Topics Started by BenV
Intelligent People on this Forum
by BenV insomeone had a thread about "smart people" in their congregations.
while i readily admit there were some "good," and "kind" jws in the congregation i grew up in.
and maybe it was the location -- my dad was asked to move there -- but for the most part it was an intellectual sahara.. yet i've noticed that on this forum there are some incredibly "smart" people.
Met an exJW when I was out Friday Night. His pain broke my heart.
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up ini was out friday night with a few of the friends i have made since leaving jws behind, when lo and behold, it turns out that one of their boyfriends was an exjw too!
i was excited at first, as i had not yet met someone who was exjw and gay in the flesh until now.
however, my excitement was shortlived.
25 years ago today my wife and I were married in a Kingdom Hall
by Thechickennest intoday is our silver wedding anniversary!
little did we know that twenty five years later we would be out of what we now call a cult!
we were such good, active witnesses......we are happier now as a couple.
MOUTHY'S 81st Birthday
by BenV inmouthy, is today your 81st birthday?
i saw on a post you wrote -- and it said birthday!
(don't know how these things work?).
Gay Marriage - The War for Equality
by Inquisitor ini've just read lola28's thread "for those against gay marriage".
i thought i should present a clear message on what i think the gay marriage issue is all about.
the trouble with most discussions on this issue is that it gets clouded by a plethora of side-issues, non-issues, cave-men chest-thumping and medieval puritanism.
GENESIS (The lost chapter) Adam & Eve & Steve
by BenV inrecent scholarly bible research has uncovered a lost chapter in genesis.
be forewarned there's a few old english naughty words..
ben (studying).
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Graduating from collge next week
by NYCkid ini just wanted share that i am graduating from columbia university next week with an undergraduate degree in sociology at the age of 39. see, it's never too late, for anyone out there considering attending college.. my partner and around 10 of my closest friends will be there to cheer me on, which is overshadowing any disappointment that my family will not be there, or as of today, yet to acknowledge this accomplishment that means so much to me (i sent grad announcements a few weeks ago along with an invite).
in all honestly, they live across the country so it is an expensive trip.. anyway, despite the student loans, hard work and sacrifices, it has been well worth it.
i remember back in h.s in the late 1980s, i begged my parents to let me attend college, but of course, the end was coming and it was a waste of time.