What an asshole of a father! I would never do that to my baby girl! Talk about messing with her emotions and scarring her for life.
I sure as hell hope that Jehovah is not like that! (although the WTS seems to play the same mind games)
i just got this in my email from an elder's wife (she knows i am not going to meetings):.
the cheerful girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.
What an asshole of a father! I would never do that to my baby girl! Talk about messing with her emotions and scarring her for life.
I sure as hell hope that Jehovah is not like that! (although the WTS seems to play the same mind games)
i've been reading threads off and on for about a year now so i feel almost like i know some of you.
i just thought i would take the opportunity to introduce myself to the board.
it's very exciting to join up and become one of you.
allgoodthings... welcome to the board.
No need for shyness here. We're all in it together.
i've been 'going out' with a beautiful girl and we have a great time together.
we have a lot of similar interests and always have stuff to talk/do.
the problem is that she's a jw, and i know there is no way i'm going to become a jw.
I wish I had seen this post earlier to give you my opinion.
I have had extensive discussions with others about why the governing body is not who they say they are. In every instance I have found that you need to use cunning techniques. It's not devious, but it's the ONLY WAY to get beyond their thinking block.
Questions are very good. Asking about key doctrines and providing key questions can throw a JW for a big loop. I recently tried questioning 607 to a brother and he was scared to death that he couldn't find the answers. He told me after that he couldn't sleep that night and wanted to hear more in secret. Good for him!
This takes time, and unless you have done a TON of research, i'm afraid there's not much you can do. You MUST be prepared when facing a JW. And you must buy time. Ask her to give you time to do YOUR research, as you need to convince yourself first. That way you can leave discussions open. Also, get the Crisis of Conscience book in spanish, fourth edition. You can download it as a PDF (I think) or buy it online.
Hope this helps.
anyone else hate this practice?
uve been sitting all day 4 three days @ this place and u just wanna hurry up and finish ur cleaning assignment so u can go out to eat w/ ur friends, but bro.
special speaker from bethel/or do has to give a one man symposium during his prayer recapping every single moment of the past 3 days.. its like they have this formula that they use to determine how long a prayer should be.
How about the long 5 minute APPLAUSE following the 10 minute prayer?
One time a good friend of mine turned over to me after a long 15 minute prayer from a GB member followed by a 10 minute applause and said: "This is idolatry! Why is he getting so much praise???"
I didn't know how to answer back then because I was a drone myself. But that statement did have a profound effect, because I remember it clearly to this day (it was probably about 15 years ago). I believe my response was "oh, they're probably just happy about the prayer and having enjoyed the convention."
Of course, later in life I would have said "they're really happy that the DC is finally over!"
ok.... are you a glutton for punishment?
you'll love this "encouraging email"..... .
i just received this experience from a friend, how loving a father jehovah is!!!
It took 3 years for the coincidence to occur. And for Song19's mom (my inlaw), it took 20. I guess most JWs never took a course on probabilities and distributions in university!
Hey, given more time, just about any coincidence can occur! (Pray enough to win the lottery, play everyday and you are bound to win something! Then attribute it to God.) Damn, now I see why some scientists support evolution, but must give BILLIONS of years for it to occur lol!
he was telling me that by 2020, none of "this" (the weeeerld) is going to be here, but it's still a good idea to have a 401(k) because you can use it for other things, like a down payment on a house or something.
then he started talking about how he never thought he would retire, and now he's faced with it.
i just kind of thought that was funny.
Ah, if we only knew sooner!
If the WTS has their way, the "mature" christian will not save more than is necessary (extra funds go to the WTS), will not accumulate assets, will not advance in any career (and thus perpetually remain in a low income bracket), etc. The "not-so-mature" christian may additionally run up debt thinking he will never have to pay them off. Very, very few will save for a meaningful retirement.
How sad, very sad. And we were all affected by this to some degree.
Starting "all over" later in life is difficult, but can be done.
i'm a new member as i've not completely left the org yet and being a "good lil jw" would never have looked at a site like this previously!
there is one elder in the cong who calls around every so often to "chat" as i only stopped attending meeting a couple of months ago.
i've spoken to him about certain subjects - eg the un thing and the misuse of quotes - but he has no useful answers for me.
Welcome to the board AM.
There are some very good points made thus far. You don't want to give the elder any ammo, even if he appears to be sincerely caring. If you wish to simply fade, it is best to be as low key as possible.
didn't have much money...everyone wanted to come, so i reluctantly invited many.
we had lots of good food and nice bottles of wine, white and red.
so it cost a bit to set up....my soon to be wife said: "don't worry, your a pioneer, i'm sure the brothers will be generous with their gifts!
I know of a couple of male dubs who come to your house, drinks your beer, and STUFFS HIS COAT POCKETS to take home whatever beer bottles remains.
I mean, what kind of twisted, ill-humoured guest does this? Is this seen in the "world?"
couldn't help but post this recent strip.. doesn't it sound familiar?
the first caption should read: "through considerable prayer and discussion, the gb has decided to provide web cams for congregation elders to keep a loving watch over you.
" lol.
i heard that the latest watchtower mag made reference to the borganization undergoing "invisible growth".
anybody can fill me in with the details and context?
Maybe they are referring to the "faders" who wish to or are becoming "invisible". There is much growth in that area.