Interesting reasoning. It is exactly the opposite of the famous words of Spock: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one".... Here we have "the needs of the FEW outweigh the needs of the REST"...
sheesh.. poor 6 brothers who have to prepare for the bookstudy! That is total BS. When I conducted a book study, there was no more preparation than the effort of a regular publisher studying. And that's because we supposedly we're adept at conducting, so no real special preperation was required. PERIOD.
Also, what truly astounds me is that all the attention that individual flock members received is now forever LOST. Those who were timid and shy would only participate in small groups... They felt that THIS was their FAMILY. And now the family has been taken away and those rank and file will fade into the audience, never to put up their hand up again.... How considerate of the WTS!
And how many of us know that family studies DO NOT WORK. NOBODY ever takes them seriously, and it's rarely an upbuilding event.
The WTS has shot themselves in the foot, imo.