for "helping you see the light". This started my day off, just right. Thanks.
District Overseer comments at CA reveal GB out of answers...
by still_in74 inso 2 weeks ago i went to my 2 day ca.. this had lots of interesting tid-bits, like the wt summary of the generation change.
the conductor said that if we were listeing to jesus speak we would have known he was speaking about us!
then he followed with "and thats probably what they understood too" - i couldnt believe he actually said probably.. anyway, at the end of sunday the do came about and went into a bit about all the things the org has done for us.
(He said: "who taught you about 1914? About the true identity of the FDS? Who taught you that god is not a trinity? Who taught you the truth about pagan Holidays and how to keep without spot from the world? etc etc. he went on like this for 3 or 4 minutes...)
Yes, I gave all of the above very serious thought before I decided to chuck every shred of information I had learned from the JW's in 35 years and start over from scratch!! They should really be careful what they ask..........what about the "truth" about the pagan origin of their organization, since they find it so vital to hang on to origins? I bet very few members actually know anything about the background of CT Russell or perhaps even his name - and where their "beliefs" actually stem from............"blind guides is what they are, both will fall into the pit". With all the info available on the net today, it is no wonder they are scrambling for control. .........but, Fear not, my brothers, you will always have a few Kool Aid drinkers...........
Announcement: They Clapped!
by metatron inweird.
after the letter was read, many clapped.
i don't know how to interpret that.. .
It is the simple fact of cult mind control - they have "the flock" conditioned to accept whatever they present as "new light" that is in their best interests - "the flock" doesn't even stop to consider that,,,, the yearbooks are full of examples of people NEVER missing meetings regardless if they had to walk 40 miles each way barefoot and fording rivers and wrestling alligators and at great expense to themselves - they went to meeting - nor do they see the legal aspect of it that this change will reduce the liability to the borg, because of all the abuse settlements of late - they merely line up and drink the kool aid - nothing more than what I expected!