dial tone . . . .
In a weird way I found that funny
i got this message from a forum member.. i think you may be confusing the wts' understanding of the "sheep" of matthew chapter 25 (who have not yet been separated from the "goats") and the "other sheep" of john chapter 10. the two groups are not (i.e.
no longer) considered synonymous.. .
what am i missing?
dial tone . . . .
In a weird way I found that funny
ok, i met my brother today.
he drove me to my eye appt out of town.
we rarely get time together alone (no spouses/kids etc).
That made my day. <p>
That just must suck big time for David Gnam and his side kick Shane (the chef at large) Brady.
the recent news articles about jws giving birth to premature twins in quebec last week and premature sextuplets in bc back in january 2007, it occurred to me that these children are not jehovah's witnesses.
the parents are.. the parents, as jws, do not believe in infant baptism such as practiced by the catholic church or any other church.
there are no naming ceremonies as is commonplace in jewish tradition that welcome a newborn into the culture and into the spiritual family.
This is part of the argument as well as other issues that are brought before the Court by the Crown.
The key is the minor is not old or mature enough to make their own INFORMED decision and thus, the State of Province need to step in from time to time to protect the child or minor.
I urge you to read the Supreme's decision on this subject some years ago.
this is a canadian newspaper, i believe.
That is the bait and switch technique that jws always use when talking about bloodless medicine. They always state that there are alternatives to blood. Then they talk about surgical patients who do fine without blood.
They leave out the fact that they don't do fine in many other situations such as these premature babies or major trauma situations. There are still many times when there is no substitute for blood. They just avoid talking about them and focus attention on bloodless surgery.
Well said.
i spent my first 25 years in the jws and could never figure out who the fds was.
today it was bugging me - why can't i relate to the fds even though i now know it is nonsense, but even more important, why can't jws understand who the fds really is?.
let's look at some facts.
NGO = non governmental organization
i got this message from a forum member.. i think you may be confusing the wts' understanding of the "sheep" of matthew chapter 25 (who have not yet been separated from the "goats") and the "other sheep" of john chapter 10. the two groups are not (i.e.
no longer) considered synonymous.. .
what am i missing?
BTTT for later reading
1992 family care and medical management for jehovah's witnesses.
85mb) this publication is now unavailable from the watchtower, with no plans for republication.
bttt for review later
see http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070518/cpsoleil/70518233/5019/cpsoleil.
May 25, 2007
Dear Mr. Hume:
As an advocate for many Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) who have been hurt by this organization, I just wish to thank you for the article on this issue (www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20070525.JEHOVAH25/TPStory/TPNational/?page=rss&id=GAM.20070525.JEHOVAH25 ). I note the header of the article suggests Jehovah's Witnesses prefer techniques that require no transfusions.
A lot of people do not realize that the leadership allows Jehovah’s Witnesses to take one hundred (100) percent of human or animal blood as long as it is in their leadership's defined fractionated form or under their leadership's approved medical procedures (www.ajwrb.org). In fact, if whole donated blood was 100 percent fractionated and then transfused completely back to the patient at the same time in its separate forms, the JW leadership would accept the procedure. Unfortunately the technique has not been mastered in the medical world to save Witness lives. On page 22 of the June 15, 2004 Watchtower magazine (official publication for the Witnesses), the leadership actually provides a chart of what is and what is not acceptable.
Oddly, the leadership also allows Witnesses to take in white blood cells from another human during the course of a baby breast feeding from the mother but bans certain life saving white blood cell transfusions from the donated blood supply. The JW leadership does not discuss allowing white blood cell transfers during breast feeding while banning white blood cell transfers through transfusion therapy. You may wish to quiz the JW leadership or spokesperson on the issue. If leadership representatives tell you that breast feeding is natural and transfusions are not natural, remind them that their own official policy found in the June 1, 1990 and June 15, 2000 Watchtower magazines allow albumin (part of plasma) transfusions because albumin “naturally” travels between fetus and mom during gestation.
The leadership allows JWs to accept many blood transfusion therapies from the donated blood supply and have changed their doctrine many times since 1945. Before 1940 blood transfusions were allowed by the leadership. In the 1950s the JWs could not accept any blood products from the donated blood supply as blood needed to be poured onto the ground and covered. Also organ transplants were banned up to the 1970s but are now allowed by the leadership (http://www.ajwrb.org/history/index.shtml#modern).
Today, the leadership bases their interpretation on certain science and medicine literature more than the Bible. In support of its logic, the leadership sites the breakdown of blood in "Emergency Care" (a textbook for emergency medical technician students). The Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood (www.ajwrb.org) indicate that scientifically, the breakdown is neither authoritative nor definitive. Alternatively, consider the list of major blood components as listed in Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices (pages 237-248, 1999) by Denise M. Harmening, Ph.D. "Red blood cells, RBC Aliquots, Leukocyte-reduced red blood cells, frozen - deglycerolized red blood cells, platelet concentrate, single donor plasma, cryoprecipitated antihemophilic factor, granulocyte concentrates, factor VIII concentrate, porcine factor VIII, factor IX concentrate (Prothrombin Complex), immune serum globulin, normal serum albumin, plasma protein fraction, Rho(D) immunoglobulin, antithrombin III concentrate". It is noteworthy that of the sixteen major blood components listed in this definitive and widely respected textbook on transfusion medicine, nine are definitely permitted by Jehovah's Witnesses policy.
Just think about haemoglobin for a second which was banned until June 2000. Today, ninety-seven (97) percent by weight of a red blood cell (ie. haemoglobin) is allowed to be used by a JW in a medical procedure but add just three (3) more percent (ie. a membrane) and the product is banned.
You may wish to ask the leadership where in the Bible does it state red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or plasma are not approved blood therapies but haemoglobin, albumin and the many other blood therapy products or blood transfusion therapies such as Intraoperative Autotransfusion (http://www.ajwrb.org/basics/what.shtml ) are allowed?
A lot of times the lawyers for the JW family (which in reality are from the Watchtower's Georgetown Ontario complex) will comment about how blood is very dangerous or that it is not medically necessary. They will bring up so-called bloodless surgery which in fact includes blood transfusions of one’s own blood using machines such as hemodilution. They will not tell you these transfusions using these machines were banned by the leadership a few short years ago. They also will not tell you that the so-called bloodless technique of bagging and storing of one’s own blood is still banned. They will bring up that they allow organ transplants which are significantly more of a dangerous procedure than blood therapy but they will not tell you that the donated organ such as a liver actually contain banned whole blood from the donor as well.
For the past banned which are now approved blood therapies, the leadership likes to put a caveat that the members must make a conscience choice whether to accept a blood fraction or not. This is the same for once banned vaccinations and organ transplants. At the same time the JW members are provided with many articles from the leadership explaining there are serious dangers in blood or there are alternative products to blood without properly explaining when blood therapy is needed to sustain life or prevent premature death. The result creates an atmosphere where some JWs will not take any blood therapies when they actually should.
A lot of people buy into the leadership’s argument without thinking about all the lives that were lost in years gone by and the lives that will be lost this year alone around the world. A lot of times people including the press miss the point that blood transfusions are life saving therapies that save thousands of lives every year and that the past stored blood crisis was not caused by the blood itself but by certain individuals who decided not to properly test the blood.
You should be aware that it is the JW leadership that opposes certain types of blood transfusions and therapies to save lives, enforces the doctrine on its members by using shunning and excommunication (disassociation) and inundates the JW members with many articles explaining the dangers of blood without properly explaining when the therapy is needed to sustain life or prevent premature death.
The leadership is not transparent on these and other serious problems within the doctrine, the many changes to the doctrine since 1945 or that certain JWs do not agree with this doctrine to the members. Please also note that AJWRB (www.ajwrb.org) are a group of JWs who actually will accept banned blood transfusion therapies to sustain life or prevent premature death. In other words not all JWs accept the leadership’s policy.
No one wants blood therapy if it can be avoided. But, there are times when this procedure helps to sustain life and prevent premature death as any medical doctor will tell you. Since the leadership is asking their members to make a life sacrifice or face harmful shunning by families and friends, it is important for the leadership to be honest and transparent on what they teach.
There is no way any minor or an adult can make an actual informed conscience choice involving premature death under these circumstances and the Courts have recognized this in the past and continue to recognize that fact.
If you would like to speak to a lawyer knowledgeable on the subject please contact Kerry Louderback-Wood at xxxx. She has already provided information in recent CP and MacLeans stories on the B.C. sextuplets and published a lengthy legal report on the issue in the United States of America.
I also urge you to read the MacLeans February 19, 2007 article on the sextuplets case.
Take care and feel free to contact me if you need something further,
see http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070518/cpsoleil/70518233/5019/cpsoleil.
Who the hell was the doctor that testified? Was he a doctor of cooking?
BTW, it was nice of the rag people call the Globe and Mail to put that garbage in their paper without the other side being told. It was also nice of that rag to not mention that the Doctor from NJ had no idea about the kids' state until late in the article.
I guess I will write Mark Hume and give him a piece of my mind.
parents don't get a moral pass.
toronto star, canada - 3. even the discovery that their parents were devout jehovah's witnesses and is there any other kind of watchtower congregant?
raised only faint alarm ... rosie [email protected] the author.
A doctor who is a Jehovah's Witness testified on the parents behalf that alternatives to transfusion were available.
Anybody know who this doctor is? I want to report him.