We're down to about 2 Sundays a month. Our JW friends are helping our fade by pretty much ignoring us already. (Thanks guys) Out of sight, out of mind, I guess.
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How Many Here Still Attend Meetings Sometimes?
by shamus100 in?
if so, how often.. do you still attend the memorial?.
i never go, ever, and haven't been to a memorial in about 6 years (been too long to accurately remember) - i'm too far gone.
the sons of god began to notice....
by lilyflor innwt gen 6: 2. then the sons of the [true] god began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves namely, all whom they choose.. where did these angels get their sexual urges from?.
that's one of those biblical accounts that creeped me out when I was younger. I can still remember the drawing in one of the books showing the angels peeking out from the clouds lusting at the women. Nothing like planting the image of peeping tom angels in a young girl's mind!
And they took the form of men - I thought it was always God's spirit that empowered them to do things so how did they have creative abilities all of a sudden?
Shouldn't God have stepped in and said "No way this is natural or what I intended" and stopped them all before their were offspring!?!?
It all seems so ludicrous now.
******* Are you much healthier, now that you're out? *******
by FlyingHighNow inmuch, much healthier.
being a jw takes it's toll on people's physical and mental health.
jw's are always sick.
wow. Brilliant. I'm new here so this is the first V comments I've seen. I'd never seen that article about the Irish clergy before. I'll be using that little gem. Thanks for all your work.
What is the motivation that drives them......?
by lavendar ini've never been a jw, so i'm curious exactly what drives a witness?
is it the fear of possibly not making it through armageddon that motivates them to do more, do more, do more??
our relative just starting pioneering.
1 - constant pressure to exert themselves vigorously
2 - status recognition
3 - love and appreciation for God? vindication of his name?? - not so much. More likely it's just wanting something else from God, which is to live forever in paradise.
The more I think about what my own motivation was, it really comes down to what I wanted from it all. I can appreciate and be thankful that I was created. Be grateful for the things I have. Heck, I know at some point I felt close enough to God to dedicate myself to him. But how much did I do things out of love for God? If I'm honest with myself, it's most likely I did it for the carrot dangling in front of me - paradise. If you see everything as temporary, then the promise of shortly being in a perfect world is a strong motivator.
High Maintenance Kids-anyone else have them?
by milligal ini guess i'm just looking around for other parents experiencing similar situations as i am -while being df'd and having little family support!.
my oldest (9 yr old) son is asperger's (highly functioning autistic) and ocd.
i worked really hard with him through behavioral therapy and medication and he is doing so well.
Hi milli. I feel for ya. You have your hands FULL. It makes it all the more challenging when your child looks normal physically but has developmental/social issues. It's sad that so many children have these things to deal with. And its hard for the parents cuz they don't know what is going on in their kid's brain most of the time. My son is nearly 6 and he's on a waiting list to be reviewed. I'm hoping they are able to diagnose him but in reality, I think he's still a bit young and probably won't fit into one syndrome. I also have an active 2 year old running amok.
I too don't have ANY family around so hubby and I rarely get a break from them. It doesn't help that we're attending meetings less so I won't be using the young sisters that I normally would to babysit. I think us moms have to find a reliable sitter and get out of the house once a week to keep our sanity!!
Have you read "Signs of the last days?" by Carl O Jonsson?
by Awakened at Gilead inafter seeing h4o's thread today (about hassans book), i decided to open up this one.
i have only been out of the org since 3-29-08 so i have a lot of reading this past month and a half.... i'm halfway through reading the "signs of the last days" book.
in some ways it has impacted me more than some of the others i have read.. as i read cofc, for example, i could see that the inner workings of the gb showed that there were not spirit guided but very misguided.... as i read isofcf i could see logical biblical arguments that refuted jw syances on blood, holidays, jesus, etc.... i read the gentile times reconsidered, and was very impressed with the logic about 587 bce.
Hi Awakened. Wow - I thought I was spending a lot of time reading but you have me beat by a longshot! I read "Signs of the Last Days" right after COC. It was fascinating to see all the data that he collected. I always suspected that our generation wasn't special with all the signs that the WT likes to stress over and over. I mean, come on, 2 Tim. 3: 1-5...People have been violent, liars and worse since the first pages of Genesis. And thinking back to history classes in school, the world spent hundreds of years fighting over colonies and land. Famines and plagues were devastating and would kill over half the population. Carl's book is very fascinating. He's compiled lots of figures and analyses. I should reread it cuz I devoured it rather quickly the first time. I think he mentioned also how it's only been recently that the population has really doubled in size or something like that. Mainly due to serious diseases being alleviated but also because the child mortality rate was...insane...I'm not sure what word I'm looking for. I could never understand how common and accepted it was that half the siblings of my grandparents and great grandparents never survived past childhood and women died in childbirth quite frequently. I feel grateful for living in this time period after contemplating Carl's book and what life was like for people down through the ages. Pre-1914 doesn't sound like no picnic to me.
Love your posts, A@G
Sometimes I think that I am such a bad mom!
by Princess Daisy Boo ini woke up this morning with such a bad headache and facial pain and i felt pretty crappy (i am pretty sure it is sinus related - i seem to get a sinus infection at least every 6 weeks or so).. all was going fine until my little boy climbed onto my bed to put his shoes on and emptied a pile of sand from yesterdays escapades in the sandpit) onto my clean sheets.
well that was the end of my holding my temper - from then on, everything that he or his sister did was wrong and i just shouted and shouted.
he couldn't find his shoes - i shouted at that.
Everyone has these days. Moms rarely get a day off and it never helps when you're feeling like crap. I've had the same kind of mornings with my kids and felt horrible about it. Later on, I made a point of apologizing, giving hugs, and just explaining that I wasn't feeling good. Kids quickly forget outbursts. It's a good opportunity to set an example in saying "sorry, I messed up".
Keep your chin up!
The Wikepedia game!!! Learn something new then tell us!!!
by digderidoo inok heres how you do it.. click the on the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/special:random.
then post here and tell us what you've learnt!!!.
this is mine.
red brocket - also known as Peruvian Red Deer. Small deer in South America
Why do many of us keep refering to IT as "THE TRUTH"?
by ldrnomo inbecause that was the name the borg placed on it's religion, "the truth" it seems to be stuck with many of us.
i am making a concious effort to not refer to it as "the truth".. it is not the truth, it is not the way, and it is definitley not the life!.
so let's stop it people!.
You got a little bit of anger there LD. Take a chill pill. You can call it whatever you want. I find when you start using other terms, then you usually come across as a vindictave apostate. I think most people like to use the old terms so as not to scare newbies away.