I'm afraid to drink tap water with the flouride in it . The jesse ventura special on bottled water was very interesting . Highly recommend the conspiracy theory show on TRUE TV
JoinedPosts by heathen
Is drinking distilled water dangerous?
by Iamallcool insome say yes and some say no.
i am confused.
WT articles that make you go, "WTF?"
by undercover inmarch 1, 2011 wt kool aid edition.... the article: does the bible condemn gambling.
notice the highlighted boxes.... first the indication that the catholic church does not consider gambling itself a sin... and then challenges that because no scriptural passages are given in proof of their assertion.. the very next column though, the wts admits that the bible does not directly mention gambling.
so, um, how do you expect the catholics to come up with scriptures if there are none?.
Yah those articles of use your own conscience but then they go on to say what a good jdub would do are weird. I love the ones that go on to say they aren't spirit inspired especially after a huge failure in predictions .1 minute they have everything all figured out and jehovah is in the driver seat the next it's all a bunch BS.
My First Post on JWN- Hello!
by Philadelphia Ponos ini'll give some background information before i introduce myself.
i faded from the organization three and a half years ago.
i have no family members who are jws and haven't thought about this religion at all over the past three and half years.
We're not here to help you return but read the forum and learn the tactics they use to control and manipulate , then decide what's right for you
picture of JW child baptism ... link to news paper
by Aussie Oz ini won't post the picture as it may breach some copyright or something.
here is the link.
That is disgusting . Just wait til they hit puberty and the hormones kick in they will be sitting in the back room explaining all kinds of kid details that no elder should have to listen to. They kept telling me I didn't need baptism to be saved , I've always known that to be a lie according to christian theology.
Since the numbers of those partaking are increasing......
by justmom in........and not decreasing, and 1935 hasn't shut up the heavenly hope..... then maybe folks are hearing the invitation at john 6:35-59....... "i am the bread of life!
he that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood (communion) has everlasting life, and a resurrection.
unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.
are you kidding .they needed permission from brooklyn ? The apostle Paul did elaborate on those worthy and those not but apparently if you weren't going to eat and drink then you were to stay home. You really can only approve of yourself according to Paul, other wise you would eat and drink judgement against yourself . They just don't think the earthling class should do it since they are not part of the new covenent of the israel of God or known as the 144k. Earthlings are only equal to the foreign prosolytes that converted but had no legal rights as an Israelite in the mosaic system.
*Seriously* Considering A Billboard Ad?
by laverite ina full billboard ad in my area along a busy heavily travelled highway would cost about $500.
would probably get lots of attention and maybe even a news article, who knows.
$500 is cheap and easily affordable.
I think it sounds like a silly idea . let's just take the money and party down at an A fest or something . woooohoooo
Fallout 2014
by wobble income 2014 even some dubs must start to ask wtf jesus has been doing for one hundred years, and there is a big potential for many to leave.. what more will the wt bull**it (writing) department come out with to keep the poor little drones feeding the hive, and maintaining the gb's rock-star life-style ?.
the over-lapping generation tripe will be getting on for five years old by then, surely "noo lite" will shine that makes the big a even closer or somesuch ?.
come on chaps, those poor saps in writing need your best ideas.
I guess we can expect them to start calling it the noahic generation awaiting salvation from the flood of God's fury. Keep doing more til 2034. LOL
BOE LTR PDF Nov 17- Notation made to ks10
by yknot in(( hardcopy link of boe ltr pdf : http://www.sendspace.com/file/1gncdo ))... in my best 'theocratic' voice trying to mimic a service meeting conductor (giggles) ..."if you have acrobat you can insert this behind the other boes in the ks10 pdf, or if not consider downloading and keeping it in the same file as your ks10 for future need to know..... i chose to 'highlight' what i thought might be of interest to the forum in the below transcript but of course it is not limited!.
to all bodies of elders.
re: letters of introduction.
I don't know why they do this as I've read countless articles on gossip and slander. I'd be all for a child molester being outted but jesus they think they should just crap on anybody .
Does The "Active Bethelite Sixscreens" Thread Help You Recognize The Watchtower Organization Is "Spying" On You?
by minimus inlet me state that these sensational types of threads are counter-productive, in my humble opinion.
the whole "spying" thing and the cameras and secret recordings in shower stalls and toilets is nutty!.
do these threads help you to see how the organization is wrong?.
I did wonder myself if they aren't finding ways to spy on you with technology . I know elsewhere admits to being caught masturbating at bethel , exactly how that happened not sure tho you should ask him . I do know I've seen a kid at the local cong playing with himself in the toilet , unbelievabel disgust thinking about that one.
BOE LTR PDF Nov 17- Notation made to ks10
by yknot in(( hardcopy link of boe ltr pdf : http://www.sendspace.com/file/1gncdo ))... in my best 'theocratic' voice trying to mimic a service meeting conductor (giggles) ..."if you have acrobat you can insert this behind the other boes in the ks10 pdf, or if not consider downloading and keeping it in the same file as your ks10 for future need to know..... i chose to 'highlight' what i thought might be of interest to the forum in the below transcript but of course it is not limited!.
to all bodies of elders.
re: letters of introduction.
That is pittiful , they are saying you have to carry around a letter containing every little misdemeaner with you . That's insane . Could contain everything from admitted masturbation to growing a beard or drinking too much alcohol. How insane is that , forget it I refuse to be a part of that. What happened to jesus command to forgive 7 times 77? This really is a cult of control freaks and hypocrites