because of the WTBTS failures I think they are highly questionable .
JoinedPosts by heathen
How would you answer: Archeology
by sabastious ini have noticed that the professional archeology community, in my opinion, likes to jump the gun.
they seem to fill in a lot of historical holes with little actual evidence.
not to say they don't fill an important role on this planet.. what is your general view of archeology and why?.
What is the JW view of the Ichtus (Fish) christianity symbol?
by james_woods inthe thread about the cross got me to thinking about this - i think i read somewhere that the earliest known christian relic was a mosaic display of the fish symbol - which was taken as a sign of christianity.. has the watchtower ever explained why they avoid the use of this symbol?.
have they ever explained why it is ok for them to use the watchtower as a symbol but not this?.
The only symbol you're allowed to have is that of the pattented watchtower . The only true symbol . I can see the arguement tho that the fish symbol is used by everyone else therefore to seperate from them they chose another one so as not to be mistaken for them.
1984 WT cover, 1914 Gen That Will Not Pass -- How many of 16 alive today?
by FatFreek 2005 inthose people on that cover were supposed to represent a group of people that would still live on into the new order.
in your best guess, how old were most of those 16 people at the time the photo was taken, and how many do you suppose are still alive today?.
remember, that wt was printed in 1984, nearly 27 years ago.
I don't forget that the WTBTS and jho's will ruin your life for not agreeing with their dogma at anytime and will df you for making mention of it . I remember I questioned it and was immediately crapped on, so any critique is welcome on this board. Those people in that photo were spreading a lie so why doesn't the old wages of sin is death scripture apply to them ? anybody but them .
1984 WT cover, 1914 Gen That Will Not Pass -- How many of 16 alive today?
by FatFreek 2005 inthose people on that cover were supposed to represent a group of people that would still live on into the new order.
in your best guess, how old were most of those 16 people at the time the photo was taken, and how many do you suppose are still alive today?.
remember, that wt was printed in 1984, nearly 27 years ago.
They had to atleast be 80 yrs in 1984 I guess they consider the born ins as part of it . I wouldn't think any would be here today and if are in a nursing home .
April WT is out. Blood, FDS, moses & crazy stuff...
by bohm inthe april wt is out, get it while you can.
what caught my attention was the first article.
some quotes:.
I thought the WTBTS said it was actually jesus in the old testament as arch angel michael who delivered the commandments to moses. Any way the next article will probably show they reject the holy spirit by stating they are not spirit inspired. This thing's like a ship sinking and the captain already swam to shore leaving all behind .
April WT is out. Blood, FDS, moses & crazy stuff...
by bohm inthe april wt is out, get it while you can.
what caught my attention was the first article.
some quotes:.
Unlike jehovah they have a nasty habit of blowing smoke up everyones a$$ and telling them the worlds on fire from all their firey proclamations of Gods adverse judgements. These type articles just show how they continue to paint themselves in the corner over spirit inspiration. Jesus anoints people so the spirit can bear witness to the truth ,this is spirit inspiration and or direction . Interpretations belong to God not man.
Political/Religious rant
by sabastious ini've noticed that humans work better in small groups of like minded individuals.
the congregation books studies were always more enjoyable than the kingdom hall meetings to speak from a jw perspective.. when more people get involved the worse the scanario can get.
not to say all large groups are corrupt or even to say that all small groups are benign.
right on dogon. LOL Not to mention they murdered 3k plus people on 911 and refused an independent investigation. They have been working hard to dum us down and rob us of our heritage of freedom and indepenence a nation where there are charities supporting murdering 90 percent of the world population so some cult group can create a world revolving around themselves and enslaving everyone else. I could go on but the UN was not created for the reasons most think .It was a first step in a global new world order . Full of corrupt murdering ruthless greedy criminals. THey even have child sex slave syndicates , really sick crap. check out alex jones on info wars.
Memorial observance It isnt about Jesus at all!
by 1badmutha inwe all know that jesus is a pretty much-overlooked figure by the wbts.
they refuse to celebrate his birth for a number of convoluted reasons, which i refuse to argue.
but, it is curious that they celebrate the death of christ.
I think they are spot on about christmas ,first century christians did not celebtrate it. It's just an addaptation of pagan festivals.So much evidence to conclude dec. 25 is not accurate at all. The memorial is one of the most strange things I've ever seen in religion , a holy mass where the symbols of sacrifice are passed around with only an occasional partaker. Everybody listens to a presentation of why not to indulge. It's the same thing every year.Like being invited for supper and told you may be eternally damned if you eat or drink anything.
The Lord's Witnesses - Great Tribulation to start 13.1.11
by dozy inok - watch out for tomorrow morning folks.
i've occasionally followed the dealings of this jw splinter group headed by former jw gordon ritchie - he was interviewed in the times a couple of years ago -
I guess I should party likes it's 1999 again?
The Rapture is COMING!!!! SOON!!!!
by brotherdan inbiblical scholar's date for rapture: may 21, 2011theologyjanuary 01, 2010|by justin berton, chronicle staff writerformer civil engineer harold camping of oakland, who runs family radio, has studied the bible for almost 70 lance iversen / the chronicleharold camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world will end in 2012.. "that date has not one stitch of biblical authority," camping says from the oakland office where he runs family radio, an evangelical station that reaches listeners around the world.
"it's like a fairy tale.".
the real date for the end of times, he says, is in 2011.. the mayans and the recent hollywood movie "2012" have put the apocalypse in the popular mind this year, but camping has been at this business for a long time.
If you can't take it with you how about leaving your stuff with me ? Sounds more like another fraud where they hope to reach heaven standing on a pile of money.