Topics Started by Solace
Saturday is ...........................
by Solace in.
elsewhere's birthday!!!!!
happy 30th, you stud muffin you!
Visions of heaven
by Solace in.
various visions of heaven and the need to believe.
i found this pretty interesting and thought i would share it.
Share your funniest or cutest baby pics!!
by Solace inseven recently posted some darling pics of himself as a baby!
sooo cute!
i thought it would be so fun to see everyones baby pictures!
Secretly celebrate?
by Solace indid you ever secretly celebrate a worldly holiday in a way that did or didnt bother your conscience?.
for example on a different day etc?.
cousin allows her son to recieve christmas gifts from non j.w.
Bizarre religious doctrines
by Solace ini am aware of false religious doctrines in the w.t.s.. i never really considered the possibility of others also being manipulated by different religious organizations.. i work with a woman who is very devout in her beliefs.
the women in her church are not permitted to use birth control, cut their hair, wear makeup or wear jewelry.
they may sing but no music or musical instruments are permitted.
Men are Like............
by Solace inmen are like,.
lava lamps.. fun to look at, but not very bright.. laxatives.. they irritate the sh*t out of you.. bananas.. the older they get, the less firm they are.. vacations.. they never seem to be long enough.. bank machines.. once they withdraw, they lose intrest.. weather.. nothing can be done to change them.. cement.. after getting laid, they take a long time to get hard.. commercials.. you cant believe a word they say.. government bonds.. they take so long to mature.. horoscopes.. they always tell you what to do and are usually wrong.. mascara.. they usually run at the first sign of emotion.. popcorn.. they satisfy you, but only for a little while.. snowstorms.. you never know when they are comming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.. blenders.
you need one, but you're not quite sure why.. parking spots.. the good ones are all taken and the rest are all handicapped.