The point I'm trying to make here is that Industry is no more trying to destroy the earth than "Worldly" people are trying to serve Satan. There is an astonishingly tight parallel between the mentality of Jehovah's Witnesses and the way people think when they get zealous about environmental issues. Once you walk in my shoes for a day, the most starkly obvious recognition is environmental protection and good decisions are not a question of good and evil. Every single ad hominem attack whether against people or against corporations, industries etc is fallacy.
I feel the need to rant on the topic because much like I've seen the JW mentality cause a lot of damage, so has the mentality of most environmental activists. Those I've had the displeasure to work with are litterally so ignorant of the real issues that it isn't even possible to surrender to them and give them what "they want", they don't know what they want, because they don't know what they're talking about. Everyone who isn't a JW is under Satans control. Everyone who isn't fighting industry at every turn is an evil polluter pants.
Its as hard to explain this to Mr. InsultmeandclaimI'mthejerk and those like him as it is to explain to a JW that IT DOES matter if Jerusalem didn't fall in 607 (ie there's no reason for your religion to exist without the correctness of that date).
The only way to change the basis of current industrialization is to find viable alternatives. The average light thinker on this topic assumes that "evil Oil executives" are conspiring to prevent viable alternatives. There are "all kinds" of replacements that if we just obeyed Jehovah and chose them, everything would be ok. The very stark reality is that the alternatives look very much like a doomsday scenario relative to Coal, Oil and Gas. (I work in Alternative fuels, this is not propoganda from an evil oil man).
It isn't about good and evil or intention. It is about what God has made available to us, and real technological necessities. It is important to recognize that the flippant attitude that "lets stop using fossil fuel" just in case Global Waming is true is no more rational than "Lets shun our family so we make it through Armageddon". These are HUGELY weighty things on which the life and death of real people pivots. It ain't about slogans or ganging up on those who don't cheer on our slogans or hug the f'n earth with parentheses.
Talk about environmental concerns, don't sell ignorance as the one true religion. We've all seen how much damage that can do.