Topics Started by BenV
Intelligent People on this Forum
by BenV insomeone had a thread about "smart people" in their congregations.
while i readily admit there were some "good," and "kind" jws in the congregation i grew up in.
and maybe it was the location -- my dad was asked to move there -- but for the most part it was an intellectual sahara.. yet i've noticed that on this forum there are some incredibly "smart" people.
MOUTHY'S 81st Birthday
by BenV inmouthy, is today your 81st birthday?
i saw on a post you wrote -- and it said birthday!
(don't know how these things work?).
GENESIS (The lost chapter) Adam & Eve & Steve
by BenV inrecent scholarly bible research has uncovered a lost chapter in genesis.
be forewarned there's a few old english naughty words..
ben (studying).
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Any gay former JWs out there?
by BenV inhey, don't want to frizz any reconditioned christian straight people here -- so if gay stuff bothers you, please go to the next post.
thanks.. i've started a group for gay disfellowshipped, da-d, or missing-in-action jws.
thought we could share a few stark-raving post-jw survival stories.