blondie is right ,they love to play wih trust funds with the money , they did it with the oil gas lease money at the cong I attended. I think it's despicable . every month they cry about not having enough to pay the bills and start demanding donations then comes along a chance to have it all paid for they run off with the money.
JoinedPosts by heathen
"Charitable Giving" Brochure
by HintOfLime incan someone provide me with some information on the names and nature of a brochure by the wt with a name something along the lines of "charitable giving"?
upon learning that a close jw relative was diagnosed with cancer, and possibly on their deathbed, the "friendly neighborhood jw hopital group" showed up, had a lengthy closed-door discussion with him one-on-one (wife couldn't be present), and left a brocure and dvd in the room with a title along the lines of "charitable giving" - i'm sorry, i didn't read the full name before it disappeared.
the 'brothers' (*cough* moneyhounders in sheeps clothing *cough*) had already left this "information" and had "discussions" with him before even the family learned of the situation and had arrived.. am i right in thinking this is a "you're soon-to-be-widow doesn't really need that life insurance money" brochure?
Whats the weirdest thing a JW ever said to you?
by chukky 594 ini remember a 'sister' coming up to me and telling me off for being on the atkins diet, as it was satanic and designed by satan.. chukky.
I'm going to say that they believe only demonically possesed people can see spirits since king saul was only unable to see them when consulting a medium . Very strange indeed, oh there's more just earmarking the page with that one.
Are they really that bad???
by anonymous4 inhad a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
heck of a first post. Just because everyone here has had bad experiences might not be enough proof that this cult is a funny farm for misfits and control freaks . Go right ahead and give it a whirl , if you can't identify the problems on your own we will try to help. Don't tell them you come here , the first thing they will do is try to control your internet activity .
"Charitable Giving" Brochure
by HintOfLime incan someone provide me with some information on the names and nature of a brochure by the wt with a name something along the lines of "charitable giving"?
upon learning that a close jw relative was diagnosed with cancer, and possibly on their deathbed, the "friendly neighborhood jw hopital group" showed up, had a lengthy closed-door discussion with him one-on-one (wife couldn't be present), and left a brocure and dvd in the room with a title along the lines of "charitable giving" - i'm sorry, i didn't read the full name before it disappeared.
the 'brothers' (*cough* moneyhounders in sheeps clothing *cough*) had already left this "information" and had "discussions" with him before even the family learned of the situation and had arrived.. am i right in thinking this is a "you're soon-to-be-widow doesn't really need that life insurance money" brochure?
Did you try , ? That is pretty nervey if all they want is to talk about is leaving money to the WT. I thinkk they are just as greedy if not more so than any televangelist I've seen on tv.
Name Something Good About Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini've got one!.
you don't have to wait in long xmas lines at the store to buy xmas presents.
as a matter of fact, you don't have to buy a damn thing!.
ditto to miseryloveselders. I hate the holidays and don't care about black friday and all the jerks that show up for it and stampede walmart employees to death, believe it should be banned all together. I'm sick of the santa clause bs every year and would never attend any church that encouraged it , thanks to the WTBTS. My personal experiences with these people is that they are serious back stabbing idiots tho .
That picture tells a thousand words.LOL cameo. The WTBTS failure to identify the great crowd would seem left alot of people looking just like that.
Name Something Good About Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini've got one!.
you don't have to wait in long xmas lines at the store to buy xmas presents.
as a matter of fact, you don't have to buy a damn thing!.
oh yah it was the great fellowship with a bunch of two faced back stabbers . I feel the love .
What is worship? Does the WT promote the worship of Jehovah, or the worship of works?
by miseryloveselders indozy posted the latest suggestions for activities to do on family worship night.
thanks for that by the way, dozy!
in the thread i wondered whether or not jws are worshiping the things that make this religion unique or not.
I remember them saying that actually doing something to promote kingdom interests was a form of worship ,be it congregating and encouraging each other as what jesus did with the apostles and followers or most important is the D2D work that equate to exercising faith in God . Faith alone would not be enough however one cannot boast in works as the reason for salvation (according to Paul).
Can you recommend any films? Expanding my collection
by oldlightnewshite inhey guys, i'm compiling some hard drives full of films and tv series.
i've come to a bit of an impasse.
i've got hundreds of films, with all the obvious choices.
I suggest getting a netflix account where you can surf thousands of movies .
The Watchtower Society, The Organization of Deceit
by wasblind inexample: sept 1, 2010 wt, public edition states on page 13 :.
" you have nothing to fear in examining your religious beliefs" they also state on this page: "yes, even though a certain religious teaching seems to be inspired-or to come from god- it is still the course of wisdom to examine the scriptures to make sure before accepting it as true_ john 8:31,32.".
in the sept 15, 2010 wt, study edition for witnesses only on page 13 paragraph 8 states: "this spiritual food is based on gods word.
LMAO@OUTLAW if you first don't succeed lie ,lie again.