Before I got baptized, I left the JW's and became sort of rebellious as a teenager and young adult. My mom would attempt to counsel me and I wouldn't listen to any of it. To me it was if she wasn't really trying to connect with me at all, or find out how I felt about certain things and her counsel was always full of quoting one scripture or another. For some reason, I never felt connected to her, only judged by her. When I was going through some issues, I always received some stern WT-ish counsel and she always stated why I needed to come back to the 'truth'. I could never put my finger on why my mother and I never seemed to have a close mother-daughter relationship and why I never listened to her 'counsel' or take the letters she wrote me very seriously. ( The letters she wrote always were mailed to me wrapped around a watchtower or awake mag, and full of quoted scriptures).
Looking back, I can probably guess why. Because she was counting time. That was always the end goal. Not to help me through my personal problems ( which I had a lot) or even really listen and open up to me ( she rarely did this, and I know very little about her own personal feelings). It was always preaching - WT style. And I'm quite sure she racked this up with all of her other witness activities, including the letter writing. The whole 'counting time' thing is crazy and I would feel very uncomfortable if she did this now, as I'm trying my best to fade out of this god forsaken religion. Counting time was was of the very first things that struck my as very wrong and unscriptural. Those who are devout live their lives by the JW clock and I don't blame my mom, this is all she has been taught - that this is the only way that shows that you love someone, if you preach to (at) them.