Are you sure about that, I know mine will ?
..My father is an elder and PO. I have faded...he came to stay with me this summer for 1 week ( I live in TX...he live in OH). I had already found the local KH. I told him I had some brothers #'s Not once did he ask about going to the KH or field service. I'm 44 years old and my parents became JW when I was 2. In all of those years, I cannot think of one time where my dad did not try to meet the local brothers.
...also why he was here...(remember I'm a baptized witness). I failed to get all of my crosses of my walls and he and my mother used my bedroom. In my bathroom I have all kind of Christian reading material. He did not say not one thing about this....and did not ask to stay in a hotel ( he has the means). I really think it a great possibility...and I'm staying hopeful
Your dad really loves you, and you him. You are blessed, wish he could see his way out of the cult so you could be closer.
...Yes I'm really blessed.. And you just do not know how much I want him out of the cult...if he can love me as he shows in the cult...just imagine how wonderful it would be if he was out..