I think revelation 6:9-12 says it pretty clearly, prologus . When the last one is killed by the ax then the 4 winds are set loose . A very inconvenient truth that the WTBTS invented some extremely convoluted dogma to cover the fact that all it's presidents and GB have not qualified .
JoinedPosts by heathen
The two-tiered Christian system. WHY?!
by DATA-DOG inthe wtbts asserts that the great crowd of [ other sheep ] teaching arose as an answer to the confusion of the rank-and-file, correct?
what confusion?
does anyone know any specifics?
The two-tiered Christian system. WHY?!
by DATA-DOG inthe wtbts asserts that the great crowd of [ other sheep ] teaching arose as an answer to the confusion of the rank-and-file, correct?
what confusion?
does anyone know any specifics?
they then and still today refuse to acknowledge the truth about the LF . They still have dogma that is very similar to the rapture dogma of MS religion . The LF do have to die as martyrs as did jesus and the apostles , there's no dying of natural causes here . The whole last supper is entering into a martyr pact . The GC are promised the reward of never knowing death at all and surviving the chaotic end of the world .
by zeb ini have just watched a u-tube produced on the 1-6-2013 in canada of a paul hellyer who was a defence minister in canada who stated at some conference that he believes that there are at least 6 different alien 'races' making regular contact with the earth.
one group is referred to as the 'tall whites'.. he understands that two individuals (alien) are working with the us government swapping intelligence and so on.
he goes on to mention this knowledge of aliens is kept from the general population by the ususal super rich nasties the proposers of world government etc.. the interview is something to watch!
I think the WTBTS stance on existence of aliens is there is a very slim possibility but not likely . I personally seriously doubt that if there is alien life that it is highly improbable that they can travel in space ships and are visiting earth . I think most of the evidence is proven to be a hoax or natural phenomena with some that is not identifiable at the time . As I've seen spirits that look like what some claim is an alien grey description it may well be evill spirits .
Since Great Crowd has no mediator
by sosoconfused ini am thinking that maybe i missed this discussion or something.
now for years in the org i never ever paid attention to the article that says jesus is the mediator for the 144000 alone.
yesterday talking to my 70+ year old dad he got violently angry with me and threw his cane at me because he said i was a liar.. .
If you don't enter the covenent by eating and drinking at the memorial (as they call it) you aren't in it , obviously . You really have to be anointed with holy spirit tho to qualify and as far as I can see , there doesn't appear to be much of that going around . What made me laugh one time is when a GC elder tells me he has as much holy spirit as any LF . ROTFLMAO ... The GC only wash their robes in the blood of the lamb they are not brothers with christ as the LF are spirit adopted brothers who are expected to live and also die as Jesus did . GC never die . The whole thing of being mediator involves preparing the LF for thier heavenly role as kings. IMO
Subtle wording in today's study article (3/15/13 WT)
by leaving_quietly inw13 3/15 p. 28 par.
"first, we must proclaim that name to others, recognizing that only those who 'call on the name of jehovah will be saved.
' (rom.
true penelope - looked it up , been awhile on that . Don't know what they think today , I think everything is in reprint .LOL You notice it says a third of the souls in the sea die so this is about a spiritual death .IMO There are pastors out their claiming it's a war between Israel and russia or various other nonsense of course none of them will admit they lie just sound important and raise money either. Anyway those saying calling on jesus for salvation are wrong as well because jesus says , " not everyone saying to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of the heavens". We've been discussing the scripture where he turns people away.
Subtle wording in today's study article (3/15/13 WT)
by leaving_quietly inw13 3/15 p. 28 par.
"first, we must proclaim that name to others, recognizing that only those who 'call on the name of jehovah will be saved.
' (rom.
penelope- That is what the WTBTS believes of itself from what I recall in the revelation book . The sea representing the turbulent political climate , the instability of governments that rule on earth . The mountain is the mountain of jehovah mentioned in Isaiah. come and let's go up the mountain of jehovah and learn his ways . something like that and all people from the different nations take refuge there.
Subtle wording in today's study article (3/15/13 WT)
by leaving_quietly inw13 3/15 p. 28 par.
"first, we must proclaim that name to others, recognizing that only those who 'call on the name of jehovah will be saved.
' (rom.
The scripture also goes on and states a condition . One must be faithful and true . You don't just up and shout jehovah and presto you get a free pass to paradise . YOu have to face the trials and persecution in connection with jesus christ and prove, just as he did, that you are worthy . certainly the 2 commandments that jesus itterated come into play , love jehovah your GOD with all you have and your neighbor as yourself .
"Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name?"
by truthseeker ini would like to know if anyone can help me with this question.
presumably in the last days when jesus arrives as judge and executioner, he says the famous scripture, "many will say to me in that day, lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name?
and then i will confess to them, 'i never knew you, get away from me you workers of lawlessness'".
It's really about the fake televangelists and faith healers .IMO . They claim to be doing these type of things but in actuallity it's a con game to get your money . It's a fraud perpetrated in his name . IMO
Way to find a relic there lost .LOL
Memorial - Commemoration or Observance?
by The Searcher inthe law covenant was a 'shadow' of the better covenant to come.
everyone at sinai agreed to, and was part of that covenant - no exceptions!
it was not just for the priesthood.
Well ,I gotta say the LF are made up of all tribes and nations the apostles were to preach to the nations as jesus took care of Israel personally and there were few prospects even after all his miracles . The Israel of GOD is not the same as ancient Israel and the promise to abraham . The 2 folds of sheep was about the jew and gentile as equals without favoritsm . The apostles went on about no more enmity even regarding the fact that the romans were still in charge of Israel . What I gather from the scriptures was the apostle Paul being the first to baptize a woman and being excited that she was prophesying but in the end tell all women in the congregation to learn in silence and puts them under authority of their husband rather than jesus directly so I think things had changed drastically , women are not allowed to preach so cannot do the job of an evangelizer or work in the convertion areas so would not be elligible for the reward in heaven . Paul went on to even say that women now would only be saved through , faith , childbearing and sanctification . The LF are martyred as a sacrifice to GOD because of spreading the Gospel good news.
Theory on how Egyptian pyramids were built
by Monsieur inthough it was impossible to transport massive blocks when building these pyramids, would it not make more sense that blocks of clay were formed and shaped (one or more at a time), waited to dry and hardened, then continue with the next one or two blocks?.
wasn't this how the egyptians made anything?
(clay and so forth?).
Just glad no one mentioned aliens here >LOL . AA is always going on how ancient man was too dumb to do anything of that magnitude . claiming not to be able to do it with todays technology does not limit their ability to do it.